听说课—How can I get there

听说课—How can I get there

Hello boys and goes how are you today great great great i'm great too thanks for you asking are you ready for our english travel.
Yes first let's sing the song together now everybody stands up let's sing where is the hospital.
Well wonderful how lovely you are you. have beautiful voices.
Then would you like to do something more interesting let's play again words competition.
Say the words as quickly as you can i'll divide you into two groups.
Boys group and girls group. I ready let's go. Number one.
One two three go. Great girls got it.
Its science museum.
Number two one two three go. Wow my boy is guarded. It's cinema.
And the last one.
One two three go.
Good garrett caught it again.

Its library.
We see girls are the winners.
Let's clap for them.
Boys never mind come on next time.
Here i have a picture for you who are they.
Yes, you can see wuyifan and a man。
Do you. know what they are talking about.
Shopping hobbies. Traffic lose.
You have rich imagination. Maybe you're right.
Now listen to the dialogue and check your guessing.
The tallock is over are you all right.
Oh, some of you got it.
You are so smart.
Now we know we fan is asking the man the way to the science museum.
But do you. know how can't we find get to the science museum.
You are not sure never mind listen to the dalogue again and find out the answer how can i get to the size museum.
The dialogue is over who wants to have a try lucy please
You are the first to raise your hand.
Can you read the sand is for us.
It's over there.
My boys in a ghost.
If we want to ask others the way to some place.
How can we ask.
You are so clever we can't use.
How can i get to.
And how can we answer this question.
Good point we can answer it just like.
It's over there.
It's next to you.
Read the sentence pardon loudly after me.
Good pronunciation moreover i hope you know that the people in different countries.
May walk or drive on the different size of the road.
People in china and america walk or drive on the right side of the road
however people in england and australia walk or drive on the left side of the

Okay my class.
Since we have learned the dialogue and the sentence pardon let's do some practices.
First listen and read after the tape.
Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.
Stop here i see most of you read the dialogue carefully.
Then here are some words about places and the palm point
Try to working pairs to make a new dallas with them based under dallas we have learned five minutes for you let's go.
Okay, time is up.
Who wants to share your dallas with us.
Well so many of you put up your hands?
Who shall i choose.
How about the game hot potato.
Look at my hand here is a ball remember it is a hot potato so you. have to pass it one by one as quickly as you can when i stop.
The one who is holding the potato we have the chance to have a show with your partner.
Are you ready let's go.
Okay stop.

Wow cherry and your partner you too please?
You're so lucky marvellous dialogue.
Excuse me can you help me sure how can i get to the cinema.
It's near the library.
My class i used to do so excited about the game let's come down.
Here i have a test for you six students in a group to do a rope play.
I have provided you with a map of different places on the power point.
One of the group members guides the way and the others ask the way to the place you want to go the member to use the sentence pardon you have learned in today's class.
Eight minutes for you let's begin.
Time is up who wants to have a performance in front of the classroom.
While group too, you are so active please come to the stage?
How can i get to the hospital it's next to the post office.
How can i get to the bookstore it's over there.
Well done please go back to your seat.
My class.
What do you think of their performance.
Oh super their performance is so vivid and they can use the sentence pardon
freely and correctly.

wwiidl uo you tiiiik r theh perromiidnice

Oh super their performance is so vivid and they can use the sentence pardon freely and correctly. All right my dear class. How time flies.
It's nearly the end of our class.
Who wants to be the little teacher to summarize what we have learned
Okay, jenny please.
Today we have learned the dialogue and descendants pardon to ask.
And answered the way to some place we want to go.
Boys and a ghost.
Today, you all did an excellent job.
I hope you can ask the way ply to lay and know about the difference among some countries when people walk or drive.
Today's homework go back home make up a dialogue with your parents by asking the way to someplace.
Let's share it in our next class.
So much for to day goodbye.
