


Lesson Thirteen Who Shall Dwell? 225

Do you also agree that man should prepare to rise above the "mine" thinking? Do you think the two principles cinflict with each other ?

4.1) I agree that a man's primary duty is to provide forand protect his family.我同意男人的主要责任是供养和保护他的家庭。

If everybody takes good care of their families, they aredoing their duty to society.如果每个人都照顾好他们的家庭,他们是在履行他们对社会的责任。

When people desert their old parents, when parents leavetheir crippled babies in hospitals, they actually shift their burden ontosociety.当人们抛弃他们年迈的父母,当父母把残疾的婴儿留在医院,他们实际上是把他们的负担转嫁给了社会。

Of course a man also should contribute to the society helives in because the welfare of an individual and his family is closely relatedto the prosperity of society.当然,一个人也应该为他所生活的社会做出贡献,因为个人和家庭的福利与社会的繁荣密切相关。

The stronger and more prosperous a society is, the more itcan provide for its people.一个社会越强大、越繁荣,它能为人民提供的东西就越多。So I think a man sometimes should think more of others, ofhis community所以我认为一个人有时候应该多为他人着想,多为他的社区着想

I think the two don't conflict with each other in the longterminterest of individuals.我认为,从个人的长远利益来看,这两者并不冲突。

But the two may conflict with each other in their immediatebenefits.但在眼前利益方面,两者可能会发生冲突。

Therefore we have to sacrifice our short-term interest forthe long-term happiness of the whole nation including our own families.


4.2) what would you do in similar circumstances?

2)I'm not sure what I would do. But one thing iscertain: I would do all I could to protect my parents. 


5. write a paragraph of about 200 words to compare and contrast the behaveiour of the father and the mother during the crisis.

you can use this outline:

1) stage one (the getting ready)  how did they respond to the bomb alert?

2) stage two (the waiting ) what problem did they face while in the shelter? did they see eye to eye with each other on the problem? what did the argue about when the shelter was being built?

3)stage three (the last three minutes) what did they do before the first bomb struck?

4)conclusion  do you think the husband and his wife had much or little in common?

5The man and his wife were both loving parents.Whenth bomb alert reached them, they both first thought of thei children, andrushed them to their shelter.这个男人和他的妻子都是慈爱的父母。当炸弹警报到达时,他们首先想到的是孩子们,急忙把他们送到了避难所。

However, they could not see eye to eye on whether theyshould share the shelter with their neighbours.然而,他们在是否应该和邻居分享避难所的问题上意见不一致。

The man thought that a man's primary duty was to protecthis own family.这个男人认为男人的首要职责是保护自己的家庭。

But the wife thought that in times of crisis, they shouldrise above the "mine" thinking and that they had no reason not to sharetheir refuge with others.但妻子认为,在危机时刻,他们应该超越“我”的想法,他们没有理由不与他人分享他们的避难所。

When the man refused a neighbour, the wife felt sorry.当这个男人拒绝了一个邻居,妻子感到很难过。

·        Then, when a woman pleaded with them to let her littlegirl in, the man felt very bad, but he didn't move.


·        The wife then opened the door, dashed out and pushed thegirl in.妻子打开门,冲了出去,把女孩推了进去。

·        The man hated the girl, but he knew he could not turn herout.这个男人讨厌这个女孩,但他知道他不能把她赶走。

·        In another minute, he made a big decision, which he nowthought he should have done earlier.又过了一分钟,他做出了一个重大决定,现在他认为他应该早点做这个决定。

·        After telling his elder son what he should do, he wentout of the shelter and pushed two children in.在告诉他的大儿子他应该做什么之后,他走出了庇护所,把两个孩子推了进去。

·        The wife watched this with tears in her eyes.妻子含泪看着这一切。

·        Their actions expressed their devotion to each other.他们的行为表明了他们对彼此的忠诚。

Lesson Fourteen Cipherin the Snow 239

4.1) Whom does the author blame(责怪) for what had happened to cliff cliff Evans? what ,according to the author,caused his death?

4.1) The author thinks that bad education was responsiblefor what happened to Cliff Evans.


When Cliff began school, his I.Q. was above average.当克里夫开始上学时,他的智商高于平均水平。

He was a sweet child and an eager learner though he was abit shy and timid.


