


4891. infection:/ɪnˈfekʃən/ n.感染,(由细菌或病毒造成的身体部位的)感染【a serious infection 严重的感染 // Bandage the wound to reduce the risk of infection. 包扎伤口以减少感染的危险。】

4892. infectious:/ɪnˈfek.ʃəs/ adj.有传染性的【an infectious disease 传染病 // Flu is highly infectious. 流感具有高度传染性。】;有感染力的;有影响力的【an infectious laugh 有感染力的笑声 // an infectious smile 富有感染力的微笑】

4893. entrepreneur:/ˌɑːntrəprəˈnɜːr/ n.企业家,创业者【An entrepreneur is more than just a risk taker. He is a visionary. 企业家不仅要能承担风险,还应富于远见。】

4894. empress:/ˈemprəs/ n.女皇;皇后【Queen Victoria was Empress of India as well as Queen of Great Britain. 维多利亚女王是印度的女皇,也是大不列颠的女王。】

4895. individualism:/ɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəlɪzəm/ n.个人主义;个性;独特气质【Capitalism encourages competition and individualism. 资本主义鼓励竞争和个人主义。】<相关记忆No.492  individual>

4896. affluent:/ˈæfluənt/ adj.富裕的;富足的【affluent nations 富有的国家 // affluent neighbourhoods 富人区】;名词形式是:affluence n.富裕,富足;

4897. defection:/dɪˈfek.ʃən/ n.脱离,退出,叛逃(国家或政党等)【the defection of at least sixteen Parliamentary deputies. 至少 16 名议会代表的倒戈】<相关记忆No.3309 defect>

4898. defective:/dɪˈfek.tɪv/ adj.有缺陷的,有毛病的,有问题的【defective eyesight 有缺陷的视力 // a defective gene 缺损的基因 // I think that theory is defective. 我认为那种理论有缺陷。】

4899. fragmentary:/ˈfræɡməntri/,/ˈfræɡmənteri/ adj.片断的;零星的;不完整的【Reports are still fragmentary but it is already clear that the explosion has left many dead and injured. 虽然报道仍然是只言片语,但已经很清楚爆炸造成了大量伤亡。// Any action on the basis of such fragmentary evidence would be foolish. 基于如此不完整的证据采取的任何行动都是愚蠢的。】

4900. alley:/ˈæli/ n.小街;小巷,胡同【The alley led to the railway bridge. 这条小巷通向铁路桥。】

4901. instinctive:/ɪnˈstɪŋk.tɪv/ adj.本能的,直觉的【an instinctive reaction 本能反应】

4902. flee:/fliː/ v.(指因危险或恐惧而)逃跑(现在分词 fleeing,过去式和过去分词是 fled )【In order to escape capture, he fled to the mountains. 为了免遭俘虏,他逃到了山里。// His attackers turned and fled. 袭击他的人转身逃跑了。】

4903. deficiency:/dɪˈfɪʃənsi/ n.不足,缺乏,缺少【Pregnant women often suffer from iron deficiency. 孕妇常常缺铁。// Deficiencies in the education system have been much in the news. 新闻媒体对教育体制的种种不足进行了大量的报道。】

4904. deficient:/dɪˈfɪʃənt/ adj.缺乏的,缺少的【Women who are dieting can become iron deficient. 节食的女性可能会缺铁。】;不够的,不足的【His theory is deficient in several respects. 他的理论有几个方面的不足。】

4905. deficit:/ˈdefɪsɪt/ n.赤字;逆差;亏损【The country is running a trade deficit of $250 million. 该国有2.5亿美元的贸易逆差。】

4906. hinder:/ˈhɪndə/ v.阻碍,妨碍【His career has been hindered by injury. 他的职业生涯因伤而受阻。】

4907. hindrance:/ˈhɪndrəns/ n.阻碍,障碍;妨碍,阻挠;造成妨碍的人(或事物)【The floods have been a major hindrance to relief efforts. 洪水是救灾工作的主要障碍。】

4908. defiance:/dɪˈfaɪəns/ n.对抗;对立;违抗【The demonstration is a pointless act of defiance against the government. 通过示威来对抗政府是一种毫无意义的行为。// In defiance of the ceasefire, rebel troops are again firing on the capital. 叛军违反停火协定再次向首都开火。】

4909. defiant:/dɪˈfaɪənt/ adj.对抗的,违抗的;挑衅的【a defiant gesture 挑衅的姿态 // a defiant teenager 一个反叛的少年 // Despite the risk of suspension, he remained defiant. 尽管可能会被停职,他仍然桀骜不驯。】

4910. institutional:/ɪnstiˈtuː.ʃənəl/ adj.机构的【The hospital provides typically awful institutional food. 医院供应的是公共机构常见的那种难吃的食物。// The group is calling for institutional reforms. 该组织呼吁进行体制改革。】<相关记忆No.190 institution >

