This is not a small thing happening in a small part of Italy. This is a big thing happening in the world。这不仅仅是发生在意大利境内的一件小事,这是发生在全世界的一件大事。
It is going to die on our watch, we are responsible for this.我们会眼睁睁地看着它们(橄榄树)死去,而我们对此有着不可推卸的责任。
Is it a sense of guilt, a sense of responsibility, and obviously a profound sadness.(我们)是不是该有一种罪恶感,责任感,但显然还有一种深刻的悲伤感。
I don't think sadness really is the fullest description of what I feel.我不认为悲伤能完整地表达我的感受。
To save ourselves from ourselves from despair, we have to save the trees.为了拯救我们自己免于绝望,我们必须拯救这些橄榄树。