Timid and shy children need encouraging and they are easilyhurt.胆小害羞的孩子需要鼓励,他们很容易受伤。

Gradually, Cliff's shyness and timidity were taken as"dullness", "uncooperativeness".渐渐地,克里夫的羞怯和胆怯被认为是“迟钝”、“不合作”。

He was never given an opportunity to take part in activitiesof any sort at school.在学校里,他从来没有机会参加任何活动。

Then he began to believe what his teachers said about him,and bit by bit, he lost all confidence in himself and became more and moreinward-looking and lonely, and his grades became poorer and poorer.后来,他开始相信了老师对他的评价,一点一点地,他对自己失去了信心,变得越来越内向,越来越孤独,成绩也越来越差。

Finally he turned into a complete failure at school.最后,他在学校彻底失败了。

The author thinks that as Cliff accepted what his teacherssaid about him, and as he found no pleasure in life either at school or athome, he lost all confidence and hope.作者认为,由于克里夫接受了老师对他的评价,在学校和家里都找不到生活的乐趣,他失去了所有的信心和希望。

There was nothing for him to live for and to strive for.他没有活下去的目的和奋斗的目标。

So, unlike the man in the story "Love of Life"who tried hard to stay alive, Cliff gave up and finally he died of despair.所以,不像《生命之爱》中那个努力求生的男人,克利夫放弃了,最终死于绝望。

4.2)  what lesson do you think you can learn, as  a student, from cliff's  death?

2)I think the most important lesson I can learn is that we should never give upeven if we have a lot of difficulties in our studies, even if other people saythat we're slow and dullwitted.We may not be asclever as some, or many, of our fellow students, but as long as we work hard,we're sure to achieve a certain degree of success.Andlike Hans Andersen, we may turn out to be very useful people.我认为我能学到的最重要的一课是,即使我们在学习中有很多困难,即使别人说我们迟钝和愚笨,我们也不应该放弃。我们可能不像一些或许多同学那么聪明,但只要我们努力工作,我们一定会取得一定程度的成功。像安徒生一样,我们可能会成为非常有用的人。

4.3) from your experence ,in what way waht teachers do and say might have negative effects on children?

3) I think what teachers do and say can have a greateffect, positive or negative, on children. To a certain extent, small childrenbelieve what their teachers say more than what their parents say. And teachers'words and deeds often leave a very deep impression on children. Besides,children take their teachers as models. So teachers must be very careful aboutwhat they do and say before children. For example, if a teacher looks down on astudent, that child may avoid him/her.我认为老师所做和所说的对孩子有很大的影响,无论是积极的还是消极的。在某种程度上,小孩子相信老师的话多于相信父母的话。而教师的言行往往会给孩子们留下非常深刻的印象。此外,孩子们把他们的老师作为榜样。所以老师必须非常小心他们在孩子面前做什么和说什么。例如,如果一个老师看不起一个学生,那个学生可能会避开他/她。

Lesson Fifteen Bribery-An Inevitable Evil?258

4.1)Why is bribery so widespread? is it an inevitable evil? who is more to blame for bribery, the giver or the taker? what do you think is the root cause of this  evil?

4.1) I think bribery is widespread because it helps certainpeople to get what they want.


For the giver, bribery helps to secure contracts, to breakinto new markets, to get things done smoothly and quickly.


For the receiver, it means a steady flow of money.对接收者来说,这意味着稳定的资金流动。

I think before everybody really becomes financiallysatisfied, that is, when everybody can get what he needs from his salary, etc., bribery seems inevitable.我认为在每个人真正在经济上得到满足之前,也就是说,当每个人都能从他的工资等中得到他需要的东西时,贿赂似乎是不可避免的。

In bribery, both the giver and receiver are equallyresponsible.在贿赂行为中,施受者和对接收者要负同样的责任。

If everybody rejects bribes, or nobody offers bribes, therewould be no such thing as bribery.


I think the root cause of bribery is man's greed我认为贿赂的根本原因是人的贪婪

4.2) do you think you would be able to resist bribes if you  were in a position of responsibility ? suppose you were a businessman,do you think you would try bribiing a key  officaial in order to secure acontract,to clear cargoes,or wahatever ? why /why  not  ?

2)I think perhaps I would for the interests of my company, of my employees andfor my own interests.


Evenif I were not a businessman, I probably would have to bribe a experienced andskilled surgeon so that he/she would agree to perform a difficult operation on meor on a member of my family.即使我不是一个商人,我也可能不得不贿赂一个经验丰富和技术娴熟的外科医生,让他/她同意给我或我的家人做一个困难的手术。

PerhapsI would also bribe someone so that my child would be able to get into a goodday-care centre, or a good school.也许我还会贿赂某人,让我的孩子能够进入一个好的日托中心,或一所好的学校。

ButI think I would reject a bribe offered to me.但我想我会拒绝给我的贿赂。

5  翻译

5.Briberyrefers to the giving or offering of a sum of money or things of value to aperson to get him to act in the giver's favour.贿赂指的是给予或提供一笔钱或有价值的东西给一个人,以使他的行为有利于给予者。

Briberyof/Bribing a public official is a crime in many countries, for both the giverand receiver.


Whena bribe is offered to a public official, definitely the person who offers itexpects him to take advantage of his position to act for the giver's benefit.当向公职人员行贿时,行贿的人肯定是希望他利用自己的职位为行贿者谋取利益。

Inreturn, the official has to act against his duty or even against the law tosatisfy the latter.


