



'Well,'he said,'that story is finished.We shall never see Mr Hyde again.'
'I hope you're right,'said the lawyer.'Did I tell you? I once saw Hyde too and had the same strong feelings of dislike for him as you did.What an evil man!'
'I agree,'said his friend.'By the way, why didn't you tell me that our mysterious door led to the laboratory at the back of Doctor Jekyll's house?I didn't know then,but I know now.'
'Well,now that you know,let's go into the courtyard and look up at his window.I must tell you,'I'm worried about poor Jekyll.Perhaps the sight of a friendly face will do him good.'
Overhead the evening sky was bright,but the courtyard was cool and dark.At an open window of the study above the laboratory, Doctor Jekyll sat, like a prisoner staring at the world outside.
'I hope you are better,Jekyll,'the lawyer called up to him.
The doctor shook his head sadly.'I'm not well,Utterson,'he said.'I shall not be here much longer-thankGod.'
'You spend too much time indoors!You ought to get out into the fresh air like Enfield and me… By the way, this is my cousin, Mr Enfield… Come now-get your hat and join us for a quick walk.'
'You 're very kind,'said the doctor.'But no, it's quite impossible. I would like to invite you and Mr Enfield inside,but the place is not very tidy…'
'Well then,'said the lawyer gently,'we can talk to you from here.'
'That's an excellent idea-'began the doctor,with a smile.But suddenly the smile left his face and was replaced by an expression of hopelessness, fear and horror.The two men below saw it,but only for a second, as the window was shut with a bang.


1. happen:凑巧;hap+(p)en

2. study:书房

3. horror:恐惧


1. do someone good:让某人好受

2. join us for something:和我们做某事

  • 教海扬帆


  • F伏龍L

    hap happen happy

  • 艾我所爱爱

  • lily婧


  • kevin20142014
