



ROSS: What's goin' on?

RACHEL: Well, first of all, Paulo and I are not back together. It was just a stupid thing that I did, and if I could go back in time and do it again, well, I wouldn't. Um, second of all, what? (Ross laughs)

ROSS: Ok. Well, before I say anything, I just need to know, is this one of those things where you break up with a guy, and then I tell you what I think, and then the next day you get back together with the guy, and I look like a complete idiot?

RACHEL: No. No-no-no-no.

ROSS: Well, then, I think, I think the guy is scum. I hate him. I physically hate him. I always have. You are way too good to be with a guy like that. You deserve to be with someone who appreciates you, and who gets how funny and sweet and amazing, and adorable, and sexy you are, you know? Someone who wakes up every morning thinking "Oh my god, I'm with Rachel". You know, someone who makes you feel good, like the way I do with Julie.


first of all:2次连读

not back together:not的t失去爆破不发音,back的k失去爆破不发音

It was just a:it的t失去爆破不发音,just的t失去爆破不发音,jus和a连读

stupid thing:d失去爆破不发音

that I:连读   

if I could go back in:if和I连读,could的d失去爆破不发音,back in连读   

it again:连读   

second of all:2次连读   

one of:连读   

break up with a: break和up连读,up的p失去爆破不发音,with和a连读

what I:连读       

next day:t失去爆破不发音      

get back together:get的t失去爆破不发音,back的k失去爆破不发音    

like a:连读   

complete idiot:连读    

good to:d失去爆破不发音   

wakes up every morning:wakes up连读,up every连读



  • 毕然APTX4869

    complete idiot还好,却被do it again 给难倒了。。

  • 小怪物的棒棒糖

    这段话说的太好了。 Ross对Rachel是真爱。

  • 钱hua


    钱hua 回复 @玩亨随身听: 那我位置摆了之后,然后又不发出来,这样老外就能听懂吗?不会觉得是吞音了吗?

  • LiliDAngel

    I believe it's Paolo, not Paulo.

  • 13557442dal

    and 和then怎么连读的呢?

  • 空格僵尸

    超喜欢 有收获

  • 听友66766656

