英国首相里希·苏纳克 | 我的国家医疗服务体系改革计划

英国首相里希·苏纳克 | 我的国家医疗服务体系改革计划


This is my family pharmacy where I worked as a kid, helping my mom, while my dad was an NHS GP down the road. And it's where I saw first hand the incredible sense of service that runs through all our NHS. And indeed, it was that dedication that got the country through the pandemic.这是我家附近的药房,我小时候就在这里帮助我母亲,而我的父亲则是一名NHS的全科医生。在这里,我亲眼目睹了NHS(国民医疗服务体系)极强的服务意识。事实上,正是这种奉献精神帮助国家渡过了大流行病的难关。
But also the NHS was battling Covid. Lots of treatments that normally would have taken place were either delayed or canceled.但与此同时,NHS也在与新冠病毒斗争。所以许多正常情况下会进行的治疗要么被推迟,要么被取消。
For example, the number of people being referred to hospital appointments went down by 79%. The number of people being seen for urgent cancer treatment went down by 56%, and when it came to GP, we saw 30 million fewer appointments than we normally would have seen.例如,转诊到医院就诊的人数减少了79%。接受癌症紧急治疗的人数减少了56%,而就全科医生而言,我们的预约人数比正常情况下少了3000万。
All of that contributed to a rise in the post pandemic backlogs and an increase in the waiting lists. And that's why I put the NHS at the heart of my five priorities when I first got this job and what is plan?这些都导致了流行疾病后积压病例的增加和候诊名单的增加。这就是为什么我一上任就把NHS列为五大优先事项的核心。
Well, it starts with record funding and the NHS this year will have 35% more cash than it did at the start of the parliament.首先是对NHS创纪录的资金投入,NHS今年的资金投入将比议会成立之初增加35%。
Next, it's about making sure the NHS has the staff it needs and that again, record numbers 100,000 more clinical staff in the NHS today than that were the beginning of the Parliament, including delivering on our manifesto commitment about 50,000 more nurses.其次,我们要确保NHS运转所需的员工,今天,NHS中的临床员工比议会成立时增加了10万人,创历史新高,其中包括履行我们的宣言承诺,增加了5万名护士。
But crucially, I also wanted to make sure that we train more doctors and nurses here at home rather than being reliant on people coming from overseas for the first ever time. We now have a long term workforce plan that is funded and is dramatically increasing the number of doctors, nurses and everyone else that the NHS needs. So have the staff for years into the future.但至关重要的是,我还想确保我们在国内培训更多的医生和护士,而不是依赖海外人才。我们现在有一个长期的劳工计划,该计划资金充足,正在大幅增加医生、护士和NHS所需的其他工作人员的数量,未来几年的工作人员配比也是如此。
But I think we all know that that's not enough. We know they just need to pump more money in. We need to have an agenda to do things differently, to get you the care that you need.但我们都知道这还不够。他们只需要投入更多的钱,而我们需要有一个议程,以不同的方式做事,让你们得到所需的理疗护理。
And that's why we're now making it possible for you to go and see your pharmacists, like my mum, for you or your children, when you have one of seven common ailments like a sore throat, ear infection, go straight to your pharmacist. You don't need to see your GP. They can give you the medicines that you need, saving you time.这就是为什么我们现在可以让你去找药剂师,就像我妈妈一样,当你或你的孩子得了七种常见病之一,如喉咙痛、中耳炎时,你就不需要去看全科医生,直接去药剂师那里,他们可以为你们提供所需的药物,节省你们的时间。
And next choice when your GP now refers you for onward treatment, you have a choice of where you'd like to have that treatment, and that may well include the independent sector too. And by doing that, we're making life easier for you, getting the care you need faster.下一步,当全科医生转介你接受后续治疗时,你可以选择在哪里接受治疗,其中也可能包括独立医疗机构。通过这样做,我们让你的生活更轻松,更快地获得所需的治疗。
Third, surgical hubs and community diagnostic centers are innovative, innovative ways that we can deliver elective surgery or get you the to test and scans that you need closer to home and faster. And that's why we're rolling out hundreds of these across the country. They're already making a difference and helping us tackle the backlog.第三,外科中心和社区诊断中心是创新的方式,我们可以就近、更快地为你提供选择性手术或所需的检查和扫描。因此,我们正在全国范围内推出数百个这样的中心。它们已经在发挥作用,帮助我们解决积压的问题。
