第七课|爱情: 分手吧,我累了

第七课|爱情: 分手吧,我累了










 A: I am so gonna break up with Ian. He is as slippery as an eel. 


 B: You should be careful. He’s two-faced. 


 A: If things won’t change, I will dump him at the drop of a hat. 




 1. break up with sb.  和某人分手 


 2. as slippery as an eel  指某人圆滑不可靠 


 3. at the drop of a hat  立即 马上   


 e.g. Thank goodness that you had called the ambulance at the drop of a hat, or my father-in-law would have been in great danger.  








 A: I cut Lily off last week. 


 B: What’s the deal? 


 A: She’s been hounding me non-stop. I just can’t shake her. 


 B: She’s in love with you man, even though you might be over it. You should have a sit-down with her. 


 A: Been there. Done that. 


 B: So what are your options? 


 A: I think I’m just going to ride out the storm and hope things will return to normal. 




 1. cut sb. off 切断电话;中断联系 


 2. hound sb. non-stop 时刻保持联系,时刻跟踪 


 3. shake  v. 摆脱  


     = get rid of 


 4. be over sb. 不再爱某人了 


 5. have a sit-down with sb. 和某人坐下来聊聊 


 6. Been there. Done that.  经历过了 


 7. ride out the storm  乘风破浪 









  • 时予栀涵

    ⭐关于动物的俚语~ ★buy a pig in a poke 隔着袋子买猪→未见实物而瞎买东西 ★Cat in gloves catches no mice. 戴手套的猫抓不到老鼠→不愿吃苦的人成不了大事业 ★put/set the cat among the pigeons 把猫放在鸽子中间→(言行)造成轩然大波,招惹是非 ★A cat can look at a king. 猫也可以看国王→小人物也有权利