




1. What’s the woman doing?

A. Waiting for the man.

B. Calling for a taxi.

C. Selecting her clothes.

2. What does the man mean?

A. The royal family are lucky.

B. He likes the royal family.

C. He doesn’t want a King or Queen.

3. What does the man NOT like?

A. Pop music.

B. The bad weather.

C. German films.

4. How does the man feel?

A. Excited.

B. Surprised.

C. Embarrassed.

5. What users’ information was stolen?

A. Email address.

B. Credit card.

C. Bank account number.




6. What’s the deadline for the essay?

A. Wednesday morning.

B. Tuesday morning.

C. Monday morning.

7. What’s the most probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Classmates.

B. Family members.

C. Teacher and student.


8. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At the airport.

B. At the post office.

C. In the embassy.

9. What is the woman sorry for?

A. She can’t follow what the man said.

B. She doesn’t take the passport.

C. She said something wrong.


10. What can we know about Ontario?

A. It’s on the West Coast.

B. It has mountains.

C. It’s more flat.

11. What’s Andrew’s favorite sport?

A. Skating.

B. Skiing.

C. Swimming.

12. How is winter in Kelowna?

A. Not too cold.

B. Very cold.

C. A little warm.


13. How many pets are there in Britain?

A. About 62 million.

B. About 49 million.

C. About 30 million.

14. What pets are very popular now in Britain?

A. Dogs.

B. Spiders.

C. Rabbits.

15. What does Eric say about pets?

A. He loves cats.

B. He likes snakes and lizards.

C. He doesn’t want a pet.

16. Who are they talking about in the end?

A. Beggars.

B. The blind.

C. Street artists.


17. Why has the average life expectancy risen greatly?

A. Because of new food.

B. Because of modern medicine.

C. Because of fewer diseases.

18. What of an average age can Americans expect to live now?

A. 89.5.

B. 85.

C. 80.

19. In what country people have the highest average life expectancy?

A. Monaco.

B. Japan.

C. Singapore.

20. How old is the world’s oldest living person?

A. 115.

B. 116.

C. 122.


Text 1

W: I think I’ll take my green silk dress.

M: Are you listening to me? If the taxi arrives I will go without you. I mean it.

W: I’m going to take my blue cotton dress.

Text 2

W: You know, some people don’t think we should have a King or Queen, but I think the royal family are quite popular, don’t you? People like them.

M: Yeah, I agree.

Text 3

M: I’m from Iran but studying in Germany. I feel very homesick, especially when the weather is cold and rainy!

W: You can make yourself feel better by listening to pop music, watching films or going to a restaurant.

Text 4

M: Last week an old classmate found me on the Facebook. I felt kind of rude not accepting his friend invitation, so I accepted it.

W: If you don’t want to be his friend, you can delete it a little bit later.

Text 5

W:Yesterday, Yahoo said that online information associated with 500 million user accounts had been stolen.

M: My Goodness!

W: It said names, email addresses, phone numbers, birth date, passwords and security questions could have been hacked. But bank account numbers or credit card information wasn’t stolen.

Text 6

M: Ashley, the deadline for the essay is Monday morning.

W: Oh no! I think the deadline is Tuesday morning or Wednesday morning. Is Mrs. Thomson really serious? She really won’t accept any essays after Monday, Jason?

M: Oh yes, she’s serious. I did a course with her last year.Two people failed because they didn’t do their essays on time.

W: Oh, God!

Text 7

W: Good morning. I want to collect a parcel. It’s from Venezuela, for Carolina del Barco. Here’s the card.

M: Can I see some identification?

W: Sorry?

M: You need to show me some identification.

W: I need to... I’m very sorry but I don’t understand. Can you speak more slowly?

M: I-den-ti-fi-ca-tion. Like your passport, your driving license, etc. Something that can tell me who you are.

W: Oh... yes... identification. Here is my passport. I’m sorry.

Text 8

W: Andrew, what was it like growing up in Kelowna? You know, I’m from Ontario, which doesn’t have mountains and is a little bit more flat, and I’m always jealous of people who are from the West Coast and have beautiful natural scenes around them.

M: Yeah, absolutely, Maura. We have summer, a beautiful long summer, and I swim a lot. Although it’s fairly grey in the winter but it’s not too cold, which is nice. And of course there are many places for skating. I like it but I like skiing in the mountains more. It was so great.

W: How cold is it there in winter?

M: I think the coldest it would get in Kelowna during the winter is maybe minus 10 degree. So it’s not that bad in Kelowna. And then in the summer it’s... Yeah, it’s really warm.

W: Yeah. It seems not very cold at all, actually.

Text 9

M: Carol, a lot of people in Britain have pets. I did a bit of research that 49 percent of British homes have an animal.

W: Is that a lot, Eric?

M: That’s nearly 30 million pets.But there are a lot of other places with as many pets as Britain, or even more ... the USA, New Zealand, some countries in Europe — 62 million homes in Europe have pets. Britain isn’t that unusual.

W: Cats and dogs are the most common pets in Britain, right?

M: Well, actually, they now think that the most popular pets in Britain are...

W: Well, if it isn’t dogs or cats... um... I don’t know. Rabbits?

M: Nope... Snakes and lizards...and spiders are really popular now.

W: Yeuk. I’m not sure I could love a spider.

M: Nor me. In fact, I don’t want a pet at all.

W: Really? I think you love cats. Do you know, people who ask for money on the street, well, if they have a dog with them, then they get more money.

M: Ha! Is that true? Money for the dog, but not for the person?

Text 10 (约190词)

M: A new study suggests there may be a limit to how long people can live.

American researchers found that the longest a human being can live is about 115 years.

The researchers are with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City. Their findings were published in the journal Nature.

The researchers found that the average life expectancy has risen greatly since the 19th century. This has resulted partly from developments in modern medicine, and improved treatments for cancer and heart disease. In addition, there have been many improvements in public health and nutrition.

In 1900, someone born in the United States could expect to live 47 years. Today, Americans can expect to live to an average age of 80.

According to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, Monaco has the highest average life expectancy in the world — 89.5 years. Next are Singapore and Japan — each at 85 years.

The oldest person to ever live was Jeanne Calment of France. Calment was 122 years old when she died in 1997. An Italian woman, Emma Morano, is currently recognized as the world’s oldest living person. She is 116 years old.


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