


4951. retailer:/ˈriː.teɪ.lər/ n.零售商;零售店【The company is a retailer of office equipment and furniture. 这家公司是办公设备和家具的零售商。】

4952. bypass:/ˈbaɪ.pɑːs/,/ˈbaɪ.pæs/ v.绕过;绕…走;避开【We took the road that bypasses the town. 我们选择了绕过城镇的道路。// Interstate 8 bypasses the town to the north. 8号州际公路向北绕过城镇。】;忽视;置…于不顾;越过【They bypassed the committee and went straight to senior management. 他们越过委员会,直接找高级管理层。】;n.(给心脏接旁通管的)搭桥手术,分流术【a triple bypass operation 冠状动脉三重搭桥手术】;(绕过村镇的)旁路,旁道,外环路【A new bypass around the city is being built. 一条新的绕城环路正在建设当中。】

4953. descend:/dɪˈsend/ v.下降;走下;降下【The path descended steeply into the valley. 这条路很陡,一直通到山谷。// She descended the stairs. 她走下了楼梯。】;(夜晚、黑暗、情绪等) 降临;来临【Night descends quickly in the tropics. 热带地区黑夜来得快。// Calm descended on the crowd. 人群平静下来。】;(不好的感觉)遍布,蔓延, (情绪、气氛等)降临,笼罩【An uneasy calm descended on the area... 一种令人不安的平静笼罩了该地区。】; 陷入(糟糕境地)【He was ultimately overthrown and the country descended into chaos. 他最终被推翻,整个国家则陷入了混乱。】;降低身份;堕落;沦落【We're not going to descend to such methods...我们不会沦落到使用这种手段。】

4954. descendant:/dɪˈsen.dənt/ n.子孙,后代【He has no descendants. 他没有后代。// They claim to be descendants of a French duke. 他们自称是一位法国公爵的后代。// We owe it to our descendants to leave them a clean world to live in. 给子孙后代留下一个清洁的生活环境是我们的职责。】

4955. descent:/dɪˈsent/ n.血缘关系,家族关系;祖先;出身【She's a woman of mixed descent. 她是一个混血女人。// They trace their line of descent back to a French duke. 他们的先人可以追溯到一位法国公爵。】;不期而至,突然到达【We weren't prepared for the descent of thousands of journalists on the town. 我们没想到数千名记者会突然来到镇上。】;下降,下落;下沉【The plane began (to make) its final descent into the airport. 飞机开始(做)最终下降,准备在机场着陆。// There is a steep descent (= way down, such as a path) to the village below. 有一条很陡的路通向下面的村庄。】;堕落,蜕变【His descent into crime was rapid. 他很快就堕落到犯罪的地步。】

4956. insight:/ˈɪn.saɪt/ n.洞察力;深刻见解;领悟,洞悉【It was an interesting book, full of fascinating insights into human relationships. 这是一本有趣的书,充满了对人际关系独到的见解。// The article gives us a real insight into the causes of the present economic crisis. 这篇文章使我们对当前经济危机的原因有了真正的了解。】

4957. insightful:/ˈɪn.saɪtfəl/ ,/ɪnˈsaɪtfəl/ adj.有深刻了解的;富有洞察力的【an insightful analysis 有见地的分析 或 精辟的分析 // She offered some really interesting, insightful observations.  她给出了一些非常有趣又富有洞察力的评论。】

4958. flexibility:/ˌfleksəˈbɪləti/ n.柔韧性;灵活性;弹性;适应性【Stretching exercises will help your flexibility. 伸展运动有助于你的柔韧性。】

4959. ethic:/ˈeθɪk/ n.行为准则,伦理;(尤指)道德体系,道德规范【The ethics of journalism are much debated. 新闻业的职业道德问题是个广受讨论的问题。// He said he was bound by a scientist's code of ethics. 他说他受到科学家的道德准则的约束。】

4960. rewarding:/rɪˈwɔ:dɪŋ/ adj.值得做的;有意义的【Is it a rewarding job? 干这份工作有意义吗? // Teaching can be a very rewarding career. 教书是一项非常有意义的职业。】

