E51 朗读版 | Fighting shoulder to shoulder

E51 朗读版 | Fighting shoulder to shoulder


Raya caught sight of her own reflection in the blade of her sword. She was startled by the hatred she saw in her eyes. 

She glanced back at Namaari. In one second, she could have her revenge. But was that the person she wanted to be? Was that what Sisu would have wanted? Or her ba? 

A cry from outside penetrated Raya’s thoughts. She glanced out the window and was stunned to see familiar faces.

When she’d left Tong, Boun, Tuk Tuk, and Noi in the woods, she’d left behind three of the Gem pieces to protect them from the Druun. But now they were here. And they were using the pieces to help the citizens of Fang escape.

“Tong, there’s still people back there!” Boun was yelling. “Hurry! We’re running out of time.” “Got it! Everyone out! Come with me!” Tong cried, herding people before him.
Raya suddenly understood. She could help destroy the world, or she could help save it. That was the choice she had to make.

Leaving Namaari huddled on the floor, Raya ran to her friends.

Outside, the city was in chaos. Druun swarmed everywhere in an unrelenting whirlwind. Through the swirling clouds of darkness, Raya could faintly see the dim glow of her friends’ Gem shards as they tried to fight the Druun off. She headed right toward them. She wanted to help however she could.

“Get to the water! Keep going! Keep going!” Boun yelled, brandishing his shard. Noi waved hers, too, managing to clear enough of a path for people to escape.

Tong was piling people onto his broad back. He raced them to safety, then returned for more. Even the Ongis were doing their part to keep the Druun away.

Raya helped load a group of terrified children onto Tuk Tuk’s back. But each time she drove one Druun back, another swooped in. The Gem fragments were losing their power. The magic was dwindling.

“Okay, Tuk Tuk. These are the last of them,”

Raya shouted over the hissing growls of the Druun. “Go! We’re right behind you!”

But as Tuk Tuk trundled off, a Druun rose up, blocking his path. The children on his back screamed.

“Tuk Tuk!” Raya rushed to help them. But the Druun was closer. It swooped hungrily toward her friend and the kids.

Suddenly, a lone figure leapt in front of Tuk Tuk, holding a glowing Gem piece high to drive back the Druun.

“What are you waiting for?” Namaari yelled at the startled Tuk Tuk. “Go!”

Raya gasped. Namaari turned toward Raya while Tuk Tuk hurried away with his cargo of children. But then, another earthquake hit. The ground beneath them cracked.

“Raya!” Boun shouted.

“It’s the one who slayed Sisu!” Tong roared after he caught sight of Namaari.

Raya felt herself falling down, down. Then the world collapsed around her, and everything went black.

