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CPR part of school curriculum


China has asked all public schools to teach students first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation as part of children's health education to address the public's lack of knowledge and competence to step in during a first aid emergency, according to a joint statement by the Ministry of Education and Red Cross Society of China on Monday. There are as many as 550,000 sudden cardiac deaths in China every year, meaning one person dies per minute due to cardiac arrest, according to the National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases. 

About 60 percent of these deaths occur outside hospitals and the survival rate of a patient who received CPR outside a hospital is less than 4.5 percent in China, compared with about 47.5 percent in developed countries. The public in China is severely lacking in knowledge of first aid and the number of people who have received first aid training stands at a mere 1 percent. In the city of Beijing, the rate is slightly higher at 4 percent.

英 /,kɑːdɪəʊ'pʌlmən(ə)rɪ/  美 /,kɑrdɪo'pʌlmənəri/
adj. 心肺的;与心肺有关的

英 /rɪˌsʌsɪˈteɪʃn/  美 /rɪˌsʌsɪˈteɪʃn/ 
n. 复苏;复兴;复活

英 /ˈkɒmpɪtəns/  美 /ˈkɑːmpɪtəns/ 
n. 能力,胜任;权限;作证能力;足以过舒适生活的收入

英 /ˈkɑːdiæk/  美 /ˈkɑːrdiæk/
adj. 心脏的,心脏病的;(与)贲门(有关)的
n. (非正式)心脏病患者;强心剂

NBA postpones playoff games

The Milwaukee Bucks staged an unprecedented boycott of the NBA playoffs on Wednesday, forcing the league to postpone three games following outrage over the latest shooting of an unarmed black man by US police. The postponements marked a dramatic escalation in the NBA's fight for racial equality, which has swept through the league in the months since the killing of African-American George Floyd, by police in Minneapolis in May. 

A wave of anger rippled across the NBA after Sunday's shooting of Jacob Blake, a 29-year-old black man, in the Bucks' home state on Sunday. Blake was shot seven times in the back by police in Kenosha as he attempted to get into a car containing his three children. Reports surfaced that some other NBA teams, including the Boston Celtics and the Toronto Raptors, were having serious discussions about joining the boycott.

英 /ʌnˈpresɪdentɪd/  美 /ʌnˈpresɪdentɪd/
adj. 空前的;无前例的

英 /ˈbɔɪkɒt/  美 /ˈbɔɪkɑːt/ 
v. 联合抵制;拒绝购买;拒绝参加
n. 联合抵制

英 /ˈaʊtreɪdʒ/  美 /ˈaʊtreɪdʒ/
n. 愤怒,愤慨;暴行;侮辱
vt. 凌辱,强奸;对…施暴行;激起愤怒

英 /pəˈspəʊnmənt/  美 /poʊˈspoʊnmənt/ 
n. 延期;延缓

英 /ˌeskəˈleɪʃn/  美 /ˌeskəˈleɪʃn/ 
n. 增加;扩大;逐步上升

Typhoon hits Northeast China

China's national observatory renewed a red alert, the highest warning level, for Typhoon Bavi on Thursday. The typhoon, the eighth of this year, made landfall in coastal areas in North Pyongan province in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on Thursday morning, with a maximum wind force of 35 meters per second near its eye. 

It will move through China's northeastern provinces, bringing gales and torrential rain to the areas, the National Meteorological Center said. On Wednesday, Liaoning province started to evacuate ship crews and has suspended all ferry, railway and highway services that may be affected by the typhoon. 

Dalian International Airport canceled 32 flights due to weather risks. Interprovincial passenger ship services along the Bohai Strait between Shandong and Liaoning were suspended on Wednesday afternoon. In Changchun, the provincial capital of Jilin province, the education authority said schools could adjust their schooling arrangements or stop classes according to the changes in weather.

