


A Nostalgic Official*

O Heaven high and bright,
On lower world shed light!
Westward I came by order
As far as this wild border
Of second month then on the first day;
Now cold and heat have passed away.

Alas! my heart is sad
As poison drives me mad.
I think of those in power;
My tears fall down in shower.
Will Inot homeward go
I fear traps high and low.

When I left home for here
Sun and moon ushered in new year.
Now when may l go home?
Another year will come.
I sigh for l am lonely.
Why am l busy only?
0 how can I feel pleasure?
I toil without leisure.
Thinking of those in power,
Can I have happy hour?
Don't I long for parental roof?
I'm afraid of reproof.
When I left for the west,
With warmth the sun and moon were blest.
When can I go home without cares,
Busy on state affairs
It is late in the year;
They reap beans there and here.
I feel sad and cast down;
I eat the fruit I've sown.
Thinking of those in power,
I rise at early hour.
Will I not homeward go
I fear returning blow.

Ah! officials in power,
There's no e'er-blooming flower.
When you're on duty long,
You should know right from wrong.
If Heaven should have ear,
Justice would then appear.

Ah! officials in power,
There's no e'er-resting hour.
Should you do duty well,
You'd know heaven from hell.
If Heaven should know you;
Blessings would come to view.
