


欢迎订阅主播“中国日报网”在喜马拉雅上的【China Daily 英语新闻】和【24节气英语说】两个专辑,通过我们的节目,不错过世界上发生的趣事!(未经授权,请勿转载)

1 / Dictionary launches 12th edition



The 12th edition of Xinhua Dictionary, published on Monday after nine years since its last edition, has added new words and definitions shaped by the internet and social progress, reflecting the development of the country and characteristics of the times. 


The new dictionary includes more than 100 new words and expressions, such as "chu xin" (original aspiration), "fen si" (fans) , "jie ping" (screenshots), "er wei ma" (QR code), and "dian zan" (click the "like" button). In addition, it has added 50 new definitions and usages, including "mai meng" (acting cute), "pin che" (carpool), "pin gou" (shopping pool), and "bei hui yuan" (involuntarily being a member). 


In addition to these regular revisions, the 12th edition has a QR code on each page, allowing readers to scan the code to learn how to correctly write a character and hear the correct pronunciation. This is the first time the Xinhua Dictionary has simultaneously launched an app and printed copies.




英 /ˌæspəˈreɪʃn/ 美 /ˌæspəˈreɪʃn/

n. 渴望;抱负;送气;吸气;吸引术


英 /ˈkɑːpuːl/ 美 /ˈkɑːrpuːl/

v. 合伙用车,拼车

n. 合伙用车者;(公司或机构供员工使用的))车队


英 /ɪnˈvɒləntrəli/ 美 /ɪnˌvɑːlənˈterəli/

adv. 无心地;不自觉地;偶然地

2 / Fortune Global 500 list released


A total of 133 Chinese companies are on this year's Fortune Global 500 list, including those from Hong Kong and Taiwan, Fortune magazine announced on Monday. 


China takes a leading role among countries on the list, followed by the US with 121 companies. 


Thanks to China's reform and opening-up and rapid economic development, an increasing number of Chinese companies have made the list in recent years. 


Their rankings have also been rising sharply. Chinese company Sinopec Group grabbed second place, followed by State Grid and China National Petroleum, representing all three Chinese companies in the top 10. 


A total of 12 Chinese companies made the top 50. Four of them are banks, including Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China and Bank of China. 


A total of 25 new and relisted companies are on this year's Fortune Global 500 ranking, of which eight are newly listed Chinese companies.


3 / Russia first to register vaccine


Russia has registered the world's first vaccine against the novel coronavirus, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday. 


Putin said one of his daughters had been vaccinated against the coronavirus and was feeling well afterward. Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko said that the new vaccine, after passing all necessary checks, showed that it forms a stable immunity. 


Putin said he hoped that the mass production of the vaccine registered in Russia would begin in the near future, and vaccination will be available to everyone in the country voluntarily. 


Russian Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said that she expected the production of the vaccine to start at the end of August or the beginning of September and health workers will be the first to be vaccinated.


4 / Trump's work visa ban challenged 


More than 50 technology companies and organizations, including Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook, filed an amicus brief on Monday in support of lawsuits against the Trump administration's suspension of work visas. 


US President Donald Trump issued a proclamation in April suspending the entry of nearly all immigrants to the US due to the high unemployment rate. 


He issued another proclamation in June, extending the April order through the end of this year and expanding it by imposing new restrictions on a variety of work visas. 


A diverse set of parties, including the US Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers and the National Retail Federation, have filed lawsuits in California and Washington federal courts to challenge the president's orders. 


Twenty-two states and the District of Columbia filed an amicus (friend of the court) brief in support of the suits on Aug 7, warning that the visa ban could result in economic fallout. 


Specifically, the proclamations "will stifle innovation, hinder growth, and ultimately harm US workers, businesses, and the economy more broadly in irreparable ways", according to the brief.




英 /ə'maikəs/ 美 /ə'maikəs/

n. (具体案件的)庭审顾问


英 /ˌprɒkləˈmeɪʃn/ 美 /ˌprɑːkləˈmeɪʃn/

n. 公告;宣布;宣告;公布


Hi everyone, here are words you should know from today's news.

No.1 aspiration

The new dictionary includes more than 100 new words and expressions, such as "chu xin" (original aspiration), "fen si" (fans) , "jie ping" (screenshots), "er wei ma" (QR code), and "dian zan" (click the "like" button).

No.2 carpool

No.3 involuntarily

In addition, it has added 50 new definitions and usages, including "mai meng" (acting cute), "pin che" (carpool), "pin gou" (shopping pool), and "bei hui yuan" (involuntarily being a member). 

No.4 amicus

More than 50 technology companies and organizations, including Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and Facebook, filed an amicus brief on Monday in support of lawsuits against the Trump administration's suspension of work visas. 

No.5 proclamation

US President Donald Trump issued a proclamation in April suspending the entry of nearly all immigrants to the US due to the high unemployment rate. 

To find more audio news, please subscribe to "China Daily English News" on ximalaya FM

 Thanks for listening~See you tomorrow!

  • 时光清浅流年满过夏天


    时光清浅流年满过夏天 回复 @CKinterpreter: 微信公众号

  • Only_for_YIBO

    Aspiration n.渴望,抱负 carpool v/n.合伙用车,拼车 involuntarily adv.无心地,偶然地 amicus n.审庭顾问 proclamation n.公告,宣布

    池妤想干饭_ 回复 @Only_for_YIBO: 互粉

  • 你忙我忙_k1

    edition 美式和英式都是以i 元音发音

    池妤想干饭_ 回复 @你忙我忙_k1: 互粉

  • 甜田田j


    池妤想干饭_ 回复 @甜田田j: 互粉

  • 白小菜_Candy


  • 听友244242746

    Aspiration n.渴望,抱负 carpool v/n.合伙用车,拼车 involuntarily adv.无心地,偶然地 amicus n.审庭顾问 proclamation n.公告,宣布

  • Xyah_9h


    池妤想干饭_ 回复 @Xyah_9h: 互粉

  • 1516446msoe

    shopping pool

  • 听友251018722


    池妤想干饭_ 回复 @听友251018722: 互粉

  • CKinterpreter


    池妤想干饭_ 回复 @CKinterpreter: 互粉