The Little Prince 13

The Little Prince 13


关注微信订阅号:ienglish521 回复:小王子,获取相应《小王子 | The Little Prince》原版电子书。

It was now the eighth day since my crashing landing on the desert. And I listened to the story about the fox. As I was drinking the last drop of my water supply. 
"You know, the roses in the garden bloom. No one has tamed them, and they haven't tamed anyone.  They are beautiful but empty, one couldn't die for them. But my rose is more important. Since she is the one I watered, she's the one I put under glass, she's the one I listen to when she complained or when she boasted. She is my rose."
"Your memories are very pleasant, but I haven't yet repairing my plane, I have nothing left to drink. "
"But my friend fox told me..."
"Little fellow this is nothing to do with the fox, we'll going to die of thirst."
"He doesn't realize the danger. "I said to myself. He has either hungry or thirsty, a little sun light is enough for him. But the little prince looked at me, and answered my fault. 
"I'm thirsty, too. Let's find a well..."
It is absurd to look for a well, at random, in the vastness of the desert. But even so we started walking. And when we had walked for several hours,in silence. Night fell, and the stars began to appear. I noticed them as a dream in some what feverish  **** 】my thirst. 
"The stars are beautiful, because of a flower you don't see.  The desert is beautiful. Want makes the desert beautiful is that hides a well somewhere. "
As the little prince felling to sleep,  **** 】to arms. And I start to walking again. I was moved. It was as if I was carrying a fragile treasure.  **** 】seem to me is nothing more fragile on all Earth. 

  • 听友81053291


    孙梵卓 回复 @听友81053291: well,I thought so

  • x玩世不恭


    雨点_04 回复 @x玩世不恭: 我也是好入迷了,反复反复再反复听

  • sophia_GqO

    either 应该是 neither。他既不会感觉到渴也不会饿

  • 清凉世界_01

    13-2:As the little prince was falling asleep, I picked him up in my arms and started walking again/Actually seemed to me, it was nothing more fragile on the earth

    丝黛赫尔 回复 @清凉世界_01: 听了好几遍不知道为啥最后一句感觉就是as seemed to me is nothing more fragile on earth .您觉得呢?还是因为读音的省略所以导致的完全听不到it和the?

  • 美人隔秋


    向日葵_brt 回复 @美人隔秋: 哈哈

  • 相信相信本身

    好好听 我中毒了

  • 清凉世界_01

    13-1:crash/but they are empty/I've watered/memory is/We...we are going/He is never hungry/sunlight/my thought/absurd looking/and stars/them as in a dream/being somewhat feverish on account of/ But(应为What/that) makes the desert beautiful is that it hides a well somewhere

  • fp34yk2uidnm92e88p9z


  • Elena妙

    the little prince

  • 18201988dvh
