凡妮莎·科比 | Audible有声问卷调查

凡妮莎·科比 | Audible有声问卷调查


I'm Vanessa Kirby and I'm the narrator of "Morgan is my Name" and this is my Audible 8.

我是凡妮莎·科比,《摩根是我的名字》的朗读者,这是我的Audible 八个问答调查。

Okay, where is my happy place? This is, you know, this is the one that I always just have to say 'cause it's with my sister. She is my best friend in the world and we've lived together for a really long time and she is truly my happy place. I have to say her or anywhere where she is.


If you could wake up anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would it be? I think just at home having a nice time. Yeah, there's nothing like coming home. I have to travel so much for work or just travel a lot and just lovely feeling when you've come off, you know, been on some long-haul flight, and you wake up in your own bed.


Who in the world would I most want to throw a party for? I know it might be a boring answer. But honestly, my best friends. I have a huge group of us from Uni and all just every birthday we have just parties all year round, really. And it's my very favorite thing to do in the world, so I would be there.


What is my favorite thing about recording audio? It's so cool to be so immersed in something and to read a whole book from start to finish. It's amazing how when you leave and you go about your day, it kind of drifts into your mind a lot and it really it's so immersive because you're really, really deeply in it. You can't skip bits, you know, you can't fall asleep in the middle of it or whatever. Although I'm sure the sound engineer did a couple of times.


What's something that cheers you up no matter what? Coffee, is the thing. It's a voice, isn't it, but really. It's the highlight of the morning isn't it, always. Having a bad day or you know, yeah, it's always something lovely in the morning. So I'd have to say coffee.


Do you have a favorite sound? What is it? Glastonbury. Just the sound of Glastonbury. Of just walking around being at the festival, all the different stages playing, that's my happy place as well.


What is my favorite line in "Morgan is my Name"? My favorite line in the book is when she says, "And there aren't enough words for all that I am." 


And the reason that's I think brilliant is because she has such a journey from being a little girl and going through so many obstacles, and so difficult to be a woman in the time that she's born, which is the proper ancient times, you know, knights of the round table times, Arthur and Camelot. 


And she really comes into her power and owns who she is and all the parts of her in the face of many different adversities. And we were really moved by it when we were recording it.


Describe "Morgan is my Name" in 10 words or less. Describing something in 10 words or less is always difficult for me, but I'll give it a try. I would say it's really beautiful. Properly inspiring, Really fun. Six. Probably should have used one word, really Gripping. And, yeah, I found it profound, because. I should probably stop. Okay.


  • 淘_漫音澜


  • SivanL


  • 笑fun天


  • 笑fun天

    Her favorite line in the book is there aren't enough words for all that I am

  • Caimin1113