4911. essence:/ˈesəns/ n.本质;实质;要素【The essence of his argument was that education should continue throughout life. 他的观点的要旨是教育应该持续终生。 // Love is something eternal,the aspect may change, but not the essence. 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不会。】;(通常取自植物或花的)香精,香料,精油【essence of violets 紫罗兰香精 // vanilla essence 香草香精】;in essence 本质上;实质上【In essence, both sides agree on the issue. 从本质上说,双方在这个问题上的意见是一致的。】;be of the essence 极其重要;必不可少【In any of these discussions, of course, honesty is of the essence. 当然,在探讨任何问题时都必须坦诚。// Time is of the essence. 时间至关重要。】;

4912. affordable:/əˈfɔːdəbəl/ adj.付得起的;买得起的【This is a top-quality product at a very affordable price. 这是一种物美价廉的优质产品。】 ;(房屋等)让收入较低者有能力购买或租用的【affordable housing 保障性住房,经济适用房】

4913. handicap:/ˈhændɪkæp/ n.(精神或肉体的)残疾,缺陷【a physical handicap 身体残疾】<注意:这个词作为残疾缺陷来说,现在被许多人认为是一种冒犯,人们更偏好用"disability"这个词。 >;障碍,阻碍【I found that not having a car was quite a handicap while on holiday. 我发现度假的时候没有汽车非常不方便。】;(让步赛中对强者施加的)不利条件;让步赛,让分比赛【Handicaps give people with different abilities an equal chance of winning. 让步赛给具有不同能力的人同等的获胜机会。】;v.阻碍【Rescue efforts have been handicapped by rough seas and hurricane-force winds. 救援工作受到了大浪和飓风的阻碍。】

4914. handicapped:/ˈhændɪkæpt/ adj.(身体或精神)残疾的【What's the best way of improving theatre access for people who are physically handicapped? 改善剧院残疾人通道的最佳方法是什么?】;the handicapped (总称)残疾人<注意:这个词作为残疾缺陷来说,现在被许多人认为是一种冒犯,人们更偏好用disabled people 或者 people with disabilities. >

4915. deliberate:/dɪˈlɪbərət/  adj.(常指坏事)有意的,故意的,蓄意的【a deliberate attack 蓄意攻击 // a deliberate insult 蓄意侮辱 // We made a deliberate decision to live apart for a while. 经过慎重考虑,我们决定分开住一段时间。】;慢吞吞的;小心谨慎的;沉稳的【From her slow, deliberate speech I guessed she must be drunk. 她说话慢吞吞的,我猜她肯定喝醉了。】;v./dɪlɪbəreɪt/  慎重考虑;仔细讨论【The jury took five days to deliberate on the case. 陪审团花了5天时间对此案进行了慎重讨论。// He's deliberating whether or not to accept the new job that he's been offered. 他正在慎重考虑是否接受提供给他的这份新工作。】

4916. deliberation:/dɪˌlɪbəˈreɪʃən/ n.考虑;讨论【After much deliberation, she decided to accept their offer. 经过反复考虑,她决定接受他们的报价。< after much thought>】;从容;审慎【Slowly and with deliberation she turned to me and told me to get out. 她不慌不忙地转过身来叫我出去。】

4917. defend:/dɪˈfend/ v.保护,防卫;为…辩护【How can we defend our homeland if we don't have an army? 如果没有军队,我们怎能保护我们的家园? // White blood cells help defend the body against infection. 白细胞帮助保护身体免受感染。 // They are fighting to defend their beliefs. 他们在捍卫自己的信仰。】;(在法庭上)为…辩护,当…的辩护律师【I can't afford a lawyer, so I shall defend myself. 我请不起律师,所以我将在法庭上自辩。】;(运动比赛中)卫冕;蝉联冠军【He will defend his 1,500 metre title this weekend. 他会在周末1500米比赛中争取卫冕。】;(在体育比赛中)防守,防卫【In the last ten minutes of the game, we needed to defend. 我们得在比赛的最后十分钟内进行防守。】

4918. defendant:/dɪˈfendənt/ n.被告,被告人【We find the defendant not guilty. 我们认为被告无罪。】

4919. defensive:/dɪˈfensɪv/ adj.防御性的,防卫性的【These are purely defensive weapons, not designed for attack. 这些是纯粹的防御性武器,并不是用来进攻的。】;自卫的;戒备的,怀有戒心的【When asked about his decision, he got very defensive. 当被问及他的决定时,他表现得戒备心很强。 // There's no need to get so defensive! 完全没有必要如此有戒心。】;(比赛中)防守性的,防守的【He's currently the best defensive player on the team. 他目前是队里最好的防守队员。】;

4920. injurious:/ɪnˈdʒʊəriəs/ adj.有害的【Smoking is injurious to health. 吸烟有害健康。】<相关记忆 No.3469 injury>

