托福 | 朗读版:每天应该早点儿上课还是晚点儿上课?

托福 | 朗读版:每天应该早点儿上课还是晚点儿上课?



- 作文题:

Some people think it is the best approach for students to learn if school start the day at an early time in the morning. But someone think the school should start the day at late time. Which one do you prefer? Use specific reasons and detailed examples to support your answer.

- 中心论点:

I think students learn better if school starts the day at late time.

- 范文主体段:

Students should go to school at late time because kids’ brains are actually wired for a later daily start time than adults.

Scientists found out that an average person undergoes four or five sleep phases on a typical night and adolescents tend to delay their sleep phases.

We often notice when parents are already sleepy at night, their little “night owls” are still jumping around. In mornings, parents describe getting their kids to wake up as “mission impossible”. It would take forever for children to get out of their bed until parents would have done exercising or getting ready for themselves or cooking breakfast. 

Therefore, schools delaying the first bell is actually in accordance with the circadian cycles in adolescence.

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