小王子 Little Prince-13– Looking for a Well

小王子 Little Prince-13– Looking for a Well



准确字幕——超级词力 精听记录,倾情奉献!

It was now the eighth day since mycrashing landing in the desert. And I listened to the story about the fox. As Iwas drinking the last drop of my water supply.

"You know, the roses in thegarden bloom. No one has tamed them, and they haven't tamed anyone. They arebeautiful but they’re empty, one couldn't die for them. But my rose is moreimportant. Since she is the one I watered, she's the one I put under glass,she's the one I listen to when she complained or when she boasted. She is myrose."

"Your memories are very pleasant,but I haven't yet repaired my plane, I have nothing left to drink. "

"But my friend fox toldme..."

"Little fellow this is nothing todo with the fox, we'll going to die of thirst."

"He doesn't realize the danger."I said to myself. He has either hungry or thirsty, a little sun light is enoughfor him. But the little prince looked at me, and answered my fault.

"I'm thirsty, too. Let's find awell..."

It is absurd looking for a well, atrandom, in the vastness of the desert. But even so we started walking. And whenwe had walked for several hours in silence, night fell, and the stars began toappear. I noticed them as in a dream in somewhat feverish on account of my thirst.

"The stars are beautiful, becauseof a flower you don't see. The desert is beautiful. But what makes thedesert beautiful is that hides a well somewhere. "

As the little prince was falling tosleep, I picked up my armsand started walking again. I was moved. It was as if I was carrying a fragiletreasure. Actually seemed to me there was nothing morefragile on all Earth.

  • 给予xr

    感觉每一节字幕都有错 最后那里应该是picked him up in my arms吧

  • aijissbb


    听友210016366 回复 @aijissbb: Good

  • 盛夏光年_gl

    i am lonely