会话课—Let's eat

会话课—Let's eat

Good morning dear judges.
I'm candidate applying for primary screw English teacher.
It's my owner to be here and show my presentation.
Today my topic is let's eat now please let me star.
Hello boys and girls how are you today great good fine. I'm fine too thanks for your asking.
Are you ready for our english travel yes.
First let's sing the song april and aporet together.
Everybody stand up.
Apple round apple read apple you see apples we appo appo i love you apples
we i love to eat.
Wow your voices are so beautiful you are so lovely my class.
Would you like to have something fun let's have a word competition.
Say the words as quickly as you can.
I'll divide you into boys and girls group.
Are you ready let's go number one one two three go.
Well girls got it.
It's bread number two.
One two three go.

Good my boys got it.
It's dusy.
And the last one.
One two three goat.
Grade kara scored it again it's egg
We see girls at the winners.
Let's clap for them my boys.
Never mind come on next time.
My boys and girls look have a picture.
Who are they.
Yes, they are our offense mike?
And his mother can you guess what they are talking about?
You can have a discussion with your partner.
Stop now let's listen to the recording to check your guessing
The recording is over have you got the right answer.
Oh, some of you got it.
We know mike is hungry and he is talking with his mother about what to eat or drink.
Then i have two more questions for you.

Question one what would mike like.
Question too what does his mother ask him to have。
You're not sure never mind listen to the dialogue again to find out the answers。
The dialogue is over the first question.
Lucy please you are the first to raise your hand. Excellent.
But how do, you. know the answer。
Yes from the sentence in our dialogue i'd like some juice.
The second question dearly please.
Don't be shy terrace your answer.
Good point sit down.
We can find the answer from the sentence have some breadth too.
We see if we want to eat or drink something how can we say?
You are so smart.
We can use the sentence pattern i'd like some.
The dialogue is about mike my class.
How about to you.
If you're hungry or thirsty what would you like.

Mary you please. I'd like some milk.
Thank you sidam please.
Bob how about you.
I'd like some eggs.
How came my class since we have learned the dialogue and the sender's pattern let's do some practices.
Firstly listen to the recording in a read after it.
Pay attention to representation and intonation.
Then working groups to finish let's play part.
Our dividend into one two three for five and the six groups.
Now let's get started. Very good. Can i help you. I okay finished.
I see most of you practiced carefully and actively.
Now listen to the dallas again and working pairs to make up a new dallas
Five minutes for you. here we go.
Okay time is up.

Who wants to share your dialogue with us.
Well hold of you put up your hand.
Who should i choose.
How about the game hot potato.
Look i'm a hand here is a bore remember it's a hot potato so you。 have to pass it one by one as quickly as you can.
Are you ready let's go.
Okay stop walled peter and your partner you're so lucky?
I'd like some muke please.
Here you are have some x too thanks.
Mother's dialogue sit and please.
My class are you still so excited about the game let's come down.
Here i have a test for you working groups.
Draw the food or drinks you like.
Then introduce them to your group's members with the sentence pardon i'd like some.
Eight minutes for you let's go. Think don't time is up.
Which group wants to share your results with us?
Group too, you. are so active.
Well then please go back to your seat.
My class what do you think of their sherry.
Oh, perfect.
Their pictures of vivid.
And they can use the sentence pattern freely and correctly.
Or i my dear class. How time flies.
It's nearly the underworld class.
Who wants to be the little teacher to summarize what we have learned today?
OK, jenny please.
Al-sam sit down please.
To day we have learned the dialogue and the sentence pattern to describe the food or drinks we want to have.
Ways in a girls to day, you all did an excellent job i hope you can know the importance of teamwork spread.
And all of you can have a healthy eating habit.
Today's homework.

Make a badalogue with your partners about the food or drinks you will like at a dinner time.
Let's share it in our next class.
So much for today see you next week wish you have a nice weekend bye-bye.
That's all my presentation thank you.
