汽车?没那么简单!Switch the gear, Under the hood...

汽车?没那么简单!Switch the gear, Under the hood...



1.Middle of the Road (中间路线): 

   - I am neither republican, nor democratic, I am walking in the middle of the road

2. On the Same Boat (同一条船上):

    - From Boston to New York, we are all on the same boat, facing the storm

3. Switch the gear (换挡 - 转换话题): 

    - Let's switch the gear to talk about your family, how are they doing?

4. Under the hood (引擎盖下面 - 葫芦里卖什么药, 背后里面如何运作

    - Let's look under the hood to see how this computer system works

5.  The rubber hits the road (轮胎橡胶和道路相碰,付之于实践)

- Don't just learn,use it,Use  what you have learned in your daily life. Letthe rubber hits the road!

  • Heping180

    Finally, I get here. Learn from teacher Fang Fang.

    航海佳 回复 @Heping180: Glad you are here, thank you for listening!