





The Lottery Winner L8

彩票大赢家 L8

'So, Jason,' Sally said, 'you have a wife and son.'


'How do you know that?' said Jason.


'Your wife's lawyer telephoned me this afternoon,' said Sally. 'Your wife wants some of your lottery money. And because she's your wife, and has a two-year-old son, she can get it easily.'


'I'm not going to give her anything,' Jason said. 'She left me. She went away with a new lover, and she took our baby with her. She never wrote or telephoned. I looked for her, but I couldn't find her. I cried every night...'(1)


'Your wife tells a different story, She left you because you hit her, and the baby. Is that true?'(2)


'I don't remember,' Jason said angrily. It was a long time ago. She just wants my money. Everybody wants my money! But it was my lottery ticket, so it's my money!'


'Mmm,' said Sally. 'Perhaps it was Mrs Emma Carter's lottery ticket. She remembered the numbers because they were important to her.'


'Huh, ' said Jason. 'That old woman just wants my money because she saw me on television. She thought of a good story about the numbers, and now she says that it was her ticket. Did the ticket have her name on it?'(3)


'No. There are no names on lottery tickets.'(4)


'So she can't prove that it was her ticket,' said Jason. 'She can't take my money away from me.'(5)


'Perhaps she can, and perhaps she can't. We don't know. But she's going to need a good lawyer. And lawyers are expensive. It isn't going to be easy for her.'


'So that old woman wants all the money. Fiona wants half of it. My Mum wants thirty thousand pounds, my Dad wants thirty thousand pounds…'


'You're forgetting me,' said Sally.


'I don't understand,' Jason said.


'I told you. Lawyers are expensive. And I'm doing a lot of work for you. You can't pay me now, because your cheque is at the court. But I can wait.'




1. go away with... 和……一起离开

例句:Some seeds go away with the wind.


2. tell a different story 讲述一个不同的故事

例句:You told me that you passed the exam, but your teacher told a different story.

你跟我说你考试及格了, 但你的老师可不是这么说的。

3. think of a good story about sth. 想出/编出一个关于……的好故事

例句:He thought of a good story about his name to let others remember.

为了让别人记住他的名字, 他想出来一个关于名字的好故事。

4. have one’s name on sth. 在……上有某人的名字

例句:I think it’s my book because it has my name on it.

我认为它是我的书, 因为上面有我的名字。

5. prove 证明

例句:He proved himself to be a good student through hard work.


  • 樱花烂漫_予心


    小熊校长 回复 @樱花烂漫_予心: 我中了500个亿,就收了个100亿的税。然后立马和所有亲戚断绝关系,这样会就没人回会要你钱了。花完了在回复关系(前提是你得有能力花完钱,不然像我一样,越花会多)。完美

  • 13的吧

    和平的小白鸽 回复 @13的吧: 你喜欢叶罗丽啊

  • Thedustye


    和平的小白鸽 回复 @Thedustye: 对的对的,完全同意,同意➕1000000000000000000000000000000000000(后面无数个0⃣️)

  • Jay乐


    樱花烂漫_予心 回复 @Jay乐: 这个话....在什么场合说,都会让人很尴尬~~

  • 天天向上302


    叽查羡 回复 @雪梨米米: 不同意

  • 圆妞妞的娘亲


    雪梨米米 回复 @圆妞妞的娘亲: 是啊,因为只有女生才喜欢庞老师的声音

  • 上吧_喷火龙


  • 存恩同学
  • 维拉vera


  • 元素之灵_海洋之星