



A:I’am the ocean.  A:我是海洋

A:I’m water.  A:我是水

A:I’m most of this planet.  A:我覆盖了大部分地球

A:I shaped it.  A:我塑造了他

A:Every stream, every cloud, and every rain drop.  A:每一条河 每一朵云 每一滴雨

A:It all comes back to me.  A:都将重回我的怀抱

A:On way or another, every living thing here needs me.  A:不管怎样 地球上所有的生物都需要我

A:I’m the source.  A:我是源头

A:I’m what they crawled out of.  A:所有的生命都来自于我

A:Humans? They’re no different.  A:人类 他们没有什么不同

A:I don’t owe them a thing.  A:我不欠他们

A:I give. They take.  A:我付出 他们索取

A:But I can always take back.  A:但是我可以随时收回

A:That’s just the way it’s always been.  A:这是一直以来的自然规律

A:It’s not their planet anyway.  A:毕竟这不是他们的星球

A:Never was. Never will be.  A:以前不是 以后也不是

A:But humans, they take more than their share.  A:但人类 他们贪得无厌

A:They poison me, then they expect me to feed them.  A:他们毒害我 然后还想让我继续养活他们

A:Well it doesnt work that way.  A:这怎么可能

A:If humans wants to exist in nature with me and off of me.  A:如果人类想在大自然中与我共存 赖我而生

A:I suggest they listen close.  A:我建议他们听仔细

A:I’m only going to say this once.  A:我只说一次

A:If nature isn’t healthy, humans won’t survive.  A:如果没有健康的大自然 人类将走向灭亡

A:Simple as that.  A:就这么简单

A:Me, I could give a damn, with or without humans   A:至于我 有没有人类都无所谓

A:I’m the ocean.  A:我的海洋

A:I covered this planet once.  A:我曾覆盖过整个地球

A:And I can always cover it again.  A:我也可以再次把它全部覆盖

A:That’s all I have to say.  A:这就是我要说的

