


上册Lesson One Twelve Things I Wish They Taught at School  24

which of the nine items in the list do you think is the most important ? why ?

4. 1) I think the most important item Carl Sagan lists in the article is "Don't be afraid to ask 'stupid' questions." If we are eager to learn, we are sure to find a lot of things that we don't understand. Asking questions is an important way of learning what we don't know. But often we are afraid to ask questions because we don't want people to laugh at us. In the article Carl Sagan encourages us to ask about what we are not sure about, even if we think our questions may be regarded as "stupid". He points out that"stupid" questions may be intelligent and profound questions. When weare trying to find the answers, we can often gain insights into matters of importance. When we don't ask "stupid" questions, it only shows that we are not interested in the world around us.Then we'll gradually become unable to notice anything unusual that is happening around us and that is worth learning about.

4. 1)我认为卡尔·萨根在文章中列出的最重要的一条是不要害怕问愚蠢的问题。如果我们渴望学习,我们一定会发现很多我们不懂的东西。问问题是学习我们不知道的东西的重要方法。但我们经常害怕问问题,因为我们不想让别人嘲笑我们。在这篇文章中,卡尔·萨根鼓励我们问那些我们不确定的问题,即使我们认为我们的问题可能被认为是愚蠢的。他指出,愚蠢的问题可能是聪明和深刻的问题。当我们试图找到答案时,我们常常能洞察到一些重要的事情。如果我们不问愚蠢的问题,那只能说明我们对周围的世界不感兴趣。然后,我们就会逐渐无法注意到周围发生的任何不寻常的事情,那些值得我们去了解的事情。

do you think all nine things should or could be taught at school? do you have anything to add to the list?

2) I don't think all of the nine things should or could be taught at school. I think society is a larger school where students gain a lot of experience that they are unable to gain in the classroom. I think at school students should learn how to study. 我不认为这九件事都应该或可以在学校里教。我认为社会是一所更大的学校,在那里学生可以获得很多在课堂上无法获得的经验。我认为在学校学生应该学会如何学习。

5、The  most important thing I think I should Learn at College.

you can follow the outline:

1) the thing   2)you reason(s)  3) your conclusion

5 I think the most important thing I should learn at college is the ability to work on my own; in Sagan's words, the "ability to teach yourself" is a subject.This is a key skill a college student should acquire.The world is changing very rapidly, and so we must keep learning throughout our lives. We can't stay at school for very long, and we can't have teachers to guide us all the time. So we must, while still at college, learn how to find and solve problems by ourselves, how to use libraries and laboratories and what questions to ask when we meet an expert.Armed with this key skill, we'll be able to teach ourselves any subject that interests us or is of some use to us after we graduate.


Lesson Two   Icons 46

according to the authors ,what is a hero? what is a pop icon? what is a celebrity? do you agree with them?

4.1)According to the authors, a hero is a person who has unusual courage, who has contributed to the welfare of others or made sacrifices that benefit others.They play important roles in shaping their nation's, as well as many individuals'.thinking.Heroes are admired for their fine qualities and their contributions. By this definition, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. are heroes. Celebrities are people who have become well-known not because they have fine qualities but because they have been publicized by the media for different reasons.  Pop icons are media superstars who attract admirers because of their legendary life stories, good looks, some personal charm, and most important, a tragic death. 根据作者的说法,英雄是一个人谁有不同寻常的勇气,谁做出了贡献的福利他人或牺牲,使他人受益。它们在塑造国家以及许多个人的思想方面发挥着重要作用。英雄因其优良品质和贡献而受到钦佩。按照这个定义,亚伯拉罕·林肯和马丁·路德·金是英雄。名人不是因为他们有好的品质而出名的人,而是因为他们因为不同的原因被媒体宣传。流行偶像是媒体的超级明星,他们吸引着崇拜者,因为他们传奇的人生故事,漂亮的外表,一些个人魅力,最重要的是,他们的死亡是悲惨的。

