


LessonNine Only Three More Days 162

4.1)How did the author manage to get his diaries out of Nazi Germany? 1、Why were his diaries imortant? why did the he keep them in the first place?

2 how did he decide to fool the Gestapo?

3 why was his plan risky?   4   why did it work?

4. 1) The author kept a diary while he was in Berlin. He had written down in his diaries what he had seen in NaziGermany. At first he thought of destroying them before leaving Berlin.But he very much wanted to keep them and get them out of Germanybecause they contained precious data/material that he would like to publishlater.作者在柏林期间坚持写日记。他在日记中记下了他在纳粹德国所看到的一切。起初,他想在离开柏林之前把它们毁掉。但他非常想保留它们,并把它们带出德国,因为它们包含了宝贵的数据/材料,他想稍后发表。

He came up with asolution the day before he left.He put his diaries at the bottom of two suitcases.On the top layer, he deliberately laid a few military maps.He knew that if Gestapo officials seized something they would besatisfied, and that they would not go on with the search.Under the maps he put his broadcast scripts which had thecensors stamps of approval on them.He thought the censors' stamps would impress Gestapo officials.Then he took his two suitcases to the Gestapo Headquarters tohave them inspected and approved.There everything worked out exactly as he had planned.His praise of the Nazi army pleased the Gestapo officials, andthey put several seals on his suitcases.With these seals, he had no trouble at the airport the next day.


·        The plan was risky because if the Gestapo officials atthe Headquarters had searched thoroughly, they would have discovered the diaries,and he would have been hanged.


·        But the plan worked out because the author knew thementality of Gestapo officials.


·        They liked to be flattered, and they didn't search verythoroughly if they were satisfied with something they could seize.他们喜欢被奉承,如果他们对自己能抓住的东西感到满意,他们不会彻底搜索。52

4.2) which of the following adjectives do you think best describes a jouralist's work? sacred, honorable, exciting, dangerous,profitable,disgusting? explain with an example why you think so

2) I think a journalist's work could be very differentfor different people.我认为记者的工作因人而异。

·        It could be dangerous.可能会很危险。For example,when they report fighting they might get killed in battle.例如,当他们报告战斗时,他们可能会在战斗中被杀。When they lookinto a case of law involving important and powerful people they could beblackmailed, even threatened, or murdered.当他们调查涉及重要和有权势的人的法律案件时,他们可能会被敲诈,甚至威胁,或谋杀

I believe the job is exciting because journalists oftenhave the opportunity to meet famous people, from government leaders to mediacelebrities, and to be witnesses to events that will go down in history.


·        But sometimes a journalist's work can be disgusting.但有时记者的工作也会令人作呕。

·        I think it's indecent to take pictures of pop iconssecretly and write reports about their private lives.


·        But quite a number of journalists do this to make money.但相当多的记者这样做是为了赚钱。

·        Many people think the press are at least partlyresponsible for Princess Diana's accident that resulted in her death.


·        I think a journalist's work could be honourable and evensacred if he/she sticks with justice and speaks for the people and works for abetter world.


LessonTen  The Washwoman 174

4.1)How did you feel when you read the scene in which the washwoman returned with the laundry? Did you expect this to happen?

·         I was filled with admiration for her sense of dutyand indomitable will.我对她的责任感和不屈不挠的意志充满钦佩。

·        But at the same time I felt very sorry that an eighty-year-oldwoman had to make a living this way.


·        I could well imagine how hard it had been for her to getall the washing done after her illness.我可以很好地想象,她病后把所有的衣服都洗好是多么困难。

·        And I could also imagine how she carried the big bag fromher home to the narrator's in the severe cold.


·        I was sure she stopped many times on the way.我确信她在路上停了很多次。

·        Somehow, I knew she would do this because when she tookthe bag away, she didn't allow herself to fall.


I saw in her an inner stubbornness and was sure that inspite of all difficulties she would do what she thought to be her duty.我在她身上看到了一种内在的固执,并且确信不管有什么困难,她都会做她认为应该做的事情。

4.2)what did the washwoman mean when she said,"the wash would not let me die"?How do you interpret her words?

·        2) The washwomanmeant that as long as she had unwashed laundry in her house, she would try tokeep alive so as to get the job done.这位洗衣妇的意思是,只要她还在家里没洗衣服,她就会努力活下去,以完成这项工作。

·        When the old woman was very ill, she wasn't afraid ofdying.这位老妇人病得很重时,她并不害怕死。

·        But she didn't want to die because she had the washing tofinish.但她不想死,因为她还有衣服要洗。

·        This wish to live to complete an unfinished job can oftenhelp prolong a person's life, maybe just for a short time.


