读写课—My schoolbag

读写课—My schoolbag

Good morning dead judges.
And the candidate applying for praimary's greenish teacher.
It's my honor to be here and show my presentation.
Today my topic is. My school back. Now let me start.
Hello boys and girls how are you today great grade i'm great too thanks for your asking.
Are you ready for our english travel yes.
First let's see no song together now everybody stands up let's see in the morning song.
Well wonderful how lovely you are you. have beautiful voices.
Now my class look at the pound point what's on it yes a school bag
Would you like to have something fun let's have a bringing storm.
What can be put into the school back.
Say the words as many as you can boys a group girls another group ready go.
Oh books.
Notebook pencil box.
And it else boys come on candies.

Toys well my boys and goes.
You ordered a good job i'm so proud of you.
Here i have two more pictures for you can you guess what the passage is about.
Oh, maybe it's about looking for something.
Or it is about how to put things in order.
You are all good at guessing.
Now listen to the passage firstly.
Check your guess and encircle the things that mentioning the passage.
The tapees over have you got the right answer.
Grade some of you got it this passenger is about.
What is in the schoolbag and what words have you circled?
You are the first to raise ahead.
Brilliant said unpleased.
The words are story books.
Keys candies.
Toys and cute pender.
Then listen to the passage for the second time and read after it.
Try to finish look.

Choose and right.
Have you finished okay check your answer in pairs and a revise if there are some mistakes.
I see most of you have finished?
My declass if we want to ask others above the things in some places what can we say.
You're so smart what is in.
And how can we answer it.
Answer me together.
I have.
Read after me loudly.
Good pronunciation.
Now read our passage again and finished the right part.
Who wants to ride your sentence on the blackboard peter come here.
Well then please go back to your seat?
I have three keys. An egg a notebook. And a pen in my desk.
Do you like case writing.

Of course great mind think alike.
I hope all of you can pay attention to her spelling and handwriting
Okay good.
Everyone here i have attacks that need your help.
Would you like to do me a favor。
You're so kind.
Our dividend into eight groups.
Group one two three for five six seven n group eight.
Working groups to do a surrey.
Ask your group members what things are in their scoopex.
And then finish the table are now pour point.
You can walk around the class.
Eight minutes for you can we go.
Kingdom tamis up which group wants to share your results.
Wow all of you put up your hands who should i choose how about the game hot potato.
Look am a hand here is a ball?
Remember it's a hot potato so you have to pass it one by one as quickly as you can i ready.

Let's go. Okay stop.
Wow good for how lucky you are.
You're representative please come to the stage and finish the table on the blackboard.
Excellent please go back to your seat.
From there sharing we know kate had a story book and two keys in her schoolback.
John has a pencil.
A pen and three books in his school back.
All i my dear class.
How tanned flies.
It's nearly the end of our class.
Who can be the little teacher to summarize what we have learned today。
Okay jenny please.
I'll sir today we underst, and the passage and review the sentence to ask about what things are in some places.
Boys and girls you all performed them well to day i hope you can have a good habit and keep your things tidy.
Today's homework draw the things in your room and tario parents what things are in your room.

Today's homework draw the things in your room and tario parents what things are in your room.
Let's share it in our next class
So much for to day see you next week wish, you。 have her nice weekend。
bye bye。
That's all my presentation.
Thank you.
