【英语童话基础版】Gingerbread Man 姜饼人(附双语文本)

【英语童话基础版】Gingerbread Man 姜饼人(附双语文本)


Once upon a time, there was an old woman who loved to bake. One day she made a gingerbread man.

 “Oh, I can’t wait to eat this gingerbread man. He looks so good.”

 Suddenly the Gingerbread man jumped off the cookie sheet and ran out the door.

 “AHH. What is going on? This Gingerbread man is running away.”

“Bye Bye. I’m running away and you can’t catch me.”

The old woman ran after the Gingerbread man.

“Ha, ha. I’m too fast but try to catch me if you can.”

The Gingerbread man and the old woman ran past a field. There was a cow standing there.

“Why is that women chasing a Gingerbread man? Hmm, I’m a bit hungry. I’ll chase him too.”

The Gingerbread man saw that the cow had joined the chase.

“Ha, ha. I’m too fast but try and catch me if you can.”

Now the cow and the old woman were chasing the Gingerbread man. A dog, who had been sniffing along the path, saw the three of them heading towards him.

“Wow that Gingerbread man is running very fast. I don’t think the cow or old woman can catch him, but I can.”

The dog joined the chase.

“Ha, ha. You think you’re fast, but I’m faster. Catch me if you can.”

Now the old woman, the cow and the dog were all chasing the Gingerbread man. They passed a horse.

“That Gingerbread man sure is fast. Nobody can catch him. Maybe if I run my fastest, though, I’ll be able to get him. He would make a lovely afternoon snack.”

So the horse also started running after the Gingerbread man.

“Ha, ha. None of you are as fast as me. Catch me if you can.”

The Gingerbread man was running so fast that soon he was far ahead of the old woman, the cow, the dog and the horse. He turned around the corner and suddenly there was a long river in front of him. There was no way he could cross it. He was stuck! After a few minutes though a fox came by.

“Hello Gingerbread man. What are you doing?”

“I am running away from an old woman, a cow, a dog and a horse. They are far behind me, but now that I’m stuck at this river they’ll probably catch up and eat me.”

“I can help you cross the river.”


“Oh yes. Just jump on my tail and I will swim across.”

“What a great idea.”

The Gingerbread man jumped on the fox’s tail, but after a few minutes he started getting wet as the river got deeper.

“Jump on my back so you can stay dry.”

“OK. This is better”

but again, after a few minutes the Gingerbread man was getting wet again.

“Jump on my head so you can stay dry. ”

“OK. This is better and we are almost across the river.”

But again, after a few minutes the Gingerbread man was wet again. “Jump onto my nose so you can stay dry.” “OK. Hey, what are you doing?” Before the Gingerbread man could say anything else, the fox used his tongue to get the Gingerbread man and put him into his mouth. When the old woman, the cow, the dog and the horse got to the river the only thing they saw was a fox all alone, swimming to the other side.


































  • 乐乐爱吃鸡腿


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