裴淳华 | 2023年MAG在柬埔寨的排雷工作

裴淳华 | 2023年MAG在柬埔寨的排雷工作


Imagine this was your first day in the job and you looked out there, and you thought, that is the task ahead of me for the next 12, 13 months. In there, scattered at random, are countless mines, and I have to clear that undergrowth and find them.


Today, I walked right up to where a signal had been found and a deminer was in the process of of digging this trench, approaching the red dot where the kind of center of the signal was. The excavation work is so delicate, one scrape that's too hard could mean the end of your life.


It's their lives that these teams take into their hands every day. In doing so they save thousands and thousands of other lives. And these people do this every day, all day long for eight hours.


I know that they feel fear, but I also know that they've been expertly trained. And at that moment when fear rises, you have to rely on your training and the support of your team.


We know that these little killing devices take a matter of minutes to lay in the ground. I mean, children can do it and they have done it. And yet it takes months to clear the damage if they are still in the ground and haven't yet killed anyone.


This is finite work. This is work that can be finished. When a country is contaminated post-conflict, the land can be cleared and returned safely to the population. But it takes money and it takes time. And without the international community's help, there's just no chance of these communities doing it themselves.


The Cambodians are a reserved people, with foreigners particularly. But through the reserve you can see the stakes. One woman said to me yesterday, I fear for my children every day. And you never stop fearing for them as they grow up.


And she said it very neutrally, which was in some ways more powerful than if I'd seen the fear in her eyes. It's a simple statement of fact. It's what they live with every day.


  • 阿华_0e