And then lastly, better use of technology, whether that's using AI to help doctors, interpret scans or indeed improving what you can do on the NHS map, where 30 million people are already taking advantage of what the functionality that we've injected.最后,更好地利用技术,无论是使用人工智能来帮助医生、解读扫描结果,还是切实改进NHS站点地图的事情,已经3000万人在利用我们注入的功能。
So that's our plan for the NHS. How are we doing? I want to be completely honest. Out of all the five priorities I set out when I first got this job, the NHS is the area where we've not made as much progress as I would have liked.这就是我们为NHS制定的计划。我们做得怎么样?老实说,在我上任之初设定的五个优先事项中,NHS是我们进展不如人意的领域。
And I know that that's had an impact on you and your family. Obviously strike last year didn't help, but at the start of this year, I really believe that we have turned a corner and there are signs that our plan is working now.而且我知道这对你和你们的家人造成了影响。显然,去年的罢工也无济于事。但在今年年初,我相信我们真的已经转危为安,也有迹象表明我们的计划正在发挥作用。
Data out just today shows the waiting lists have now been falling for five months in a row. When it comes to the number of people receiving cancer treatment right now, there are more people than ever before getting that vital treatment.今天刚刚公布的数据显示,等候治疗名单已经连续五个月呈下降趋势。就目前接受癌症治疗的人数而言,接受这种重要治疗的人数比以往任何时候都多。
Army and ambulances. Obviously, this is not where any of us would like it to be. But this winter we saw that waiting times were down compared to last winter. That's the first time that's happened for over a decade.军队和救护车,显然这不是我们任何人都希望看到的。但今年冬天,我们看到等候时间比去年冬天有所缩短,这是十多年来第一次出现这种情况。
Dentist I sent out a recovery plan in January. We've already seen 400 more dentist practices offering NHS dentistry and helping us get to our target of 2.5 million more appointments.牙医方面,我于一月份发布了一项恢复计划。我们已经看到有400多家牙医诊所提供NHS牙科服务,帮助我们实现了增加250万预约量的目标。
On GP appointments, we've hit our manifesto commitment to deliver 50 million more primary care appointments.在全科医生预约方面,我们已经兑现了宣言中的承诺,即增加5000万次初级保健预约。
So I know there's an enormous amount more to do to deliver for you and your family, but hopefully that gives you some reassurance that we are making progress and you're starting to see that change. But I want to make sure we do that.我知道要为你和你们的家人提供服务,还有大量工作要做,但我们正在取得进展,你们也开始看到这种变化,希望这能让你们放心。但我要确保我们做到这一点。
In contrast, what's the alternative to that plan and the progress we're making? What would life under labor look like?相比之下,我们的计划替代方案和我们正在取得的进展是什么?工党统治下的生活会是什么样子?
Well, the NHS is devolved in Wales, which means it's entirely the responsibility of the Welsh Labor government. And indeed, Keir Starmer has described Wales as a blueprint for how he wants to run the rest of the country.在威尔士,NHS已经下放,这意味着它完全由威尔士工党政府负责。事实上,基尔·斯塔默曾将威尔士描述为他希望如何管理全国其他地区的蓝图。
So let's have a look at that. When it comes to wait times. They are longer in Wales than they are in England. Indeed, for the longest wait, people waiting two years for their treatment for example, there are still thousands of people in Wales in that situation, whereas in England we've virtually eliminated the number of long waiters.让我们一起来看一下。说到等待治疗时间,威尔士的等待时间比英格兰更长。事实上,以等待时间最长的治疗为例,人们需要等待两年,威尔士仍有成千上万的人处于这种状况,而在英格兰,我们几乎消除了长期等待者数量的现象。
Indeed, right now 1 in 5 people in Wales is sitting on an NHS waiting list. And when it comes to A&E, Wales has the worst performance in Britain. So that is the reality of what life under labor looks like when it comes to the NHS.事实上,现在威尔士每5个人中就有1个人在NHS的候诊名单上。而在急诊室,威尔士的表现是全英国最差的。因此,这就是在劳工管理下NHS的现实状况。
And it shows why it's so important that we stick to our plan. That is starting to deliver the change that we all want to see and not go back to square one.这也说明了为什么必须坚持我们的计划,那就是开始实现我们都希望看到的改变,而不是回到原点。