4961. dropout:/ˈdrɒp.aʊt/ n.辍学者,退学者;(与众不同的)怪人【a high school dropout高中辍学者 // a college dropout 大学肄业生 // He was a loner and a dropout. 他是个独来独往的怪人。】

4962. adequately:/ˈædɪkwətli/ adv.充分地;足够地;适当地【Many students are not adequately prepared for higher education. 许多学生并未做好接受高等教育的充分准备。// I speak the language adequately. 我这门语言说得不错。// They felt slighted by not being adequately consulted. 没有充分征求他们的意见,这让他们感到被冷落了。】

4963. marathon:/ˈmærəθən/, /ˈmerəθɑːn/ n.马拉松赛跑(全长42.195公里)【She did/ran her first marathon in just under three hours. 她首次参加马拉松比赛,就在3个小时内跑完了全程。】;马拉松式的活动,持久的活动【The election broadcast, a nine-hour marathon, lasts until seven o'clock in the morning. 长达9个小时的马拉松式选举报道一直持续到早上7点。】;adj.马拉松的【a marathon runner 马拉松运动员】;马拉松式的(形容一件事耗费了很长时间,使人精疲力竭)【I had a marathon session marking 55 tests yesterday. 我昨天一连改了55份考卷。】

4964. nicety:/ˈnaɪ.səti/ n.细节;细微的差别【They spent a lot of time arguing about legal niceties. 他们花费了大量时间争论法律上的细节。// We don't bother with all the social niceties here. 我们略过这里的一切繁文缛节。】;微妙;精确;严密;仔细【the nicety of his argument 他那论证的精确严密】

4965. performer:/pəˈfɔːmə/ n.表演者;演出者;演员【He's a brilliant performer. 他是个出色的演员。】;表现得…者;做得…者【The British boat was the star performer in the race. 英国赛船在比赛中是佼佼者。// He was a poor performer at school and left with no qualifications. 他在校学习成绩不好,没有毕业就离开学校。】

4966. qualitative:/ˈkwɒlitətiv/ ,/ˈkwɑːləteɪtiv/ adj.质量的;性质的【Is there any qualitative difference between these two laptops? 这两台笔记本在质量上有差别吗?】;质的,性质上的【There has been a qualitative change in the relationship between the public and the government. 民众和政府之间的关系有了质的改变。】

4967. regretful:/rɪˈɡretfəl/ adj.懊悔的;遗憾的;惋惜的【a regretful goodbye 遗憾的告别 /a regretful glance 怅然的一瞥 /a regretful smile 充满歉意的微笑 // Surprisingly, she didn't feel nervous, or regretful about her actions.  令人惊讶的是,她并没有对她的行为感到紧张或后悔。】

4968. regrettable:/rɪˈɡretə.bəl/ adj.使人悔恨的;令人遗憾的;不幸的;可悲的【a most/deeply regrettable mistake 令人深感懊悔的错误 // It's regrettable that classical music receives so little attention. 遗憾的是,古典音乐受到的关注如此之少。】

4969. seniority:/ˌsiːniˈɒrəti/ ,/si:nˈjɔ:rəti/ n.资历【In future, promotion will be based on merit not seniority. 以后晋升要看业绩而非资历】;年长;级别高【I suppose I was impressed by his seniority. 我觉得他的高级别给我留下了很深的印象。】

4970. trailer:/ˈtreɪ.lər/ n.拖车;挂车【The car was pulling a trailer with a motorcycle on it. 这辆汽车拖着一辆挂车,挂车上面载着一辆摩托车。】;旅行拖车;(拖车式)活动房屋;(影视节目、广播的)预告片【I saw a trailer for the new series of "Game of Thrones" last night. 我昨晚看了新一季《权力的游戏》的预告片。】

