4041. session/ ‘seʃən/ n.(议会等机构的)会议;(法庭的)开庭;(从事某项活动的)一段时间;一场;一节【The course is made up of 12 two-hour sessions. 这门课总共上12次,每次两小时。】;学年;学期;上课时间【Access is restricted when school is in session. 学校上课时间是不能随便进入的。】
4042. policy/ ‘pɔləsi/ n. 政策,方针,策略;保险单【You should check your policy to see if you're covered for flood damage. 你应该查看一下你的保险单看看是否保了洪水险。】
4043. plus/ plΛs/ prep.加,加上【What is six plus four? 6加4等于几?】;并且,而且;加上【There will be two adults travelling, plus three children. 旅行时将有两个大人,外加三个小孩。】;n.优势,好处,长处【Your teaching experience will be a plus in this job. 你的教学经验对从事这项工作是个有利因素。】;加号;正号;adj.正的;零上【Plus 8 is eight more than zero. +8比0大8。】;略大的,略高的;以上的【Those cars cost $20,000 plus. 那些车总价在2万美元以上。】;略高于标准的【I got C plus/C+ for my essay. 我作文得了C+。】
4044. modern/ ‘mɔdən/ adj.现代的;新式的;近代的
4045. lest/ lest/ conj.以免,唯恐【She was afraid lest she had revealed too much. 她担心她泄露得太多了。】
4046. platform/ ‘plætfɔ:m/ n.平台;站台,月台【The next train for Beijing will depart from platform 9. 下一趟去北京的火车将从9号站台开出。】;讲台;舞台
4047. shiver/ ‘ʃivə/ v.(因寒冷、疾病或恐惧而)轻微颤抖,发抖【The poor dog - it's shivering! 可怜的狗—它在发抖!】;n.(因受惊、寒冷或生病)颤栗;颤抖【He felt a cold shiver of fear run through him. 他吓得打了一个寒战。】;
4048. solid/ ‘sɔlid/ adj.坚固的;坚硬的【solid ground 坚硬的地面】;实心的,无空隙的【solid rock 实心的石头】;纯的,无杂质的【solid gold 纯金】;adj.固体的,固态的【Freeze the mixture for about three hours or so until solid. 把混合物冷冻3小时左右,直到其变成固体。】;确定的;扎实的;可信赖的【This provided solid evidence that he committed the crime. 这提供了确凿证据,证明他犯了罪。】;持续的,不间断的【I slept for eleven solid hours. 我整整睡了11个小时。】;n.立体;立体图形;固体物质;固体食物;
4049. solidify/səˈlɪd.ə.faɪ/ v.(使)(液体或气体)固化,凝固【The chemical reaction solidifies the resin. 化学反应使树脂凝固变硬。】;(使)充实;(使)巩固;(使)稳固
4050. solidity/səˈlɪd.ə.ti/ n.固态;坚固;坚牢,确实 = solidness 【The agreement would give a new solidity to military cooperation between the two countries. 该协议将进一步巩固两国间的军事合作。】
sission policy政策 plus