China Daily中国日报中英双语热词_高新技术产业(1)

China Daily中国日报中英双语热词_高新技术产业(1)

生物医药 biomedicine
卫星导航 satellite navigation
超级计算机 supercomputers
载人航天 manned spaceflight
量子信息 quantum information
大飞机制造 airliner manufacturing
核电技术 nuclear power technology
新能源技术 new energy technology
探月探火 lunar and martian exploration
能源科技创新 energy technology innovation
深海深地探测 deep sea and deep earth probes
自主知识产权 independent intellectual property rights
进入创新型国家行列 join the ranks of the world's innovators
战略性新兴产业发展壮大 boost emerging strategic industries
全球首座第四代核电站 world's 1st 4th-generation nuclear power plant
基础研究和原始创新不断加强 grow stronger in basic research and original innovation
一些关键核心技术实现突破 make breakthroughs in some core technologies in key fields

生物技术 biotechnology
人工智能 artificial intelligence
高端装备 high-end equipment
新能源、新材料 new energy, new materials
高科技产业集群 high-tech industrial clusters
中国国际高新技术成果交易会 China Hi-Tech Fair
以科技创新为引领 take scientific and technological innovation as the lead
国家高新技术产业开发区 national high-tech industrial development zones
加快构建现代化产业体系 accelerate the development of a modern industrial system
促进传统产业转型升级 boost the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries
加快培育世界级高端产业集群 accelerate the cultivation of world-class high-end industrial clusters
加强关键核心技术攻关 intensify research to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields
推动战略性新兴产业融合集群发展 promote the integrated and clustered development of strategic emerging industries
不断提升国际经济中心地位和全球经济治理影响力 continuously promote status as an international economic center and its global influence in economic governance

