China Daily 中国日报中英双语热词_新疆自贸区

China Daily 中国日报中英双语热词_新疆自贸区

构建新发展格局 build a new development pattern
坚持党的全面领导 uphold overall Party leadership
推动高质量发展 promote high-quality development
积极发展新兴产业 actively develop emerging industries
推进中国式现代化 promote Chinese-style modernization
亚欧黄金通道 a "golden channel" between Asia and Europe
深入推进制度型开放 further promote institutional opening-up
中国(新疆)自由贸易试验区 Xinjiang Pilot Free Trade Zone (FTZ)
国内国际双循环 "dual circulation" of domestic and international markets
让自贸试验区更好发挥示范作用 to enable pilot FTZs to better play an exemplary role
推动全产业链创新发展 promote innovative development of the entire industrial chain
加强改革整体谋划和系统集成 strengthen overall planning and systematic integration of reform
高标准对接国际经贸规则 align domestic rules with international economic and trade rules by high standards
立足资源禀赋、区位优势和产业基础 base on the resource endowment, geographical advantages and industrial foundation