On the whole I agree with their definitions.The authors seem to think that people like Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was a heroine and that J.P. Morgan, E. H. Harriman and Jay Gould were heroes. Here I don't agree with them. Morgan, Harriman and Jay Gould were big capitalists who made money by exploiting the workers.And Jacqueline Kennedy herself didn't have any enduring achievement.She was well-known, first because she was the wife of a president of the United States, and later she married the world-famous very wealthy owner of a big shipping company.总的来说,我同意他们的定义。作者似乎认为,杰奎琳·肯尼迪·奥纳西斯(Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis)等人是女英雄,j·p·摩根(J. P. Morgan)e·h·哈里曼(E. H. Harriman)和杰伊·古尔德(Jay Gould)是英雄。在这一点上,我不同意他们的观点。摩根、哈里曼和杰伊·古尔德都是靠剥削工人赚钱的大资本家。杰奎琳·肯尼迪本人也没有任何持久的成就。她很有名,首先是因为她是美国总统的妻子,后来她嫁给了世界著名的非常富有的大航运公司老板。

4.2) list some people you admire.by the standards of the authors. are the heroes, pop icons or celebrities? do you think they are equally admirable?

I admire many sportsmen,esp. Michael Jordan, the famous American basketball star.People might say he is a pop icon, but to me he is something of a hero.I think he stands for strength and determination.I also admire many Chinese athletes who won honour for our country at the 2000 .Olympic Games held in Sydney.Ina way, they can be called heroes because their success in Sydney has encouraged many people.An other person I admire very much is my maths teacher in middle school.He is neither a hero, nor a pop icon, nor a celebrity.But perhaps he is the person who has influenced me most.我钦佩许多运动员,尤其是美国著名的篮球明星迈克尔·乔丹。人们可能会说他是一个流行偶像,但对我来说他是一个英雄。我认为他代表着力量和决心。我也钦佩许多在2000年为国家赢得荣誉的中国运动员。奥运会在悉尼举行。在某种程度上,他们可以被称为英雄,因为他们在悉尼的成功鼓舞了很多人。另一个我很崇拜的人是我的数学老师在中学。他既不是英雄,也不是流行偶像,更不是名人。但也许他是对我影响最大的人。

Lesson Three  Go-Go Americans  69

4.1) what is the American attitude towards time? give examples to support your conclusion

you may cover these points:

1)why do most Americans value time?

2)why do  Americans always seem to be in a rush?

3) why are telecommunication and fast food popular in the united states?

4)in what way is the  Americans way of doing business related to this attitude towards time?

5)do you share the  Americans  view of time? why/why not?

4.1)Americans gencrally value time.They keenly feel that life is short.Also they believe that no one stands still.As a result, they feel the urge to move ahead.They think that if a person isn't moving forward, he/she is lagging behind.They want every minute to count and are constantly researching, experimenting and exploring.


This attitude towards time is shown in many ways.Americans seem to be always in a hurry. In cities, they hurry to work in the morning; at noon they rush to eating places and finish lunch as quickly as they possibly can and then hurry back to work.这种对待时间的态度表现在很多方面。美国人似乎总是匆匆忙忙的。在城市里,他们早上赶着去上班;中午,他们冲到吃饭的地方,尽可能快地吃完午饭,然后赶回去工作。

This attitude also results in the wide use of telecommunications, esp. the telephone, which is quick, efficient and economical with both time and money.这种态度也导致了电信的广泛使用,特别是电话,因为它快速、高效、节省时间和金钱。

All this shows that Americans try to get things done in the shortest time possible.


4.2) Do you share the American view of  time? why / why not?