·        Similarly, as the story "Take Over, Bos'n!"shows, the desire to do one's duty can help a person to survive extremelydifficult situations.同样,正如“接手吧,Bos'n!”的故事所表明的,履行自己职责的愿望可以帮助一个人在极端困难的情况下生存下来。

·        A person needs something to live for.人需要有活下去的理由。

·        In difficult situations, those who have strong desire andwill can often survive.


·        Those who have lost all hope often die of despair.失去一切希望的人往往死于绝望。

5、What you think is the most admirable quality of the washwoman.

you can use this outline:1  name this quality. 2  give  examples  to show she possessed this quality.  3 give a brief comment on this quality.

5 The old washwoman had a very strong sense of duty.这个洗衣的老太婆有很强的责任感。

·        Every piece of laundry she did was clean and neatlyironed.她洗的每一件衣服都熨烫得干净整齐。

·        One harsh winter, she was ill after she had collected agreat deal of laundry.在一个严冬,她收了一大堆要洗的衣服后病倒了。

·        She was so sick that people thought she was dying and apriest was sent for.她病得很重,人们都以为她快死了,于是就请了一个牧师来。

·        However, she recovered, and as soon as she was able tostand on her feet once more, she began her washing.


·        She could not allow herself to stay in bed because of thewash.因为要洗衣服,她不能让自己待在床上。

·        Supported by a sense of duty and the indomitable will tofulfill her task she had undertaken, she finally finished the wash, andreturned it to its owners.在一种责任感和完成她所承担的任务的顽强意志的支持下,她终于洗完了衣服,把它还给了主人。

·        Her story tells us that to be a respected person, whatwork you do is not so important.


·        What counts is your attitude重要的是你的态度

Lesson  Eleven  How I Served My Apprenticeship

4.1) What hardships did carnegie to go through when the family first arrived in the United states?  Why was he able to stand up to such hard work " that might have been described as slavery"?

4.1)When his family arrived in the U.S. , Carnegie had to work in a cotton factoryto help support his family.It was a terribletask for a 12-year-old boy.First, he had toworkfrom early morning tillit was dark. What's more, the work gave him great strain. His job was to fire theboiler and run the small engine that drove the machines. If he made a mistake,he might cause the machines to stop or the boiler to blow up. As a boy heneeded much sleep, but he couldn't sleep well. The danger of making a mistakeand blowing up the whole factory worried him day and night.当他的家人来到美国时,卡内基不得不在一家棉纺厂工作来养家。对于一个12岁的男孩来说,这是一项可怕的任务。首先,他不得不从清晨一直工作到天黑。更重要的是,这项工作给了他很大的压力。他的工作是点燃锅炉,开动开动机器的小发动机。如果他犯了一个错误,他可能会导致机器停止或锅炉爆炸。作为一个男孩,他需要很多睡眠,但他睡不好。犯错误并炸毁整个工厂的危险使他日夜忧虑。

4.2)what is Carnegie's view of poverty? do you agree/diesgree? Is povery an evil or ablessing? where in the text does  he show that he himself doesn't like being poor?

·        2) According to what Carnegie says in the text, povertyis not an evil.根据卡耐基在文中所说的,贫穷不是一种罪恶。

·        On the contrary, it is the soil upon which certainvirtues are produced, and these virtues have enabled the human race to reach ahigh level of civilization.相反,它是某些美德产生的土壤,这些美德使人类达到了较高的文明水平。

·        He says that poverty enables children of the poor to growup in the genuine loving care of their parents.


·        At an early age, children of the poor begin to sharetheir parents' responsibility of supporting the family.


This helps to develop in them a sense of responsibilityboth for the family and for society.


·    Carnegie thinks that this is why many outstanding peoplecome from poor families.


·        He seens to be quite against wiping out poverty.他似乎十分反对消除贫困。

I definitely don't agreewith what Carnegie says about poverty.我绝对不同意卡内基对贫穷的看法。I think poverty is an evil.我认为贫穷是一种罪恶。It is something that we're doing our best to wipe out.这是我们正在尽最大努力消灭的东西。

But everything has twosides.但是任何事情都有两面性。

Poverty often urgespeople to work hard so as to shake it off.贫困常常促使人们努力工作以摆脱贫困。

A person who has gonethrough hard years generally values what he/she has achieved.一个经历过艰难岁月的人通常会珍惜他/她所取得的成就。

But we shouldn't, ofcourse, maintain or create poverty on that account.但我们当然不应该因此而维持或制造贫困。

When we have to face thefact of our poverty, we shouldn't just complain.当我们不得不面对贫困的事实时,我们不应该只是抱怨。

We should undertake thetask of wiping it out.我们应该承担消灭它的任务。

I don't think Carnegielikes being poor himself.我觉得卡内基自己也不喜欢穷。

In Paragraph 4 of the text,he makes this very clear.在文章的第4段中,他非常清楚地说明了这一点。

He says "I resolvedthen that the wolf of poverty should be driven from our door some day."


