


LessonFive  Are You Giving Your Kids Too Much?  104

4.1)Accrding to the writer, why to parents overindulge their children?what harm does over-indulgence to to them?

1) Parentsoverindulge their children for a number of reasons.First, many parents havefull-time jobs and are unable to spend much time with their children. Theyfeel guilty about this and want to compensate by giving the children a lot ofplaythings and clothes. Second, parentsusually want their children to live a better life than they themselves did. Theywant their children to have what they had when they were young.Theyalso want their children to have what they longed for, but were unable to have.父母溺爱孩子有很多原因。首先,许多父母有全职工作,不能花很多时间和孩子在一起。他们对此感到内疚,想通过给孩子们很多玩具和衣服来补偿。第二,父母通常希望他们的孩子生活得比他们自己更好。他们希望他们的孩子拥有他们年轻时拥有的东西。他们也希望自己的孩子拥有他们渴望却无法拥有的东西。Third, many parents just can't say no to their children whenthey demand things, even if their requests are unreasonable.Theyare afraid that if their kids' demands are not satisfied, they would feelunloved.Finally,many parents are afraid their children would be laughed at if they did not havethe things their friends have.For thesereasons, parents don't even refuse their children's requests for things thatthey can't really afford.第三,很多父母不能对他们的孩子说不,当他们要求东西,即使他们的要求是不合理的。他们害怕如果孩子的要求得不到满足,他们会觉得自己没有被爱。最后,许多父母担心,如果他们的孩子没有他们朋友拥有的东西,他们会被嘲笑。由于这些原因,父母甚至不会拒绝孩子们买不起的东西的要求。

Overindulgence may turnchildren into greedy and selfcentered people.Theymight think too much about themselves and too little about others.Theymight take for granted what other people do for them and never feel grateful.Also,they would become indifferent to/care nothing about the needs and feelings ofpeople around them, first of all, those of their parents.Alsothey might become less creative than children with fewer playthings.Ifthey are used to getting whatever they want as soon as they ask for it, theywould be terribly upset when their requests were not satisfied immediately.过度放纵会使孩子变成贪婪和自私的人。他们可能会为自己考虑得太多,为别人考虑得太少。他们可能认为别人为他们做的一切都是理所当然的,从不心存感激。此外,他们会变得漠不关心/不关心他们周围的人的需求和感受,首先是他们的父母。此外,他们可能会变得不如玩具少的孩子有创造力。如果他们习惯了想要什么就得到什么,那么当他们的要求不能立即得到满足时,他们会非常沮丧。

4.2) were you an overingdulged child? how did you feel about your parent's "generosity"? did you take it for granted?

2) It's truemy parents did what they could for me when I was a small child. I always hadthe best of everything in my family: the best food, the best clothes and thebest room.Sometimes, though not very often, they even did things that theycouldn't really afford. For example, when I was six.they paid a teacher toteach me to play the violin. But at the same time, they told me what was rightand what was wrong. They told me to love everything nature offered us, to sharethings like sweets and toys with my friends, to speak politely to older people,and so on. I don't think I was an overindulged child. I was, and still amgrateful to my parents. They've done everything for me out of love. I lovethem. When they grow old, I'd do all I can to make them happy.当我还是个小孩子的时候,我父母为我做了他们能做的事,这是真的。我总是拥有家里最好的东西:最好的食物、最好的衣服和最好的房间。有时,虽然不是经常,他们甚至做一些他们真正负担不起的事情。例如,当我六岁的时候。他们花钱请了一位老师教我拉小提琴。但同时,他们告诉我什么是对的,什么是错的。他们告诉我要热爱大自然给予我们的一切,要和朋友们分享糖果和玩具等东西,要有礼貌地对老年人说话,等等。我不认为我是个被溺爱的孩子。我过去是,现在仍然感激我的父母。他们为我做的一切都是出于爱。我爱他们。当他们老了,我会尽我所能让他们快乐。

LessonSix  Culture Shock 120

4.1)What is the dictionary definition of culture shock? How would you describe culture chock in a broad sense?

