【英语童话基础版】The Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭(附双语文本)

【英语童话基础版】The Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭(附双语文本)



Narrator: It was summer in the country. The corn was gold, and the fields were green. The fields were surrounded by large forests, and in the middle of the forests were deep lakes.

An old farmhouse stood in a sunny spot near a river. Between the river and the house was a nest of tall leaves. On the leaves, a duck sat on her nest, waiting for her eggs to hatch.

Mother Duck: Oh, I wish my eggs would hurry and hatch. I am tired of waiting. They have been in their shells so long. I never have any guests. The other ducks like to swim in the river more than they like to climb up the bank to talk to me.

Narrator: Soon, one shell cracked, and then another, and from each egg came a little duckling. They lifted their heads and cried,

Ducklings #1-4Crack, crack

Mother Duck: Quack, quack. Look around little ones, see the world.

Duckling #1: Look how large the world is.

Duckling #2: Look how green the world is.

Duckling #3: Look how much room there is to move around.

Duckling #4: There’s a lot more room out here than in that eggshell!

Mother Duck: Do you think this is the whole world? No, my loves. Wait until you see the garden. Are you all out?





鸭妈妈: 嘎,嘎。孩子们,四处看看。






Narrator : There was one egg that had not hatched. So, the mother duck sat back down and waited some more. One day, an old duck visited her.

Old Duck: Well, how are you doing Mother Duck?

Mother Duck: One egg has not hatched yet. It will not break. But, look at all the others. Are they not the prettiest little ducklings you ever saw?

Old Duck: Oh yes. Let me see the egg that will not break. I think it’s a turkey’s egg. I know all about such things. Listen to me, leave it where it is and teach the other children to swim.

Mother Duck: I think I will sit on it a little longer. I have sat so long already, a few days will be nothing.

Narrator : At last, the egg hatched and a little duckling cried,

Ugly Duckling: Crack, crack.

Mother Duck: It is very large and ugly. It is not at all like the others. I wonder if it really is a turkey. We will find out when we go to the water. We will see if it goes in.

Narrator : The next day, the mother duck took her ducklings to the river and The Ugly Duckling

jumped in with a splash. One after another the little ducklings jumped in. They swam in the water easily, and the ugly duckling was also in the water swimming with them.

Mother Duck: Oh, that is not a turkey. Look how well he swims. He is my little duckling, and he is not ugly after all. Quack, quack. Come children, I will take you to meet the farmyard. You must keep close to me and watch out for the cat.

Narrator : The mother duck led her ducklings around the farmyard. The ducklings did what they were told, following behind after their mother and saying ‘quack, quack’ to everyone they met.

Old Duck: Look, here comes Mother Duck and her ducklings, as if there were not enough of us already! What a funny looking thing one of them is. Oh, we don’t want him here!

Mother Duck: Leave him alone! He is not doing any harm.

Old Duck: Yes, but he is so big and ugly. He cannot stay in this farmyard! The others are very pretty children. I do wish that you could make him better my dear.

Mother Duck: He does not need to be anything better, thank you. He may not be as pretty as the others, but he is a good duckling and will grow to be strong, you just wait and see!

旁白: 还有一个鸡蛋没有孵化。于是,鸭妈妈坐了下来,接着等。一天,一只老鸭子来拜访她。








旁白: 第二天,鸭妈妈带着她的小鸭子来到河边,丑小鸭扑通一声跳了进去。一只又一只的小鸭子跳了下来,他们在水里游得很轻松,丑小鸭也在水里和他们一起游泳。



老鸭子: 看,鸭妈妈和她的小鸭子来了,但我们已经受够了!其中一个看起来多么滑稽。哼,我们不要他在这里!




Narrator: But, the other ducks made fun of the ugly duckling.

Duckling #3: He is too big.

Duckling #4: He is too ugly.

Duckling #2: I think he must be a turkey after all!

Duckling #1: I wish the cat would get him!

Ugly Duckling: They are afraid of me because I am ugly. I am going to run away.

Narrator: So, the ugly duckling closed his eyes, and flew higher than the birds. He flew and flew and everywhere he went the birds, chickens, and cats found him to be quite ugly.

Narrator: As the ugly duckling flew with the birds, he was not jealous of their beauty. He just wished he could be as pretty as they were. He missed the ducks and wished they had not made fun of him so he could have stayed.

Narrator: At last, he came to a pond. There, he found three beautiful white swans swimming lightly over the water. The ugly duckling flew to the water. He thought the swans were sure to make fun of him and make him leave, but when they saw him, they rushed to him and welcomed him with open wings.

Narrator: The ugly duckling did not understand. He hung his head, afraid of them. But what did he see in the clear water below?

Ugly Duckling: That can’t be me! Where is the dark, gray ugly duckling? Why, I am now a beautiful swan!

Narrator : It was not a turkey egg that found its way into mother duck’s nest, but a swan egg.

Narrator : The ugly duckling now felt glad that everyone had made fun of him. All of his troubles made him enjoy his happiness even more! Some little children came into the garden and began to throw bread into the water.

Child #1: Look, there is a new swan!

Child #2: Look, a new one has come!

Child #3: The new one is the prettiest of all.

Ugly Duckling: I never dreamed of such happiness when I was an ugly duckling!

旁白: 但是,其他的鸭子取笑丑小鸭。













孩子 #1:看,有一只新天鹅!

孩子 #2:看,来了只新的天鹅!

孩子 #3:新的是最漂亮的。


  • 陳大小姐826


    晨欣双语 回复 @陳大小姐826: 谢谢!欢迎经常来听哟

  • 乐乐爱吃鸡腿


    乐乐爱吃鸡腿 回复 @乐乐爱吃鸡腿: 哎呀,真是太难为我这个英语渣渣了

  • 风云黑夜


    晨欣双语 回复 @风云黑夜: 谢谢收听!欢迎常常来哦

  • 晨欣双语
