



'What will I do,'I thought,' Hyde takes control?'I thought about the drug. Once,in the early days,it had failed completely, and sometimes I had had to take a double dose before I changed into Hyde.Now,however,it was quite easy to become Hyde-the problem was to become Jekyll again after my adventures.My good self and my evil self were fighting for my mind and body-and my evil self was winning.
I knew I had to choose between the two, and I chose DoctorJekyll. Perhaps I was not wholly serious about this,however,because I did not sell Hyde's flat or destroy his clothes. For two months I lived the life of a quiet and responsible man. But soon I began to miss Hyde-his strong young body, his love of life and his dark adventures in the narrow, nameless streets of London.One night, when my life as Jekyll seemed imposslbly dull and boring, I mixed a dose of the drug and drank it.
It was like opening the door of a cage and letting a wild animal escape.That night I became a madman, and beat Sir Danvers to death-for no reason at all.I felt only a wild delight asI hit his body again and again. Afterwards I ran to the flat and destroyed all my papers. I was not ashamed of my crime. Instead I was filled with a high,sweet excitement. I relived the murder as I walked back home through the streets. I felt strong and masterful…Edward Hyde had a song on his lips as he mixed a dose of the drug.'Your very good health, Sir Danvers!'he laughed as he drank.A moment of terrible pain,then poor Henry Jekyll fell to his knees and begged God to forgive him.
Once again I led a busy,responsible and almost happy life…until one fine,clear January day. I was sitting on a seat in the park,enjoying the sunshine,when suddenly I felt deathly sick.I began to tremble all over. Soon, however, I felt well again-not only well, but young,strong and fearless. I looked down; my clothes were suddenly too big,the hand on my knee was the bonyhairy hand of Edward Hyde. It was so sudden.One moment I was a famous and popular doctor,the next I was a violent criminal who was wanted for murder.


1. adventure:冒险

2. destroy:毁灭(des消灭+troy特洛伊)

3. dull:呆板

4. delight:乐趣

5. relive:回味

6. masterful:掌握局面的

7. deathly:死一般地

8. bony:骨瘦如柴的

9. hairy:毛茸茸的


1. have a song on someone's lips 某人哼着小曲儿

2. fall to someone's knees 某人下跪



  • iPanda_o3

    突然觉得Hyde这个名字另有深意 ,似乎有hide的意思

    孙亮 回复 @iPanda_o3: 有思想

  • F伏龍L


  • 1001_Night


  • 21世纪报

  • 移动的喵


  • 首农郑玉宝


  • 首农郑玉宝

    打卡打卡 期待故事结束😄

  • 摩尼宝在莲花心