4. 1) By definition, culture shock is a feeling of confusion and anxiety caused bycontact with another culture. (Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 1995) In abroad sense, it doesn't just refers to one's reaction to a new country. It'sthe feeling of anxiety and confusion when people experience situations that arevery different from those they are accustomed to. Such situations includemoving to a new place, working at a new job, going to a new school, entering anew relationship, or whatever. In all these situations, people have to adjustto the new experience. They usually go through the four stages of honeymoon,crisis, recovery and adjustment.从定义上讲,文化冲击是一种由于接触另一种文化而产生的困惑和焦虑感。(牛津高级学习者词典,1995)从广义上讲,它不仅仅指一个人对一个新国家的反应。这是一种焦虑和困惑的感觉,当人们经历与他们习惯的情况非常不同的情况时。这些情况包括搬到一个新的地方,从事一份新的工作,去一所新的学校,进入一段新的恋情,或者其他什么。在所有这些情况下,人们必须适应新的体验。他们通常经历蜜月、危机、恢复和调整四个阶段。 For example, when high school graduates enter college,they find it exciting, then they find things are very different from those inhigh school. It often takes a few months to get adapted to the new life. In amarriage, after the honeymoon is over, couples may find annoying habits intheir partners, or that married life isn't at all romantic. So, they have toadapt to cach other to make sure that their marriage will work out.例如,当高中毕业生进入大学,他们发现它令人兴奋,然后他们发现事情是非常不同于那些在高中。通常需要几个月的时间来适应新的生活。在婚姻中,蜜月结束后,情侣们可能会发现对方有令人讨厌的习惯,或者婚姻生活一点都不浪漫。所以,他们必须适应彼此,以确保他们的婚姻能够顺利进行。

4.2) have you ever experienced culture shock?  what ewre the symptoms ? did you finally adjust to the new  environment? did you go through the four stages of adustment?

2) Yes, I have.Iexperienced culture shock when I first came to Beijing.Inthe first week I was busy visiting places of interest and I was very excited.Ithought Beijing was a wonderful place.Then I began to findunpleasant things. Quite a few people are not very friendly to strangers, some veryrude;Ialso found that things that we used daily were more expensive here than where Icame from.AsI fel lonely and disappointed, I became terribly homesick.Almostevery day I phoned my parents.But I finallyadjusted to the new environment.Iwent through all the four stages of adjustment, but it didn't take too long



5 Studying abroad soundsvery attractive to young people. Indeed, it is a new experience, which offers us the opportunityof discovering new things.However, we mustbe prepared for problems we will have to face.Becauseof different social systems, beliefs, values, and ways of living, we may sufferfrom culture shock and have trouble adjusting to the new environment.出国留学听起来对年轻人很有吸引力。事实上,这是一种新的体验,它为我们提供了发现新事物的机会。然而,我们必须对我们将不得不面对的问题做好准备。由于不同的社会制度、信仰、价值观和生活方式,我们可能会遭受文化冲击,难以适应新的环境。

We usuallygo through 4 stages before we feel at home in the new place. They are thestages of the honeymoon, the crisis, the recovery and the adjustment. When wefirst arrive, we may feel excited, and everything seems marvellous. However,when we move to the next stage, we begin to think that things are not asbright as we thought they were, and we become homesick and are in danger ofgiving up. But if we stick with the experience, we'll recover from the shock,adjust to the new culture and eventually benefit from it.我们通常要经历4个阶段才能在新环境中感到自在。它们分别是蜜月期、危机期、复苏期和调整期。当我们刚到的时候,我们可能会感到兴奋,一切似乎都是不可思议的。然而,当我们进入下一个阶段,我们开始认为事情并不像我们想象的那么光明,我们变得想家,并处于放弃的危险中。但如果我们坚持这种经历,我们就会从冲击中恢复过来,适应新的文化,并最终从中受益。

LessonSeven The Model Millionaire (1)  134

4.1)What do you learn about Hughie Erskine?1) appearence 2)failure in making a success of his life.3) financial situation  4) kindness of spririt

4. 1) HughieErskine was a very delightful and handsome young man. He had brown hair, aclear-cut face and grey eyes. But he was not very intelligent. He tried variousjobs, but failed to make a success of any. Finally he became a man with noprofession and had to depend on an old aunt who provided him with two hundredpounds a year.休吉·厄斯金是一个非常可爱、英俊的年轻人。他有一头棕色的头发,一张轮廓分明的脸,一双灰色的眼睛。但是他不是很聪明。他试过各种工作,但没有一项成功。最后,他成了一个没有职业的人,不得不依靠一个老阿姨每年给他两百英

