听说课—Cooking class

听说课—Cooking class

Good morning boys and girls how are you today fine good grade i'm great too thanks for your asking
Are you ready for our english travel.
Boys and girls would you like to play a game with me.
Okay let's play the game simon says.
Simon says stand up. Nice try.
Simon says put up your hands.
Sit down.
Wait i didn't say simon says?
So you should not do the action. Let's try again. Simon says.
Open your mouth. Simon says.
Touch your head.
Wow how lovely you are.
My boys and girls.
We are having an english class right.

So what other classes do you。 know let's have a brain store about them?
Why isn't it goes have a pk okay have we go.
Chinese class. Maths class. Art class. BE class. Music class.
While boys wing congratulations.
Girls keep fighting maybe you can ween next time.
Look who is he.
Yes, he is our friend john?
John, has music classes too now。 he is talking with his grandfather about his music teacher.
Who is his music teacher.
Is he strict.
Let's listen to the recording and find out the answers.
The tabies over who is john's music teacher team please
Mr young.
Good is he strict.

Andy please.
No, he is funny. Good answer?
You two listened very carefully big hands.
Everybody please look at the picture carefully. What day is it. Clara please. Wednesday。
You have a good. eyesight. Look at the cylinder.
What's the day after wednesday.
Nice it's thursday.
Everybody john and his grandfather both have classes on thursday?
Do you want to know.
Okay let's listen to the recording again and find out the answers.
What does john and grandfather have on thursday.
The tape is over.
In the dialogue john's grandfather asked.
Strong what do, you. have on thursday?

What's john's answer lily please.
I have mess.
English and music. Good job?
And john also asks his grandfather.
What do? you? have on thursday grandpa?
What's the answer.
Lisa please.
I have a cooking class with grandma.
Well done wow lily and lisa did a one of a job let's applaud for them.
My class do, you. know cooking class.
Just a little bit that's okay let's enjoy a video about it.
The video is over we can see they are。
Yes we call it cooking. So in cooking class.
There will be a teacher to teach, you how to cook well.
That's why john's grandfather and grandmother have cook classes.

Now open your books please listen to the recording and follow it okay
Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
Here we go.
Wow you. read so friendly and so loudly. I like your voice.
Let him row play the dialogue.
I'll give you two minutes to prepare and try to imitate the recording you just heard. Start.
Who wants to try.
Well alice in the mike how brave you are let's get started.
Everyone do you like their performance.
I like it too they boasts it very well lets a pload for them.
My class look here are some timetables on the power point.
Please working pairs to ask an esther with new sentence partners.
What do, you. have on thursday? I have.
Five minutes for you.

Times up cool wants to share your dialogue.
Wow tell me the tony?
What do? you? have on thursdays tongue.
I have art class.
Chinese class and english class. I like art class best.
Wow you two made a good dialogue.
Any other volunteers.
Thina and lucy please. I like your dialogue.
My boy isn't a ghost.
Here is a group task for you.
Four students as a group one actor as a reporter to interview your group members about the class on thursday and the teachers.
Here are the questions.
One what do, you. have on thursday.
Two who is your teacher.
Three is he or she strict.
Then i'll ask you to show your conversations?

Are you clear eight minutes for you. here we go.
Who wants to come to the stage to show your results.
While so many of you raise your hands.
Why not play the game hot potato.
Look this is the potato is so hot that you have to pass it one by one quickly and when i say stop.
The one who is holding the potato will have the chance.
Clear have we go.
Stop maria how lucky you are。
You're four please come to the stage.
Who is the reporter okay maria you can start?
Hello, i am maria what class do you. have jenny.
Hi maria.
I have chinese class.
Who is your chinese teacher.
Mr lee.
What class do you? have cindy.
I have.
Class do you like their composition.

I like it too they have made a good composition let's a proud for them please go back to your seats.
How time flies.
Who can summarize what we have learned.
The brave boy please.
You said we have learned the new sentence partners.
What do? you? have on thursday. I have.
Good iob you listened very carefully and we also learn a new dialoque about a
young and his grandfather right.
Anybody from the dialogue with no john's grandfather has a cooking class with grandmother.
He is a good example of making good use of time.
So i hope you guys can cherish time and make good use of time to do things you like just like john's grandfather okay.
Here comes your homework please desire a timetable and you can ride down the introductions on it
