I want to thank the president and the Dean Chun.Thank you, Alex, a razorback fan from little rock, Arkansas, for getting us started. Thanks to Alexis and Josh for your comments and introduction. Thanks to all of the family and friends here today for allowing me to share this happy occasion. And good afternoon to everyone joining us by livestream from around campus.
谢谢大家。我很高兴参与今天的活动,与大家共享这一美妙的时刻。很遗憾,今年的仪式不能在室外举行,但这个礼堂让人感到十分亲切。感谢耶鲁大学校长Peter Salovey和Marvin Chun院长的盛情邀请。感谢主持人Alex同学。感谢各位毕业生的亲友亲临现场,感谢各位通过网上直播收看毕业典礼的同学们。
But most of all, congratulations to the Class of 2018. I am thrilled for all of you, even the three of you who live in Michigan and didn’t request or absentee ballots in time.
But before I go any further, I want to be sure,did the students from the New Colleges make it here? I worried that your flights might be delayed. Sorry Franklin and Pauli Murray, I heard you had agreat first year.
在我开始正式演说之前,我想确认一下Pauli Murray和Benjamin Franklin学院的同学今天是否到场?(这两个学院距离耶鲁校园中心最远)我担心你们赶来的“航班”可能会延误。
👍👍🎧📚very nice 😊