2)Basically, I share the American view of time. I also keenly feel the shortness of person's lifetime. I think to waste time is to waste one's life, and that to value time is to value life.So we should all try to make the most of this lifetime, both to do our bit in creating a better world for the human race and to enjoy the pleasures that life offers us.基本上,我同意美国人对时间的看法。我也敏锐地感觉到人的一生是短暂的。我认为浪费时间就是浪费生命,珍惜时间就是珍惜生命。因此,我们都应该尽量充分利用这一生,为人类创造一个更美好的世界尽自己的一份力量,并享受生活给我们带来的乐趣。

But I don't want to be in a rush in everything I do. When I'm on holiday, I'd like to take my time reading, sightseeing, or whatever, so that I'd be able to return to work completely refreshed.但我不想做任何事都很匆忙。当我在度假的时候,我喜欢花时间阅读、观光或做任何事情,这样我就能重新精神抖擞地回到工作中。


5."Time is money," Americans say. "You only get so much time in this life; you'd better use it wisely." In the United States people admire a "well-organized" person, one who has a written list of things to do and a schedule for doing them. An ideal person in this country is one who arrives on time for a meeting or an appointment and does not waste other people's time.时间就是金钱,美国人说。你一生只有这么多时间;你最好明智地使用它。在美国,人们欣赏有条理的人,指的是把要做的事情列出来,并有日程表的人。在这个国家,理想的人是准时到会或赴约且不浪费别人时间的人。

Fast-food chains, such as MeDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Hut, etc. are wide-spread and popular in the United States because many people want to spend as little time as possible preparing and eating meals. 快餐连锁店,如麦当劳、肯德基、必胜客等,在美国广受欢迎,因为许多人想要花尽可能少的时间准备和吃一顿饭。

Also, Americans favour electronic communications.They use the telephone, the E-mail and the Internet to conduct business;they have teleconferences to settle problems;they obtain all kinds of information through the Internet.In short, they want every minute to count.此外,美国人喜欢电子通讯。他们使用电话、电子邮件和互联网进行业务;他们通过电话会议来解决问题;他们通过互联网获取各种信息。简而言之,他们希望每一分钟都有价值。

Lesson four take over bon’s  88

retell the story a (1)snyder.or(2)barrett,or(3) a sailor.

4.1)My name is Snyder, third officer of the wrecked Montala Before the ship sank,the ten of us managed to get on board a lifeboat. After drifting for twenty days, we were in a terrible situation.The men were very thirsty and wanted to drink the remaining water in a canteen.I knew that as long as the men could look forward to getting a drink they had something to live for.If that water were gone, the sailors would lose hope, and would not try to stay alive. 我的名字是斯奈德,遇难的蒙塔拉号的三副。在船沉没之前,我们十个人设法登上了一艘救生艇。在漂流了二十天之后,我们的处境非常糟糕。这些人非常口渴,想喝水壶里剩下的水。我知道,只要他们能期待喝上一杯他们就有活下去的理由。如果水没了,水手们就会失去希望,不会再努力活下去了。

So for seventy-two hours, in spite of their curses and threats, I kept my gun pointed at the men,preventing them from rushing for the water. But as I hadn't had any sleep for three days, I could no longer keep my eyes open.Before I fell into a deep sleep, I whispered to Barrett, the nearest sailor, to takeover from me the responsibility of guarding the precious water.When I woke up at night, the canteen was still there, Barrett had taken over the task of protecting the water.That very night we were rescued by a passing ship.因此,在72个小时里,尽管他们咒骂和威胁,我还是用枪指着那些人,阻止他们冲进水里去。但是由于我已经三天没有睡觉了,我的眼睛再也睁不开了。在我入睡之前,我低声对离我最近的水手巴雷特说,让他接替我看守这片珍贵的水域。当我晚上醒来时,水壶还在那里,巴雷特已经接管了保护水的任务。就在那天晚上,我们被一艘过路的船救起。

what do you think changed  jeff barrett from bos'n to bossman? do you think this changeover believable?

