




1. Why does the woman refuse to drink tea?

A. She doesn’t like tea.

B. She’s afraid of sleeplessness.

C. She has digestion problem.

2. What time is it now?

A. 1:30 p.m.

B. 2:00 p.m.

C. 2:30 p.m.

3. What is the woman unsatisfied with about the TV?

A. The design.

B. The size.

C. The price.

4. What’s the woman’s attitude to the theme park?

A. Supportive.

B. Opposed.

C. Confused.

5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. The investment.

B. Dancing.

C. Shopping.




6. Where does the conversation happen?

A. In customs.

B. In a university.

C. In a hotel.

7. How soon will the woman leave the US?

A. In about 10 days.

B. In about 20 days.

C. In about 30 days .


8. What does the man need the money for?

A. For a skateboard.

B. For business.

C. For a date.

9. What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A. Friends.

B. Brother and sister.

C. Colleagues.


10. Where are the speakers getting the tour information?

A. From the Internet.

B. In an agency.

C. From the flyer.

11. What has the man been dreaming of?

A. Floating in river.

B. Hiking in mountains.

C. Flying in the sky.

12. How does the woman expect her trip to be?

A. Exciting and safe.

B. Adventurous and creative.

C. Safe and creative.


13. How long has the man been married?

A. About 5 years.

B. About 15 years.

C. About 50 years.

14. What present did the man give his wife last year?

A. A pearl necklace.

B. A gold necklace.

C. A diamond necklace.

15. Why does NOT the man choose the silver earrings?

A. He doesn’t like the design.

B. They cost too much.

C. His wife can’t wear them.

16. How much does the bracelet cost actually?

A. $450.

B. $490.

C. $500.


17. What is 42 the name for?

A. A fiction.

B. A university.

C. A movie.

18. What can be trained in the college?

A. IT knowledge for programming.

B. Writing skills for science fictions.

C. Marketing skills for business.

19. What will be given to a graduate?

A. A formal degree.

B. A recommendation letter.

C. A certificate.

20. What do we know about the college?

A. The headquarters are in the US.

B. Some graduates are hired by global companies.

C. It takes students 2 to 3 years to graduate.


Text 1

M: A cup of tea would help digestion.

W: No, thanks. I’d be sleepless if I drink it now.

Text 2

M: I’m so dead! You should have woken me up half an hour ago,Mum!

W: I remember you told me to wake you up at this time.

M: I said 2:00 p.m. Never mind! I gotta go. See you.

Text 3

M:Wow, curved-screen! Look how fashionable this TV set is, honey!

W: I agree, and we can get a discount for this Christmas season. But don’t you think it’s a bit too small for our living room?

Text 4

M: Constructing a theme park here will definitely give a boost to our town’s economy.

W: Yeah, and deprive the peace and innocence here.

Text 5

W: You should have been more careful when making that investment decision! Look how much money we’ve lost!

M: How can you just blame me for the failure? It takes two to tango! You said “yes” when I asked your opinion!

Text 6

M: Good afternoon. Your passport and arrival card, please.

W: Here you are, Sir.

M: What is your purpose of coming to the United States?

W: For vacation. My friend Jocelyn studies in Yale University, and she’s going to be my tour guide the whole time for the next three weeks.

M: Good. Do you have anything to declare?

W: Nope. I only have my clothes and cellphone!

M: Very well. Welcome to the United States. Enjoy your visit.

Text 7

M: Can I borrow 200 bucks? I’ll pay you back next Monday.

W: What for?

M: Tracy finally agreed to have a date with me. I need money for it.

W: I’m not going to give my money just for your pleasure.

M: Come on, your little brother’s future happiness depends on it!

W: Well, give me your limited edition skateboard. I’ll return it when you pay me back.

M: I can’t believe you don’t trust me!

W: You have nothing to worry about if you keep your word.

Text 8

M: Look at this travel agent, honey. Adventure Tours — ten years of experience in the adventure tourism. Seems like the one we’ve been looking for.

W: Do they have any introduction of what items they can offer on their web?

M: Let me see. This one: Whitewater floating — sounds exciting!

W: No way! I’m not going to throw myself down a river full of rocks in a rubber boat!

M: Well, here — Jumping off the plane from 5,000 meters high! So creative! I’ve always had this dream of flying!

W: Er, you’d better kill me now.

M: What would you like then?

W: I’m thinking something exciting, but safer. How about this one: A hiking trip through the Himalayas for three days. That’s more like it!

M: Sounds fine to me.

Text 9

W: Hello, Sir. Is there anything I can help you with?

M: Yeah! I’m looking for a piece of jewelry for my wife. Our fifth anniversary is coming next Friday.

W: Wow, that’s very sweet. Glad I could help. Anything particular you have in mind, Sir?

M: Not really... I’m at a loss.

W: Well, how about this pearl necklace? Look how shiny it is!

M: Actually I bought a gold necklace for her last year, so I’d like to try something different.

W: Okay. Then what do you think of this pair of silver earrings? They cost only $120 for this special heart-shaped design.

M: They look nice and the price’s reasonable, but my wife is allergic to silver.

W: I see. Maybe you want to consider this bracelet. It’s made of different gemstones, very elegant. It costs a little expensive though, $500, but we can offer a 10% discount today.

M: This one is her style. Okay, I’ll take it.

Text 10 (约180词)

M: A university without any teachers has opened in California last month.

It’s called 42 — the name taken from the answer to the meaning of life, from the science fiction series “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”.

The US 42 college, a branch of an institution in France with the same name, will train about a thousand students a year in coding and software development by getting them to help each other with projects, then mark one another’s work.This might seem like the blind leading the blind — and it’s hard to imagine parents at an open day being impressed by a university offering zero contact hours.

But since 42 started in Paris in 2013, applications have been hugely oversubscribed.

Like in the computer games the students are asked to design, they go up a level by competing a project. They graduate when they reach level 21, which usually takes three to five years.

And at the end there is a certificate but no formal degree.

Recent graduates are now working at companies including IBM, Amazon, and Tesla, as well as starting their own firms.


1—5 BCBBA 6—10 ABCBA 11—15CAABC 16—20ABACB

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    田儿_4c 回复 @听友444315519: 还留一手呀!