【英语童话基础版】Rapunzel 长发姑娘(附双语文本)

【英语童话基础版】Rapunzel 长发姑娘(附双语文本)



once upon a time there lived a very poor man and woman. They were looking for something to eat in the woods.
"I'm so hungry. Look. There's a house over there. Maybe they have some food."
"Let's go check."
The man and the woman walked to the house and saw there was a vegetable garden behind it."
"Shoulden't we ask the owner?"
"I don't see anyone and I'm so hungry. Let's just take it."
The man and woman took the lettuce and were just about to leave when they heard a creaky, old voice.
"What are you doing here? That's my lettuce."
"Oh, we're so hungry and you gave a lot of food."
"Yes, can we please take the lettuce?"
"Yes, you can take the lettuce, but when your first child is born you will give her to me."
"What! No, no."
"Yes, you have taken my lettuce so you must give your child when she is born."
The man and woman just shook their heads and ran to their samll home. They thought the witch would never find them. A few months later they had a baby girl.
"We have our baby girl now. Do you think that crazy witch will come?"
"No, how can she even know where we are!"
But the witch did know and that night she came and took the baby away. She put the baby in a tower that had no doors, only one small window. The baby grew up into a beautiful girl with long blond hair.
"Rapunzel, why are you always looking out that window?"
"I want to see the world. Why must I stay in this tower? It's boring"
"You have to stay here. This is your life."
Rapunzel sighed and started singing. It was the only thing made her happy. As she singing, a prince rode by."
"What a beautiful song. I wonder where it's coming from."
The prince loved the song so much that he rode by every day to listen. One day when the prince was riding by, the witch called up to Rapunzel to let her up.
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair and let me come up."
"Yes, yes.Please don't pull too hard."
But the witch pulled very hard as she climbed up the tower wall. The prince watched from behind a tree.
"The girl with the long hair must be the singer. I want to meet her."
The next day, the prince called up to Rapunzel.
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let me down your hair and let me come up."
"Your voice is strange today. Ok come up. Oh you are being gentle today."
"That's because I'm not the witch."
Rapunzel stepped back as the prince came into the tower.
"Who are you?"
"I'm a prince from a nearby kingdom. I heard you singing and wanted to meet you. Why are you in this tower?"
"The witch has kept me locked up in here all my life. Can you help me excape?"
"Of course. I'll come back tomorrow with ropes and take you away with me to my castle."
"Thank you, thank you."
While Rapunzel was dreaming of her escape the witch called up to her.
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair and let me come up."
"Ouch! Why do you hurt me? The prince didn't."
"What prince? Who came to see you?"
"No one. Forget it. I was just talking nonsense."
"No, a prince came to see you. Well he won't be back. Get me the scissors."
"No, no."
The witch cut off all of Rapunzel's hair. Rapunzel cried and cried, but the witch kept cutting. Then she waited for the prince.
"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair and let me come up."
The witch threw down Rapunzel's hair and the prince climbed up. When he got to the top he was shocked to see the witch.
"Who are you?"
"I'm the witch who will push you off the tower."
The witch pushed and the prince fell into the bush, hurting his eyes.
"I can't see, I can't see."
Rapunzel ran to the window.
"No, my prince. What has the witch done?"
Rapunzel started crying again and her tears fell on the prince's face.
"I can see again. I'll save you Rapunzel. Grab the rope."
The prince threw the rope to the tower. Rapunzel pushed the witch put of the way and grabbed the rope.
"Goodbye witch. Now you'll stay here forever."
"No, come back here."
The witch tried to grab Rapunzel, but she was already climbing down the rope to the prince.
"Sorry witch, but you can't come."
Rapunzel pulled the rope down to the ground and the witch was stuck in the tower with no way out.
"Come on Rapunzel. Jump on my horse and let's go to my castle."
"Thank you so much. I never want to come back here again."
The prince and Rapunzel got married and lived happily ever after. The witch never left the tower again.

  • 雪糕很咸


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