英 /əbˈzɜːvətri/  美 /əbˈzɜːrvətɔːri/ 
n. 天文台;气象台;瞭望台

英 /rɪˈnjuː/  美 /rɪˈnuː/ 
vt. 使更新;续借;续费;复兴;重申
vi. 更新;重新开始

英 /ˈlændfɔːl/  美 /ˈlændfɔːl/ 
n. 着陆;[水运] 初见陆地;到达陆地

英 /təˈrenʃl/  美 /təˈrenʃl/
adj. (水)奔流的;(雨)倾泻的,如注的;猛烈的

英 /ɪˈvækjueɪt/  美 /ɪˈvækjueɪt/
vt. 疏散,撤退;排泄
vi. 疏散;撤退;排泄

Snack makers report robust sales

Major snack retailers in China have seen burgeoning sales growth in the first half of this year, as more people stayed at home longer and enjoyed more snacks since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the first six months, Hunan-based snack maker Yanjin Shop Food Co Ltd recorded sales revenue of 945 million yuan, jumping up by 47.53 percent year-on-year. Other major snack and food makers also have done well. 

During the period, Anhui province-based Qiaqia Food Co Ltd, one of the largest Chinese producers of roasted seeds and nuts, gained a net profit of 295 million yuan, up 33.97 percent year-on-year. During the first six months, Chongqing-based Youyou Food Co, the country's main distributor of pickled chicken feet, realized a net profit of 129 million yuan, up 37.74 percent on a yearly basis, their latest earnings reports said. 

More people have also taken up baking as a hobby while spending more time at home, and this has driven the consumption of yeast for baking cakes and pastries. During the first six months, Angel Yeast Co Ltd, a Shanghai-listed major yeast maker in the country, achieved sales revenue of 4.34 billion yuan, up 16.91 percent year-on-year. 

英 /ˈbɜːdʒənɪŋ/  美 /ˈbɜːrdʒənɪŋ/ 
adj. 迅速发展的,快速生长的,繁荣的
v. 急速增长,迅速发展,繁荣兴盛(burgeon 的现在分词)

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Hi everyone, here are words you should know from today's news.

No.1 cardiopulmonary
No.2 competence
China has asked all public schools to teach students first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation as part of children's health education to address the public's lack of knowledge and competence to step in during a first aid emergency, according to a joint statement by the Ministry of Education and Red Cross Society of China on Monday.

No.3 boycott
The Milwaukee Bucks staged an unprecedented boycott of the NBA playoffs on Wednesday, forcing the league to postpone three games following outrage over the latest shooting of an unarmed black man by US police. 

No.4 escalation
The postponements marked a dramatic escalation in the NBA's fight for racial equality, which has swept through the league in the months since the killing of African-American George Floyd, by police in Minneapolis in May. 

No.5 burgeoning
Major snack retailers in China have seen burgeoning sales growth in the first half of this year, as more people stayed at home longer and enjoyed more snacks since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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That's all for today. Thanks for listening. See you next week!

  • Sylvia_岚


  • 拼凑记忆的石头

    打卡second day 1.cardiopulmonary心肺的、与心肺有关的 2.resuscitation复苏、复兴、复活 3.competence能力、胜任、权限、作证能力、足以过舒适生活的收入 4.cardiac心脏的、心脏病的、(与)贲门(有关)的 5.unprecedented空前的(无前例的) 6.boycott联合抵制、拒绝购买、拒绝参加、联合抵制 7.outrage愤怒、愤慨、暴行、侮辱、凌辱、强奸、对施暴行、激起愤怒 8.posponement延期、延缓 9.escalation增加、扩大、逐步上升 10.observatory天文台、气象台、瞭望台

  • Shirley兰兰


    Pasang桑 回复 @Shirley兰兰: 那你自己可以调快一点啊

  • 听友253617285


  • 听友488236991


  • 听友253729628

    怎么调语速? 真无字幕吗?我是萌新

    听友253649754 回复 @听友253729628: 有字幕在下面,语速是那个右边的三道杠有点点的那个

  • Jane369


  • 听友202961293


    9tbjt7qc85n3e3ngiaxy 回复 @听友202961293: 可以调倍速

  • 资深少女小y


  • 听友252889061