2) Jeff Barrett was bos'n's mate of the wrecked Montala. Twenty days of drifting under the hot sun had driven him half crazy. Thirst had cracked his mind and he was beyond all reasoning. Barrett was sitting nearest to Snyder and was constantly demanding that he, Snyder, give up the canteen to him. Snyder imagined that as soon as he could he would grab the canteen and drink first. However, contrary to what Snyder had expected, this "constant threat" turned out to be a determined guardian of the precious water after he dozed off. When Snyder whispered to him before he fell "Take over, bos'n!", 杰夫·巴雷特是失事的蒙塔拉号的船员伙伴。在烈日下漂泊了二十天,他都快疯了。口渴使他精神错乱,完全无法推理。巴雷特坐在离斯奈德最近的地方,不断地要求斯奈德把水壶给他。斯奈德想,只要一有机会,他就会抢过水壶,先喝一杯。然而,与斯奈德的预期相反,这个持续的威胁在他睡着后变成了宝贵的水的坚定守护者。当斯奈德在他倒下之前低声对他说接手吧,计!”

something in him woke: his sense of responsibility. All of a sudden, he came to understand what Snyder expected him to do and why Snyder had been trying to preserve the water. So he immediately took over Snyder's responsibility as well as his gun. He faithfully carried on Snyder's task. I think this changeover is believable. I believe everybody was born with the capability to be in charge.When people are not in a position of responsibility,this capability is there asleep, waiting to be awakened. When the time comes, I believe, it will come alive in most people.他心中的某种东西醒了:他的责任感。突然间,他明白了斯奈德希望他做什么,以及为什么斯奈德一直试图保护这片水域。因此,他立即接管了斯奈德的责任和他的枪。他忠实地执行斯奈德的任务。我认为这种转变是可信的。我相信每个人生来就有负责任的能力。当人们不在负责任的位置上时,这种能力就在那里沉睡,等待被唤醒。我相信,当时间到来的时候,大多数人都会充满活力。

have you ever found yourself suddenly in a position of leadership?  what does responsibility mean to you?

3) I've never had such an experience. To me, responsibility doesn't mean power over other people, but it is a kind of trust put on you that urges you to fulfill your duty the best you can.我从未有过这样的经历。对我来说,责任并不意味着凌驾于他人之上的权力,而是一种信任,促使你尽最大努力完成自己的职责。

5、write a summary of the storty in about 150  words.

these questions may hely you to cover the main points:

1) what had happened to the ship when the story began? how long had the men been drifting on the lifeboat? what was their biggest problem?

2) who were snyder and barrett? wjat had the been trying to do? what advantage did barrett have over snyder?

3)what words ide snyder whisper to Barrett just before snyder dropped into a deep sleep?

4)what surprised snyder when he woke up?

5)How were the men  rescued?

5. Ten sailors were drifting in a lifeboat. Twenty days before, their ship had sunk in a storm.

Among them were third officer Snyder and bos'n's mate Barrett. The little water that wasleft after twenty days was in a canteen that laid under Snyder's legs. He kept his gun pointed at the others, to keep them from rushing to get it. He knew that as long as they could look forward to getting a drink they had something to live for.十名水手在救生艇上漂流。二十天前,他们的船在暴风雨中沉没了。其中有三副斯奈德和大副巴雷特。二十天后剩下的那点水就在斯奈德腿下的水壶里。他一直用枪指着其他人,以免他们冲过去拿枪。他知道,只要他们能期待着喝上一杯,他们就有了活下去的理由。

Jeff Barrett was nearest to Snyder, a constant threat.He was ready to grab the canteen at any moment.Snyder hadn't shut his eyes for three days running.Sleep was creeping over him and finally he could no longer keep his eyes open.杰夫·巴雷特离斯奈德最近,一直是个威胁。他随时准备拿走水壶。斯奈德已经连续三天没有合眼了。睡意慢慢地笼罩着他,最后他再也睁不开眼睛了。

He whispered to Barrett,"Take over, bos'n!" and then, dropped into a deep sleep. At night, he was woken up for his share of the water.Barrett told him he had been guarding the water all day.That very night they were rescued by another ship.他低声对巴雷特说:“来吧,伙计!”然后就陷入了沉睡。夜里,他被叫醒,要喝他那份水。巴雷特告诉他,他已经守了一整天的水。就在当晚,他们被另一艘船救起

