


一, 原文文章:

I inherited a large fortune,a strong healthy body and an excellent mind. I was naturally hard-working and soon I was extremely successful in my chosen work as a scientist.Although I was still young,important people came to me for advice.At an age when most young men are going out and having fun, I was behaving like a grey-haired old man.

This was not easy for me.The outside world saw a serious,hard-working doctor. Behind this quiet character, however,was an active, fun-loving young man-about-town. This, of course, was nothing to be ashamed of, but I did not realize that at the time. I was ashamed, and I soon learned to keep my two lives separate.
I was not dishonest in any way.Both these people were me.The serious, successful young doctor was me, and the wild,fun-loving,irresponsible young man was me too.I thought about this for a long time and slowly I realized that I was not extraordinary in this. Every man has two sides to hischaracter. He is two people.They live together-often uncomfortably in the same body.
'How fantastic,'I thought, if I could separate these two characters and give my fun-loving side his freedom.Then hecould go out and enjoy himself unashamedly and leave serious,studious Doctor Jekyll to get on with his important, life-savingwork.'
'Was it possible,' I wondered,'to find a drug that could give each side of my characier its own separate face and body?'
After much thought and careful study I believed I had found the answer.I had read many scientific books and spent many hours in my laboratory,searching for the right mixture of chemicals to make my drug.At last I had everything I needed except a special kind of salt. I bought some from a chemist,and then I was ready.
I hesitated for a long time before I began my experiment.Only a small mistake in the mixture of the drug could mean immediate death.But in the end,my wish to know was stronger than my fear.And so, late one disastrous night, I mixed everything together and prepared my drug.I watched the smoke rising from the liquid as it changed colour from red to purple and at last to green.Then, bravely,I drank every bitter drop.
  I felt a violent sickness in my stomach and a terrible pain inall my bones.The room seemed to turn round and round and I trembled with fear.Then the fear and pain disappeared and a strange, sweet feeling took its place. Wild thoughts danced through my mind. They were not good,serious thoughts. They were the wild passions of an evil and cruel stranger. But inside myself I felt younger, lighter, more carefree than ever before.'If this is pure evil,'I thought,'I like it.'


1. ashamed:羞耻的

2. irresponsible:不负责任的

3. unashamedly:毫不羞耻地

4. studious:好学的

5. disastrous:灾难的

6. bitter:苦辣的

7. trembled:颤抖的

8. carefree:无拘无束的





  • 独语斜栏_2S


  • hnl3yflu7qnjhv0i1kss


  • 今夜月色很好_1u

    这个说的应该是博士吧 不是医生 音频里有的地方翻译成医生了

    唐嘉璟 回复 @今夜月色很好_1u: 医学博士

  • xoOTOox


  • 天一娃娃


  • 1001_Night


    yllsyq 回复 @1001_Night: 太难看了

  • 心静止水_tx


    胡蝶_1v 回复 @心静止水_tx: 你长的丑

  • 心静止水_tx


  • 心静止水_tx


  • 心静止水_tx
