China Daily中国日报中英双语热词_银发经济(1)

China Daily中国日报中英双语热词_银发经济(1)

银发经济 silver economy
老龄化社会 an aging society
人口老龄化 aging population
精神慰藉 spiritual consolation
养老金账户 pension accounts
基本养老服务 basic elderly care
适龄劳动人口 working-age population
基本养老保险 basic pension insurance
养老理财产品 old-age financial product
国家统计局 National Bureau of Statistics
老龄工作体制 elderly-care work mechanism
国家老年大学 The Seniors University of China
居家养老上门服务 at-home care services for the elderly
退休人员基本养老金 the basic pension payments for retirees
新时代老龄工作 efforts to tackle population aging in the new era
发展养老事业和养老产业 develop elderly care programs and services
优化孤寡老人服务 provide better services for elderly people who live alone

1.2老年人elder people
1.3人口老龄化 ageing
1.4老龄化社会aging society
1.5老龄社会aged society
1.6超老龄社会hyper-aged society
1.7老龄产业aging industry
1.8老龄产业通用基础标准aging industry common basic standard
1.9老龄产业支撑保障标准aging industry support and assurance standards

2.1高龄老人80 plus senior citizens
2.2空巢老人the empty nester
2.3孤寡老人the lonely elderly
2.4失独老人the elderly lost only child
2.5特困老人the low income elderly
2.6低保老人the social welfare elderly
2.7居家老人the elderly live at home
2.8自理老人the self-care elderly
2.9失能老人the elderly with disabilities
2.10失智老人the dementia elderly
2.11介助老人device-helping aged people
2.12介护老人under nursing aged people

3.1机构养老institution for senior care
3.2社区养老community senior care
3.3居家养老home senior care
3.4社会化养老social senior care
3.5旅居养老travel senior care
3.6普惠养老generic policy care
3.7社区嵌入式养老服务embedded community senior care
3.8智慧养老AI senior care
3.9联网+养老internet+ senior care
3.10公建民营public facilities operate privately
3.11公办民营government-constructed private operation
