





The Lottery Winner L10

彩票大赢家 L10

On Wednesday evening Simon Carter telephoned his mother. He lived near Sydney with his wife and their two children, and he telephoned Emma every week. She told him the story of her lottery ticket. Simon listened carefully, and got angrier and angrier.


'Is your head OK now, Mum?'


'Yes, thank you, Simon. But I'm very, very angry. That young man stole my lottery ticket. Now he's got a cheque for five million pounds--and I've got nothing! I don't want to be rich, but I do want to come to Australia and visit you, and Mollie, and my grandchildren. It's not right, Simon! I had the winning ticket, I paid for it, and that man stole it!' She began to cry.


'Mum, listen,' said Simon. 'Go and see a lawyer. '


'I don't know any lawyers,' said Emma unhappily.


'Look in the telephone book,' said Simon. 'There are lawyers in every town.'


'But lawyers are expensive. I can't pay a lawyer.'


'I can pay a lawyer, ' said Simon. 'I'm sending you some money today, through my bank. Don't cry, Mum. Put on your best dress and go and see a lawyer. '(1) (2)


'Simon, you're a wonderful son. '


'And you're a wonderful mother. Goodbye, Mum. And good luck! '


'Well, Mrs. Carter, how can I help you? '


It was Thursday morning and Emma was in Edwin Jones's office. Edwin Jones was a big man, with a red face and small blue eyes.(3)


'It's about a lottery ticket,' Emma began.


'Ah, the lottery. Everybody wants to win the lottery!'


'But I did!' said Emma. 'It was my ticket--my numbers.'


'Tell me about it, Mrs Carter. From the beginning.'(4)


So Emma told the lawyer everything, and he listened carefully. When Emma finished, he said: 'Those numbers on the ticket--tell them to me again.'


'5, 12, 23, 24, 38, 41.'


'And you always get a ticket with those numbers. Why, Mrs Carter?' asked the lawyer.


'All those numbers are important to me. I was born on 5th December, 1923. I lived at number 24 Sandwich Road for 38 years. And my son Simon is 41 years old.'


'I see. Well, Mrs Carter,' Mr Jones said. 'What do you want me to do?'


'Please talk to Sunshine Lotteries, Mr Jones. They've got my ticket.'


'But, Mrs Carter, what can they do? All lottery tickets look the same.(5) People don't write their names on their tickets. Perhaps it is your ticket, but we can't prove it.'


'But we can! My ticket's different! Please listen! I always put a little kiss on my ticket… you know, an X.'


'Why do you do that? '


'My son lives in Australia with his family. I'd like to visit them, but aeroplane tickets are very expensive. So every week I get a lottery ticket and I think about Simon and his wife and my grandchildren, and I send them a kiss. Simon's a wonderful son. He telephones me every week. He never forgets …'


The lawyer smiled. 'Yes, yes, I understand, ' he said. 'My mother lives in Wales, and I telephone her every week too. Please go home now, Mrs. Carter. I'm going to make some telephone calls. Come and see me again tomorrow.'




1. go and see sb. 去找……

    come and see... 来见……

例句:Go and see a doctor. 去看医生。

Go and see your teacher. 去看看你的老师。

2. send sb. some money 给某人汇钱

例句:His father sends him a lot of pocket money every month.


3. 形容词顺序: 大小、 形状在前, 颜色在后。

拓展:small red flowers 红色的小花

4. tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事

    tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事

例句:Can you tell me about your exam?


Can you tell the exam to me?


5. look the same 看起来一样

例句:They are twins, and they look the same.

他们是双胞胎, 看起来长得一样。

  • 樱花烂漫_予心


    Thedustye 回复 @樱花烂漫_予心: 老太太:我劝他耗子尾汁

  • 樱汐夏染


    25字阁下 回复 @樱汐夏染: hi

  • 13的吧


  • selinaypw

    老师问:4+1=多少?小明:=6-1。 为什么?老师问。小明:因为年亲人不讲5的

  • Jay乐


  • 御坂菌


    YW_gs 回复 @御坂菌: 也许明年就会变成42了

  • 山河故里101201



    笑话一则:老师问小明:“4+1=多少?”小明回答到:“=6-1。 ”“为什么?”老师问。小明说:“因为年轻人不讲5的(伍德)。”老师:“😓😓😓”

  • 雪梨米米


  • 高梁20152015
