英文演讲:The Escape From Reality

英文演讲:The Escape From Reality


Why do so many people on the planet right now medicate themselves, they medicate themselves with too much technology, they're medicating themselves in front of that white screen, checking the smartphone a hundred and ten times every day. That's not checking your technology, you know what that is, that's an addiction, and an escape from what is.


And if you said to most people, did you know you're addicted to your smartphone, did you know you're addicted to your notifications, addicted to your television, did you know you're addicted to your excuses, addicted to gossip, did you know you're drinking too much alcohol because you're addicted to it, did you know that this is all a flight from what is, because deep down inside the deepest unknown part of you knows that you're in pain over potential unlived. They would fight you to the death. 


Deep down inside I believe most people on the planet are heartbroken. Why? Because they've betrayed the visions, ambitions, values and mission in their heart, they've betrayed their talent by buying into the mass hypnosis that the world has sold them. And they're 35 and they're 45 years old, and they're just no no, this is what everyone does, and they just check check check check check. 


  • 1574923eexs

    this is a great article ,I hope every one like it .

  • 1574923eexs

    that's so useful ,I would repeat this article !