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Messi tells Barca he wants to leave


Leo Messi has reportedly informed FC Barcelona that he wants to leave the club immediately despite having a 700 million euro release clause in his contract. The news was broken on Tuesday by Argentinean TV channel TyC Sports and repeated in the Spanish media, explaining that Messi has sent a registered fax to the club highlighting a clause which allows him to unilaterally rescind his contract at the end of this season. 
据多家媒体报道,梅西已通知巴塞罗那俱乐部,希望立刻离开这家球队,尽管梅西的合约中包含的买断条款解约金为7亿欧元(约合人民币57.26亿元)。8月25日, 阿根廷TyC体育台最先爆出这则消息,随后西班牙媒体也报道了此事,并称梅西已通过传真通知俱乐部,希望通过合同中的赛季末单方面解约条款来解除合同。

The Barcelona based "El Mundo Deportivo" newspaper reported that the club has indeed received a fax from Messi but that the clause allowing him to walk away for free expired on June 10. However, the striker believes that this is irrelevant because Barca's campaign only ended on Aug 14 following their 8-2 elimination from the Champions League by Bayern Munich. 

The striker reportedly expressed doubts over his future at the Camp Nou, where he has been since arriving as a 13 year-old, making 731 appearances and scoring 634 goals for the club, in a recent telephone conversation with new coach Ronald Koeman.

英 /klɔːz/  美 /klɔːz/ 
n. 条款;[计] 子句




adv. 单方面地

英 /rɪˈsɪnd/  美 /rɪˈsɪnd/ 
vt. 解除;废除;撤回

英 /ɪˌlɪmɪˈneɪʃn/  美 /ɪˌlɪmɪˈneɪʃn/ 
n. 消除;淘汰;除去

World's 1st floating Apple Store

Apple's worldwide retail network may be struggling during the coronavirus pandemic, but that hasn't stopped the company from indulging in its penchant for pricey-looking, unique, and outlandish exterior design. The iPhone maker's newest retail location, located in Singapore on the city-state's waterfront and known officially as Apple Marina Bay Sands, can claim a world's first title: it's the only Apple retail shop on the planet that floats on water. 

The location, part of the luxury hotel and resort of the same name, is Singapore's third Apple Store. During the daytime, the new Marina Bay Sands store appears to look like an odd spacecraft of some sort or perhaps some form of futuristic theater. But at nighttime, when Singapore's iconic skyline is lit in all its glory in the background, the store really comes alive and you can tell the company clearly designed it as an evening fixture best viewed in the dark. The store is Apple's 512th retail shop globally, and it's opening sometime soon.

1、indulge in
vt. 沉湎于,沉溺于

英 /ˈpɒ̃ʃɒ̃/  美 /ˈpentʃənt/ 
n. 嗜好;倾向

英 /aʊtˈlændɪʃ/  美 /aʊtˈlændɪʃ/ 
adj. 古怪的;奇异的;异国风格的;偏僻的

英 /ˈwɔːtəfrʌnt/  美 /ˈwɔːtərfrʌnt/ 
n. 滩,海滨;水边
adj. 滨水区的

英 /ˌfjuːtʃəˈrɪstɪk/  美 /ˌfjuːtʃəˈrɪstɪk/ 
adj. 未来派的;未来主义的

Qixi Festival revives tourism

Qixi Festival, or Chinese Valentine's Day, which fell on Tuesday, turned out to be a boon for the country's tourism and hospitality sectors. Statistics from online travel agency Ctrip showed people were more eager to travel to mark the festival this year than in 2019, pushing airfares to major cities up by 17% year-on-year since the weekend. 

Chongqing was the most popular destination according to a report released by Tongcheng, an online travel platform, followed by Chengdu, Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou. Qunar, another online travel agency, said hotel reservations for Qixi Festival were up 40% across the country compared with last week, while Fliggy, Alibaba's online travel agency, reported a 34% year-on-year increase in hotel reservations.

英 /buːn/  美 /buːn/ 
n. 恩惠;福利;利益
adj. 愉快的;慷慨的

2B doses of vaccine by 2021

The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday it hopes to deliver by the end of next year at least 2 billion doses of safe, effective vaccines through its vaccine initiative. As of Monday, 172 countries were engaging with the initiative, which is known as the COVAX Global Vaccines Facility. At present, nine potential vaccines are part of the dynamic portfolio, which is constantly being reviewed and optimized to ensure access to the best possible range of products. 

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said discussions are ongoing with four additional producers, and a further nine vaccines are currently under evaluation for the longer term. The WHO is working with vaccine manufacturers to provide all countries that join the effort with timely and equitable access to all approved vaccines.


英 /pɔːtˈfəʊliəʊ/  美 /pɔːrtˈfoʊlioʊ/ 
n. 公文包;文件夹;证券投资组合;部长职务;作品集;(公司或机构提供的)系列产品,系列服务;(职业类型)短期合同制的,兼职的

英 /ˈekwɪtəbl/  美 /ˈekwɪtəbl/ 
adj. 公平的,公正的;平衡法的

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Hi everyone, here are words you should know from today's news.
No.1 clause
Leo Messi has reportedly informed FC Barcelona that he wants to leave the club immediately despite having a 700 million euro release clause in his contract.

No.2 unilaterally
The news was broken on Tuesday by Argentinean TV channel TyC Sports and repeated in the Spanish media, explaining that Messi has sent a registered fax to the club highlighting a clause which allows him to unilaterally rescind his contract at the end of this season. 

No.3 indulge in
No.4 penchant
No.5 outlandish
Apple's worldwide retail network may be struggling during the coronavirus pandemic, but that hasn't stopped the company from indulging in its penchant for pricey-looking, unique, and outlandish exterior design.

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please subscribe to "China Daily English News" on ximalaya FM.
That's all for today. Thanks for listening. See you tomorrow!

  • 拼凑记忆的石头

    打卡 first day clasuse条款 unilaterally单方面地 resind 解除、撤回 elimination消除、淘汰、除去 indulge in沉湎于、沉溺于 penchant嗜好、倾向 outlandlish奇怪的、古怪的、异国风格的、偏僻的 waterfront滩、海滨、水边 滨水区的 futuristic未来派的、未来主义的 boon恩惠 portfolio公文包、文件夹、部长职务、作品集 equitable公平的、公正的、平衡法的

  • 听友252859438


  • 1389295uubd


    浪漫又自由 回复 @1389295uubd: 怎么看的中文??

  • Chen_31415926

    unilaterally rescind expire indulge in penchant outlandish

  • GMxYT


  • 唐媛_zm

    I know lovers reserved hotel to spend night together, but how do they have holidays during work days to fly to other cities?

  • 一颗小泡芙呀


  • 听友226998924


  • 傲骨清风_fr