Briberyis considered to have taken place once money has changed hands, even if thereceiver has not yet done what the giver has asked him to do. 贿赂被认为是一旦金钱易手,即使收礼者还没有做赠予者要求他做的事情。

Also,a person who asks for or receives a bribe is considered equally guilty with theperson who offers it.


InChina, bribery is a major crime in all departments, governmental, commercial,or educational.


Thepunishment is quite severe, from several months' imprisonment to the deathsentence, depending on the amount and the circumstances.刑罚相当严厉,根据数量和情节,从几个月监禁到死刑不等。

Lesson Sixteen A Social Event  273

4.2)retell what happen in the play as (1) randy brooks, (2) carole mason,or(3) Muriel.

·        My name is Randy Brooks.我叫兰迪·布鲁克斯。

·        I'm a Hollywood actor.我是好莱坞演员。

·        Let me tell you how Carole, my wife, and I managed notonly to attend Scotty Woodrow's funeral, but also join his family at the houseafterwards.让我告诉你,我和我妻子卡萝尔不仅参加了斯科特·伍德罗的葬礼,还在葬礼结束后与他的家人团聚。

·        Scotty was a world-famous star.斯科蒂是世界闻名的明星。

·        We knew it was extremely important for our career to beseen at his funeral with a lot of big shots.我们知道和很多大人物一起参加他的葬礼对我们的职业生涯非常重要。

·        The trouble was that on the very morning the funeral wasto take place we still hadn't got an invitation.


·        Our agent told us there was no way of getting invited atthe last minute.我们的经纪人告诉我们不可能在最后一分钟得到邀请。

·        Then Carole suggested gate crashing, but I rejected thisimmediately.然后卡罗尔建议我破门而入,但我立刻拒绝了。

We were thinking of excuses for our absence when welearned that our maid.我们正在想缺席的理由时,突然得知我们的女佣。

Muriel, was going to the service.穆丽尔要去参加葬礼。

She told us that her mother had been his housekeeper andthat she had actually been born and brought up in the great star's house.她告诉我们,她的母亲曾是他的管家,她实际上是在这位大明星的家里出生和长大的。

Muriel was allowed to bring her family along.穆丽尔被允许带她的家人一起来。

Carole hit upon an idea.

卡罗尔想到了一个主意。She told Muriel that we could go as herfamily in our expensive car.


Muriel liked the idea.穆丽尔喜欢这个主意。

I didn't like our going as the maid's family.我不喜欢我们以女佣一家的身份去。

I didn't think Muriel was on an equal social footing withus, but at that moment our presence at the funeral was the only thing thatcounted.我认为穆丽尔和我们的社会地位不平等,但在那一刻,我们出席葬礼是唯一重要的事情。

So I drove the three of us in my Cadillac to the funeralservice.所以我开着我的凯迪拉克去参加葬礼。

(2) as Carole Mason

I'm Carole Mason, a Hollywood actress. Let me tell you howRandy, my husband, and I managed not only to show up at Scotty Woodrow'sfuneral, but also join his family at the house after the service. Scotty was aworld-famous star. As bigshots.Buton the very morning of the funeral we still hadn't got an invitation.Iwas worried because I had lied to my actress friend, Sandra, and told her thatwe were going. Besides I'd accepted her invitation to go to her houseafterwards.Whenour agent told us the chances of getting an invitation at the last minute werevery small, I thought of gate-crashing, but Randy rejected this ideaimmediately.Wewere trying to find an excuse for our absence when our maid. Muriel, came.我是卡罗尔·梅森,好莱坞女演员。让我告诉你,兰迪,我丈夫,和我不仅出席了斯科蒂·伍德罗的葬礼,还在葬礼结束后和他家人一起去了他家。斯科蒂是世界闻名的明星。是大人物。但就在举行葬礼的那天早上,我们仍然没有收到请柬。我很担心,因为我骗了我的演员朋友桑德拉,告诉她我们要去。此外,我接受了她的邀请,之后去她家。当我们的经纪人告诉我们在最后一分钟得到邀请的机会非常小时,我想到了不速之客,但兰迪立即拒绝了这个想法。我们正想为我们的缺席找个借口,这时我们的女佣。穆里尔,来了。

