你会给老美开会吗?briefing, same page, off topic, recap

你会给老美开会吗?briefing, same page, off topic, recap


你知道吗?“文山会海” 不只是中国官僚机构的专利,在美国大公司工作也是一样!如果你要主持会议,有哪些重要的说法会用到的呢?

1. Thank you all for coming. Let's get started. First of all let me brief you about the background of this topic, so we are on the same page


2. 如果会议中有人跑题了,大谈毫不相干的事 -That is a bit off topic. We can take it off line.  Let's get back on track。 For the interest of time, let's Move on to next agenda

3. We are running short of time. Let's recap,   Thank you all for participation

 ! 此处有坑: 由于文化差异, 老美think out loud to show participation 老中think before speaking, 给老板的感觉不积极参与。 So bring out your half-baked ideas!

  • 听友105383905

    It is a nice topic. I do learn a lot. I hope you could publish your talk in some way,so that some peoples can learn more about the key words.

    航海佳 回复 @听友105383905: thank you for the suggestion, I will think about it