E50 朗读版|The crumbling palace

E50 朗读版|The crumbling palace


Chapter 17 

The city of Fang was in chaos. The ground shook and buildings crumbled as a storm of Druun swept through. Everywhere, people screamed and ran, trying to escape the swirling darkness. 

As Raya climbed the steps of Fang Palace, people shoved past her, fleeing for their lives. Raya barely noticed their cries. The only sound she heard was the furious pounding of her own heart.

With her sword by her side, she strode right past the palace guards. None of them moved to stop her. They couldn’t — they’d all been turned to stone.

A cloud of Druun swooped toward Raya. But when she raised her Gem shard, they shrank away, and she passed through unharmed.

Raya found Namaari in the throne room. She was standing before a statue of her mother, Namaari’s head bowed in grief. Even Chief Virana had not been safe from the Druun.

The princess turned. When she saw Raya with her sword raised, Namaari’s face hardened. “Let’s finish this,binturi.” She drew out two long knives.

Namaari was the most skilled fighter Raya had ever met. And though she fought fiercely while Fang Palace started to crumble around them, her skill was no match for Raya’s rage. Raya poured her fury and heartbreak into every blow. She struck for Sisu, for herba, for the beautiful world that had been lost to them …

With a swift blow, she knocked a knife from Namaari’s hand.

Namaari lunged again. Raya countered, knocking her down. Namaari’s other knife spun away across the floor. With a softplink, the dragon pendant slid from her hands. Namaari scrambled to grab it. Raya stepped over Namaari, raising her sword.

“Liar!” Raya roared.
“I don’t care if you believe me,” Namaari said.

She kept her eyes on the pendant cupped in her hands. “Sisu did. But you didn’t trust her. That’s why we’re here.”

Raya hesitated. Every fiber of her being longed to strike Namaari down. But something held her back. Could what Namaari said be true? If she had only trusted Sisu, would the dragon still be alive?

“Do whatever you want, but you’re as much to blame for Sisu’s death as I am.” Namaari closed her eyes, waiting for Raya’s blow.

