第三课|爱情: 你只需要知道 我喜欢你

第三课|爱情: 你只需要知道 我喜欢你



爱情: 你只需要知道 我喜欢你



A: Let’s talk about good stuff. 

B: Good stuff? 
A: Yeah. Glass half full crap. What do you got? 
B: I got a little buzz. I got that. What you got? 
A: I got a little buzz going. And I like you. 
(选自: Garden State )

1. stuff  n. 东西
2. glass half full 乐观的 
    glass half empty  悲观的  
    e.g I tend to be glass half full.   我倾向于乐观的。
         I  tend to be glass half empty.  我倾向于悲观的。
3. buzz  n. 蜜蜂的嗡嗡声 飞机的轰鸣声 
                e.g. It gives me a buzz whenever I see him. 我每次见他都很兴奋陶醉
    buzz marketing  蜂鸣营销、口碑营销,也就是口耳相传


A: OK. I am happy about this. But Jack asked us to do it and he’s important to both of us, so I think we should at least try.
B: Oh, this is what really bugs me about you: the way you talk. You are honest; You’ve got no agenda; You are not manipulative. It’s like you are talking in code.
A: How do you want me to talk?
B: Honey, I don’t care. Just quit being such a goody two-shoes.
A: No. I am not. 
B: Oh yeah? Don’t drink. Don’t smoke. What do you do? 
(选自 Will and Grace)
1. bug    n. 小虫
              v. 烦扰 

2. manipulative  (来自于manipulate)  a. 爱操纵的,爱掌控别人的

    = bossy  (来自于boss)  
3. agenda 计划、日程、别有用心
4. goody two-shoes  伪善的人 


  • 时予栀涵

    别有用心,破案啦~have agenda/sb's got agenda

  • 时予栀涵

    打卡第三天~别有用心❤️have an axe to grind, 那还可以说成 have ulterior motives?虽然查了下但不太确定……

  • 时予栀涵

    第二段对话,倒数第二个A的回答文字有误,What do you ……文稿写成了 How do you ……