Hughie'scheerful spirits and generous, careless nature as well as his personal charmattracted both men and women, and he was a popular figure.休吉开朗的性格、慷慨大方的性格以及他的个人魅力吸引了男男女女,他是一个受欢迎的人物’

Also, Hughie had a kindheart.Oneday, in his artist friend's studio, out of pity for an old model Hughie gavehim the only pound he had in his pocket.Whenhe heard how much the model was paid and how much his friend got for thepicture, he felt sorry for the model and spoke up for him.He said it was not fair for the model to get so little and thathe should get a share of what the artist earned for the picture.此外,休吉有一颗善良的心。一天,在他的艺术家朋友的画室里,出于对一个老模特的怜悯,休吉把口袋里唯一的一英镑给了他。当他听说这个模特和他的朋友拍这张照片赚了多少钱时,他为这个模特感到难过,并为他说话。他说,模特得到这么少是不公平的,他应该分享艺术家为这幅画赚到的钱。

4.2) what do you learn about Alan Trevor, Laura Merton and her father?

2) Alan was a painter byprofession.Hewas very successful. His pictures were eagerly bought/quickly sold.Withhis freckled face, and red beard, he looked very rough.Asan artist he appreciated beautiful things and people.Sohe was very much attracted by Hughie Erskine's personal charm.艾伦的职业是画家。他非常成功。他的画被热切地购买[卖得很快]。他满脸雀斑,满脸红胡子,看上去很粗鲁。作为一个艺术家,他欣赏美好的事物和人。所以他被休吉·厄斯金的个人魅力所吸引。

Laura Merton was charming and beautiful. She fell in love with Hughie though he had nomoney. I think she loved him for his cheerful spirits and generous and carefreenature.Probably she was the kind of person Hughie was. That was why theyattracted each other劳拉·默顿既迷人又美丽。尽管休吉身无分文,她还是爱上了他。我想她爱他是因为他开朗的精神、慷慨和无忧无虑的天性。也许她和休吉是一类人。这就是他们相互吸引的原因

Laura's father was aformer army officer who had served in India.Hewas a hot-tempered man and was in poor health. He loved his daughter, and would not let her marry a man with noprofession.Sohe insisted that Hughie have ten thousand pounds before he asked him permissionto marry his daughter.劳拉的父亲曾是一名军官,曾在印度服役。他是个脾气暴躁的人,身体不好。他爱他的女儿,不让她嫁给一个没有职业的人。所以他坚持要休吉有一万英镑才能让他娶他的女儿。

5、Describe Hughie Erskine in about 130 words.

you can use this outline:

1) he is charning and good-looking young man

2)he is not a businessman

3) he has a very kind heart.

Hughie Erskine is acharming and good-looking young man. He is not rich.To make a living,he has tried everything but has never made a success of any business he engagesin.Hehas to live on the 200 pounds a year an aunt gives him.休吉·厄斯金是个英俊迷人的年轻人。他不富有。为了谋生,他什么都试过了,但他所从事的任何事业都没有成功。他每年靠一位姑妈给他的200英镑生活。

Hughie Erskine has akind heart.Oneday, he visited his artist friend when he was painting a poor old man in rags.Hefelt very sorry for the model and said that he should have a share of what hisfriend got for the picture.When the artistwas briefly away from the studio, Hughie slipped into the beggar's hand theonly pound he had in his pocket, thinking the old man needed it more than hedid.Exceptfor a few pennies, he didn't have any money left.Sohe had to walk home.休吉·厄斯金心地善良。一天,他去拜访他的艺术家朋友,当时他正在画一个衣衫褴褛的可怜老人。他为那个模特感到很难过,并说他应该分享他朋友为这张照片得到的钱。当画家暂时离开画室时,休吉把口袋里仅有的一英镑塞进了乞丐的手里,以为老人比他更需要它。除了几个便士外,他一点钱也没有了。所以他不得不步行回家。

Lesson8 The Model Millionaire (2)  146

4.1) what is the dictionary definition of a millionaire? what is a mode millionaire according to Alan Trevor ,the artist?  who is model millionaire in the story?

