


Lesson Seven  Some Meanings of Authentic Love 131

do you agree with the authors bout the meaning of authentic love? do you have anything else to say about it? which element(s) do you think is /are essential?

4.1) I agree with what the authors say about the meaning of authentic love. I don't think that I've got anything more to say because I'm too young and inexperienced. I'm not quite sure which is the most essential element in other types of love relationship. But I do think the most important element in a parent-child love relationship is respect. Parents should treat their children as independent beings, and give them enough room to grow, to develop the way they want, and not run their lives for them. 我同意作者所说的真爱的意义。我觉得我没什么可说的了,因为我太年轻,也没有经验。我不太确定在其他类型的爱情关系中,哪一个是最重要的因素。但我确实认为亲子关系中最重要的元素是尊重。父母应该把他们的孩子当作独立的存在,给他们足够的空间去成长,去发展他们想要的方式,而不是为他们管理他们的生活。

people have a lot of mistaken ideas about love.Name few.

4.2 One of the commonest mistaken ideas about love is that love can be bought and maintained with money. Because of the quick pace of life today, people are spending less and less time with their loved ones. They think that the more they earn, the happier they'll make their beloved. So they often shower their loved ones with expensive gifts, thinking this is the best way to show their love. These people don't know that love is freely given with no strings attached. The birth and growth of true love is never dependent on wealth.关于爱情最常见的错误观念之一是认为爱情可以用金钱买到并维持。由于当今快节奏的生活,人们花在爱人身上的时间越来越少。他们认为赚得越多,就越能让心爱的人快乐。所以他们经常给他们爱的人送昂贵的礼物,认为这是表达爱的最好方式。这些人不知道爱是没有任何附加条件的自由付出。真正的爱情的产生和成长决不依赖于财富。

Another wrong idea is that a person should do everything for the loved ones, including what they are capable of doing for themselves. We find a lot of parents not only wash and cook for their grown-up children, but also complete forms and look for jobs for them. The more their children depend on them, the more pleased they feel. This kind of love would only deprives the children of the opportunity to tap their own abilities.另一个错误的想法是,一个人应该为所爱的人做一切,包括他们自己能够做的。我们发现很多父母不仅为他们成年的孩子洗衣做饭,而且还为他们填写表格和找工作。孩子越依赖他们,他们就越高兴。这种爱只会剥夺孩子们发挥自己能力的机会。

Finally, let me mention still another wrong idea about love. Some people believe it their duty to run the lives of their loved ones. Mr. Mallard in "The Story of an Hour" was such a person. He always told his wife what to do and what to think. So when he was believed to be dead, Mrs.Mallard felt liberated from his powerful will bending hers.


5、which do you think are the three most important elements of love? what do they entail?you can use this outline: 1) name the three elements. 2} explain what they imply.  3) sum up what you”ve said.

5  As far as I'm concerned, the three most important elements of love are knowledge, tolerance of imperfection and its reciprocal nature.在我看来,爱的三个最重要的元素是知识、对不完美的容忍和它的互惠性质。

Knowledge means not only being aware of what the other person is now, but also seeing the potential within the person. It implies knowing the person inside out-not only the strengths but also the weaknesses, not only the obvious characteristics, but also the inner self.知识不仅意味着意识到对方现在是什么样子,还意味着看到对方内在的潜力。它意味着从内到外了解一个人——不仅了解他的长处,也了解他的弱点,不仅了解他的明显特征,还了解他的内在自我。

Tolerance of imperfection entails a willingness to stay with each other in hard times and see problems through. In this imperfect world, both sides should be prepared for times of pain, failure, and despair, and believe that love can make the world go round.对不完美的容忍意味着双方愿意在困难时期相互支持,共同解决问题。在这个不完美的世界上,双方都应该对痛苦、失败和绝望做好准备,相信爱能让世界转动。

By nature love is reciprocal. It involves two sides. Both persons love and are loved; care and are cared for. They both benefit from their love; they are a stimulant for each other to grow and become more fully what they might become.从本质上来说,爱是相互的。它涉及到两个方面。两个人都爱也都被爱;关心和被关心。他们都从他们的爱中获益;他们是彼此成长和变得更完整的刺激物。