4971. tragic:/ˈtrædʒɪk/ adj.哀痛的;悲惨的【Lillian Board’s death at 22 was a tragic loss for British athletics. Lillian Board 22岁时去世,对英国体育界来说是一个悲惨的损失。】;悲剧的【During his acting career, he has played all Shakespeare's great tragic heroes. 在他的演员生涯中,他扮演过莎士比亚戏剧中所有著名的悲剧主人公。】

4972. tragically:/ˈtrædʒɪkli/ adv.悲惨地【Tragically, she never saw the completed building because she died before it was finished...可叹的是,她在大楼竣工前就去世了,无缘见到它的落成。// Tragically, the side-effects of the drug were not discovered until many people had been seriously damaged by it. 可悲的是,直到许多人受到严重伤害后,才发现这种药物的副作用。】

4973. validate:/ˈvælɪdeɪt/,/ˈvælədeɪt/ v.(尤指经检查后)批准,认可,使生效【The data is validated automatically by the computer after it has been entered. 数据输入后,计算机会自动识别其有效性。// It is a one-year course validated by London's City University. 这是由伦敦城市大学批准设立的一年制课程。】;证实…是对的【He feels that today's economic problems validate his opposition to the policy. 他觉得目前的经济问题说明他反对这项政策是对的。】

4974. validity:/vəˈlɪdəti/ n.(法律上的)有效,合法性;(正式的)认可【Shocked by the results of the elections, they now want to challenge the validity of the vote. 选举结果令他们很震惊,他们现在要对选举的可信性提出质疑。// The period of validity of the agreement has expired. 本协议的有效期已过。】;符合逻辑;正当;正确【This research seems to give some validity to the theory that the drug might cause cancer. 这项研究似乎为这种药物可能致癌的理论提供了一些依据。 // Not for one moment did he doubt the validity of those ideas. 他一刻也不怀疑这些想法的正确性。】

4975. whereas:/weərˈæz/,/werˈæz/ conj.尽管;但是;却(用以比较或对比两个事实,语气比较强,是比较正式的用法 )【He must be about 60, whereas his wife looks about 30. 他肯定有60岁上下了,可他妻子看起来只有30岁左右。// You eat a huge plate of food for lunch, whereas I have just a sandwich. 你午饭吃了一大盘东西,可我只吃了个三明治。// We thought she was arrogant, whereas she was just very shy. 我们认为她很傲慢,而她只是很害羞。】

4976. transplant:/trænˈsplɑːnt/ v.移植,移栽;(使)移居【The plants should be grown indoors until spring, when they can be transplanted outside. 这些植物应该先种在室内,到了春天就可以移栽到外面。】;n. / ˈtrænsplɑːnt/ 移植,(尤指器官的移植)【transplant surgery 移植手术 // He had a heart transplant. 他接受过心脏移植。】;移植物;(尤指)移植器官【His body accepted the transplant. 他的身体对移植器官没有出现排斥反应。】

4977. transplantation:/ˌtræn.splaːnˈteɪ.ʃən/ n.转移【Plants must be strong enough to survive transplantation. 植物要足够强壮才能在移植的时候存活下来。】;器官移植【organ transplantation 器官移植 // Transplantation of organs from living donors raises ethical issues. 移植活人捐献的器官引发出一些伦理问题。】

4978. setback:/ˈsetbæk/ n.挫折;障碍【There has been a slight setback in our plans. 我们的计划遭到了一点挫折。// The project suffered a setback because its director was absent on paternity leave. 这个项目因其主管休陪产假而受挫 <这里的paternity leave  指父亲照顾新生儿的休假,陪产假>】

4979. preach:/priːtʃ/ v.(尤指牧师在教堂中)讲道,布道;竭力劝说,竭力鼓吹【They preach the abolition of established systems but propose nothing to replace them. 他们竭力鼓吹废除现行体制,但没有提出取代方案。】;告诫;(尤指道德)说教【My mother's always preaching at/to me about keeping my room tidy. 我母亲老是告诫我保持房间整洁。】

4980. preacher:/ˈpriːtʃə/ n.传道士,牧师