4.1)The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English says that a millionaire issomeone who is very rich and has at least a million pounds or dollars.Wemay interpret Trevor's remark in two ways.Theartist plays on the word "model" when he says that it is rare to havea millionaire as a painter's model, but it is rarer to find a millionaire whois a model person, i. e. an example of a good person.《朗曼当代英语词典》上说百万富翁是非常富有的人,至少有一百万英镑或美元。我们可以从两方面来解释特雷弗的话。艺术家在模特这个词上玩了个游戏,他说让一个百万富翁做画家的模特很少见,但找到一个百万富翁又是一个模特的人就更少见了,也就是一个好人的榜样。

Alan Trevor seems tothink that a model millionaire is someone who is willing to give-to contributeto the happiness of others.In this sense,the Baron is the model millionaire the title refers to.After what happened inTrevor's studio, Baron Hausberg found Hughie a sympathetic and kind-heartedyoung man. When he heard about his problem, he generously provided therequired ten thousand pounds so that Hughie could marry the girl he loved.Hewisely used his money to help a person who deserved his help.Sohe could be called a model millionaire.艾伦·特雷弗似乎认为模范百万富翁是那些愿意为他人的幸福做出贡献的人。从这个意义上说,男爵是称号所指的模范百万富翁。在特雷弗工作室发生的事情之后,豪斯伯格男爵发现休吉是一个富有同情心、心地善良的年轻人。当他听说他的问题时,他慷慨地提供了所需的一万英镑,以便休吉能娶他所爱的女孩。他明智地用他的钱去帮助一个值得他帮助的人。这样他就可以被称为模范百万富翁了。

But Trevor probablybelieves that Hughie Erskine deserves the title more.Heseems to think that a millionaire is someone whose spirit is rich, who is readyto give up whatever he has, even just one pound or dollar to a person who needsit more.Inthis sense, Hughie is the model millionaire in the story because giving up hisone pound means far more to him than the ten thousand pounds to the Baron.Theone pound was almost all Hughie had while for the Baron, ten thousand perhapswas just a drop in the ocean.So a rich personis not one who has much, but one who gives much.但特雷弗可能认为休吉·厄斯金更配得上这个头衔。他似乎认为百万富翁是精神富有的人,愿意为更需要它的人放弃他所拥有的一切,哪怕只是一英镑或一美元。从这个意义上说,休吉是故事中的模范百万富翁,因为放弃他的一英镑远比男爵的一万英镑更重要。对男爵来说,休吉几乎只有一镑,一万镑也许只是沧海一粟。因此,一个富有的人并不是拥有很多,而是给予很多。

4.2) do you agree with the artist's idea about model millionaires?

2) I think two things combine to make a model millionaire: a lot of money and readiness togive. (This, of course, doesn't mean that he should give away all his wealth. )I admit that we can contribute to the happiness and welfare of others invarious ways even if we don't have much money. But if a person has a lot ofmoney he would be able to do more for society and for other people. So to be amodel millionaire, one must be both willing to contribute to the welfare andhappiness of others as well as able to give.我认为要成为模范百万富翁有两件事:大量的金钱和乐于奉献。(当然,这并不意味着他应该放弃所有的财富。)我承认,即使我们没有很多钱,我们也可以通过各种方式为他人的幸福和福利做出贡献。但是如果一个人有很多钱,他就可以为社会和他人做更多的事情。因此,要成为一个模范百万富翁,一个人必须愿意为他人的福利和幸福作出贡献,并能够给予。

5、write a summary of the story:1(who was Hughie Ershine?  2、what act of kindness did he perform one day?  3、what die this act result in?

5.HughieErskine was a charming young man who was in love with a nice girl called LauraMerton.Laura'sfather made it clear to Hughie that he would not let his daughter marry himuntil Hughie got ten thousand pounds.休吉·厄斯金是个迷人的年轻人,他爱上了一个叫劳拉·默顿的好女孩。劳拉的父亲向休吉明确表示,如果休吉得不到一万英镑,他是不会让女儿嫁给他的。

·        One day, Hughie went to see his artist friend, AlanTrevor, in his studio.


·        There, he found his friend painting a beggar, who was awizened old man in rags.


·        Hughie felt so sorry for the poor model that he gave himthe only pound he had.


·        he old model was actually a millionaire.


·        When he heard all about Hughie and Laura, and theirproblem, he made out a cheque for ten thousand pounds the very next day.


·        The couple were happily married, and the"beggar" attended their wedding.


·        Through the story the writer tries to say that a genuinemillionaire is not one who has, but one who gives.