3) Of coursewe should eliminate poverty in China, We don't want to create an affluentsociety where the great majority of people are poor.我们当然应该消除中国的贫困,我们不想创造一个大多数人贫穷的富裕社会。

So the mostimportant thing is to stick with our socialist orientation and develop oureconomy.


5 How young Carnegie Felt about the one dollar and twenty cents he first earned.

you  can  use this outline

1) he felt very pround that he had become a contributing member of his family.

2) he was filled with a feeling of satisfaction because the money was the hard-earned reward of honest work?

3) He belived that he would get into a better position some day.

5.  When Carnegie received his first week's pay,one dollar and twenty cents, he was very happy and proud.


With thismoney, he had become a contributing member of his family.有了这笔钱,他成了对家庭有所贡献的一员。

Also, afeeling of satisfaction swept over him.同时,一种满足感席卷了他。

The moneywas given to him because he was useful to society.给他钱是因为他对社会有用。

It was a rewardof honest, manual labour;这是诚实劳动的回报;

itrepresented a week of very hard work Further, the day he got his firstearnings, he suddenly found himself grown up.而且,在他拿到第一份收入的那天,他突然发现自己长大了。

He felthimself no longer a mere boy, but quite a man.他觉得自己不再只是一个孩子,而是一个真正的男人。

This feelingnow outweighed the hardships he had gone through in the past week.这种感觉现在压倒了他上周所经历的艰难困苦。

He was youngand believed that his position would change for the better some day.他还年轻,相信他的地位总有一天会变好。

Lesson Twelve AFriend of the Environment  209

4.1)What do you think is the major contribution  Rechel Carson has made to the protection of  our environment? What role does carson's book Silent Spring play in the movement?

4.1) Carson's chief contribution is that she aroused theattention of the general public to the importance of protecting theenvironment.卡森的主要贡献是她引起了公众对保护环境重要性的注意。

Her book Silent Spring sounded a warning to mankind thattheir indiscriminate use of pesticides was endangering and would furtherendanger everything on earth, including man himself.


It is generally regarded as a landmark in man's effort tosave the earth.它通常被认为是人类努力拯救地球的里程碑。

4.2) do you think the environment is getting worse and worse for us and our fellow creatures on earth-the woods,the birds and plants and animals? what do you think we can do to make the earth a better place to love in ?

2) I think our environment is getting worse and worse forall creatures on earth.


For example, the climate is getting warmer and warmer.例如,气候变得越来越暖和。

More and more land is turning into desert.越来越多的土地正在变成沙漠。

In some areas, water shortage is making life hard for bothman and his fellow creatures.在一些地区,水资源短缺使人类和其他生物的生活变得艰难。

I think we should, first of all, raise the environment  alawareness of the general public so thateverybody will do his/ her bit in the protection of our environment.我认为我们应该,首先,提高公众的环境意识,这样每个人都会为保护我们的环境尽自己的一份力。

Governments should take measures to stop using naturalresources indiscriminately, and we should do all we can to save our forests. 政府应该采取措施停止滥用自然资源,我们应该尽我们所能来保护我们的森林。

4.3)what do you know about the organizations"  Friends of Nature" and "Green Earth" in China.

3) As far as I know they are non-governmental organizationsin China, whose purpose is to get people to see the importance of environmentalprotection, and to organize activities of various sorts to show what peopleshould do to save our planet.


5  翻译

5 As a little girl, Rachel Carson loved birds, plants andanimals.作为一个小女孩,雷切尔·卡森喜欢鸟类、植物和动物。As a sophomore, her love of nature deepened.到了大二,她对大自然的热爱加深了。

The/A course she took in biology opened her eyes to thewonder and excitement of scientific study of those creatures and plants.她选修的生物学课程使她对这些生物和植物的科学研究感到惊奇和兴奋。

After finishing college, she did research, studied sea creaturesand wrote about them.大学毕业后,她做了研究,研究了海洋生物,并写了关于它们的文章。

In 1951, she published a delightful book of popular scienceliterature, The Sea Around Us.


It stayed on the best-seller list for eighty weeks running.它连续80周名列畅销书排行榜。

In another book.Silent Spring (1962), Carson sounded awarning: man would kill the birds, animals and plants if he continued to usepoisonous chemical pesticides indiscriminately.在另一本书。《寂静的春天》(1962),卡森发出了警告:如果人类继续滥用有毒的化学杀虫剂,就会杀死鸟类、动物和植物。

Then, there might come a silent springtime without birds.然后,可能会有一个没有鸟的寂静的春天。

The book brought to public attention the important issue ofprotecting our environment.这本书使公众注意到保护环境的重要问题。

It is a landmark in man's effort to save the earth-his ownhome as well as that of his fellow creatures.


