





The Lottery Winner L12

彩票大赢家 L12

On Thursday afternoon, Edwin Jones was in the office of Sunshine Lotteries with Mr David Ray. He told Mr Ray the story of Emma Carter and her winning numbers.


'Look, Mr Jones,' said Mr Ray. 'Mr Williams had the winning ticket, so we gave him a cheque for the money. 'I'm sorry, but I can't help you, or Mrs Carter.'


'But it wasn't Williams's ticket. It was Mrs Carter's. '


'You can't prove that, Mr Jones. All lottery tickets look the same. They don't have names on them.'


'I can prove it, ' said Edwin Jones. 'Listen. Mrs Carter's ticket is different. You see, she always gets the same numbers. And every week she puts an X on her ticket.' He told Mr Ray about Mrs Carter's son in Australia. Then he took a lottery ticket out of his pocket. 'This is an old ticket. Look--Mrs Carter always puts an X, here… Please go and look at the winning ticket. Now!'(1)(2)(5)


Mr Ray went away and came back five minutes later. His face was unhappy.(3)


'Well?' said Edwin Jones.


'I don't know,' Mr Ray said. 'All the tickets go through the computer many times, so it's difficult to see--'(4)


'Mr Ray, is there an X on that ticket, or isn't there?'


Mr Ray looked angrily at Edwin Jones. 'Perhaps there is, and perhaps there isn't,' he said. 'But what does an X prove: Perhaps hundreds of people write an X on their lottery ticket. Perhaps it's Mrs Carter's X, but how do we know? Tell me that, Mr Jones.'


'I can't tell you, but the police can. Now, Mr Ray, please call your bank and stop that cheque. Next, give that lottery ticket to the police. They're going to want it.'


Mr Ray looked unhappy. 'Yes, all right,' he said.


'Then you need a lawyer,' said Mr Jones. 'Because Mrs Carter wants her money-and she wants it now!'




1. take sth. out of... 从……拿出某物

例句:He took his book out of the schoolbag and began to study.

他从书包掏出书, 开始学习。

2. put 放; 写; 做标记

例句:The students always put their names on the new books at the beginning of the term.


3. go away and come back 离开, 并且回来

例句:He went away and he will come back in two days.

他出去了, 并且在两天后回来。

4. go through 经历; 经过

例句:He’s going through a very difficult time.


5. look at... 看着

    look angrily at 生气地看着

    look happily at 高兴地看着

例句:He looked angrily at the exam marks.


  • 本名赛少君


  • 时透一郎

  • 樱花烂漫_予心


  • 905430575294187

    {\__/} ( • . •) />🇭🇰 想要这个吗{\__/} ( • - •) 🇭🇰< \ 这是我们中国的

    迈克多 回复 @905430575294187: 到底什么意思?

  • lucy_xc

  • 维拉vera


  • Jay乐


  • fw别丢下江挽曦

    {\__/} ( • . •) />🇭🇰 想要这个吗{\__/} ( • - •) 🇭🇰< \ 这是我们中国的

    迈克多 回复 @fw别丢下江挽曦: 想说什么🤔

  • Ajiuna玖

    真相要水落石出了我错过了什么!?  嗷!   \ヽ//  嗷!   ∧_ ∧  嗷!  ('Д';):.     ,r'⌒と.jミヽ    ノ ,.ィ' `ヽ/  /      i! /

  • 存恩同学