Shehad asked for leave of absence so that she could go to the funeral.Itturned out that Muriel had actually been born and brought up in the greatstar's house.Hermother worked for Scotty until she died.Iwas glad to hear that Muriel was allowed to bring her family along.Itold Muriel that we were also invited.Butwe could go as her family in our car.Murielliked the idea.I then phonedSandra to apologize that we couldn't go to her house, because we had to joinScotty's family with Muriel at their house. Sandra's voice showed she could hardly hide her envy.她请了假,以便能去参加葬礼。事实证明,穆丽尔实际上是在这颗大星星的房子里出生和长大的。她母亲死前一直为斯科蒂工作。我很高兴穆丽尔被允许带她的家人一起来。我告诉穆丽尔我们也被邀请了。但我们可以作为她的家人坐我们的车去。穆丽尔喜欢这个主意。然后我打电话给桑德拉,向她道歉我们不能去她家,因为我们必须和穆丽尔一起去斯科蒂家。桑德拉的声音显示出她几乎无法掩饰她的嫉妒。

(3) as Murie
I'mMuriel. I work for a young Hollywood couple, Randy Brooks and Carole Mason'smaid and cook. I like to work for film stars. Actually I was born and broughtup in the the house of a world-famous star, Scotty Woodrow, when my mom workedfor him as housekeeper. After mom died and Mr. Woodrow married again, I movedout his house. But they kept sending me Christmas cards every year. Mr.Woodrowwas very good to me. So when Mr. Woodrow died, they invited me to his funeraland to join his family afterwards at the house. That morning I remindedmy mistress that I'd asked for leave of absence for the morning and I told herwhy. She seemed surprised I was invited. So I had to tell her all about myconnection with the big star. My mistress then suggested that I go with them intheir expensive car. She didn't seem to mind going as my family. I liked theidea. This way, I didn't have to go alone in a taxi.我是穆里尔。我为一对好莱坞年轻夫妇工作,兰迪·布鲁克斯和卡罗尔·梅森的女仆兼厨师。我喜欢为电影明星工作。事实上,我是在一个世界闻名的明星斯科蒂·伍德罗的家里出生和长大的,当时我妈妈给他当管家。妈妈去世后,伍德罗先生再婚,我从他家搬了出去。但他们每年都给我寄圣诞卡。伍德罗先生对我很好。所以伍德罗先生死后,他们邀请我参加他的葬礼然后去他家和他的家人团聚。那天早上,我提醒我的女主人,我已经向她请假了,并告诉了她原因。她似乎很惊讶我被邀请了。所以我不得不告诉她我和那个大明星的关系。我的女主人于是建议我和他们一起坐昂贵的汽车去。她似乎并不介意作为我的家人去。我喜欢这个主意。这样,我就不用一个人坐出租车了。

4.3) discuss: what do you learn from this play about the American show business? what is the most important thing for a beginning actor/ actress to succeed : acting ability,connections,publicity ,deternination,looks ,taste and personality?

3) It seems that less well-known actors and actresses dotheir best to establish connections with big shots or to be seen publicly withthem. Probably they think this way, they can succeed more quickly. That's whyRandy Brooks and Carole Mason are so anxious to get invited to the funeral ofScotty Woodrow. This is the impression I get from the play.

5.write a synopsis (概要,大纲)of the play

you can use this outline

1) who are Randy and Carole?

2) what problem is troubling them? why is it a big problem for them?

3) how do they try to solve the problem?  how is it finally solved? how do they feel about the solution?

5Randy and Carole, a newly married couple, have both achieved acertain degree of success in Hollywood.Theynow are troubled by a big problem.Theyhaven't been invited to the funeral of a world-famous star, Scotty Woodrow.Theythink it is extremely important for their career to be seen there with a lot ofbig shots.Whentheir agent informs them there is no way of their getting invited at the lastminute, Carole suggests gatecrashing, and Randy immediately rejects thisidea. 兰迪和卡罗尔是一对新婚夫妇,在好莱坞都取得了一定程度的成功。他们现在正被一个大问题所困扰。他们没有被邀请参加世界著名明星斯科蒂·伍德罗的葬礼。他们认为在那里看到很多大人物对他们的职业生涯是极其重要的。当他们的经纪人通知他们在最后一分钟不可能被邀请时,Carole建议闯门Randy立即拒绝了这个想法。

 As they are trying to find an excuse for theirabsence, their maid, Muriel, tells them she is going to the funeral. Shewas actually born and brought up in the great star's house as her mother hadbeen his housekeeper. As Muriel has also been asked to take her family along,Carole suggests she and Randy go with Muriel as her family, and Randy offers todrive them in his expensive car.Although the couple do not really think theirmaid is on an equal footing with them, at the moment their presence at thefuneral is the only thing that counts.正当他们试图为自己的缺席找借口时,他们的女仆穆丽尔告诉他们,她要去参加葬礼。她实际上是在这位大明星的家里出生和长大的,因为她的母亲曾是他的管家。由于Muriel也被要求带着她的家人一起去,Carole建议她和Randy作为她的家人和Muriel一起去,Randy提出用他昂贵的车载他们。虽然这对夫妇并不真的认为他们的女仆与他们处于平等地位,但此时他们出席葬礼是唯一重要的事情。


