这个年就这么过完了。为了年前的回乡和年后的返城,不少小伙伴们辛苦地奔波在高速公路上,希望都能平安到家。 如果您要是在北美公路上开车,相关的英语方言可是关乎到生命安全的哟!介绍几个常见的:
1. Hit the road: 马上出发了
2. Beat the traffic: 避开堵车
3. Switch the lane: 换道
4. The road is backup: 道路拥堵
5. Stuck in traffic: 堵在路上
6. Pull over: 路肩停车
7. Tailgating: 追尾
8. Cut off: 强行并道
回乡和返程的路不容易啊, 那就放平心态,打开音乐,无问西东, just go with the flow, turn on the radio, enjoy the my talk show
航海佳 回复 @听友105383905: 谢谢回复!
Cool~I learn a word“pull over” which would be very important for the drivers because the policemen have the gun in America🙃