Little Miss Brainy 聪明小姐(上) | 原版英语童话故事

Little Miss Brainy 聪明小姐(上) | 原版英语童话故事


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Well hello everyone, I hope you are all well, and have had a good week. 


It's been very warm here in England. In fact, the other day, on Tuesday, it was the hottest day that England has ever had. So it got up to 40 degrees at Heathrow which is where there is an airport, which is a very...It's Britain's busiest airport.And it got up to 40 degrees.


Now, I know some of you are in very hot climates. Some of you are in Japan, some of you are in China, and it's very hot there at the moment.


Some of you in not so hot places. I think there's one person that's in Australia, and in Australia at the moment, it's their winter so it's quite cold.


And I know that those of you that live in hot places are very used to the heat. But as I've told you before England is a very cold country. In fact, we spend most of our time trying to stay warm.


We have central heating in our housewhich is hot water which is pumped around our house. And if you can see behind me, you can see my wood burning stove. And I like that in the winter to keep the house nice and warm. But at the moment, I haven't got a fire lit that would be crazy because it's been very very hot indeed.


But one of the things that Britain does not haveand I know some of my students this week have said "What? How crazy!" We do not have air conditioning. So we don't have air conditioning because we don't need to have air conditioning because it's a cold country.


So when houses are builtthey never put air conditioning in. Some schools will have it because it keeps students warm and cool in the summer. And shops will have it, and hotels will have it.


But in my 50 years that I've been living, I've never known any family in Britain have air conditioning in their house. Which means that when the temperature gets up to 40 degrees, it is very very hot in our houses. And if we open our windows, it's hotter outside often than it is inside.


So we don't have air conditioning. The reason why we don't bother really is that when the weather is hot, it never lasts for very long in Britain. We normally have a week or two weeks, then it gets back to normal.


And today is a sunny day and it's quite warm.And I'm teaching in a T-shirt rather than a shirt that I normally wear, but it's not really hot. But it was the hottest that Britain has ever ever known.


It was quite fun, it was quite nice because we have a paddling pool in our garden, and we have a nice barbecue. And we sit outand it's really nice you can eat out in the evening.


But on Tuesday in the afternoon, I took the dogs into my garden to give them a little run around, and it was the hottest I've ever known Britain to be. It was horrible horrible heat.


And it's alright if you can sit in eating ice lollies or playing in the garden and sitting in the shade. But it's not much fun if you're working if you're having to do lots of jobs that are outside in the heat. So, that's been my week.


And it is not a very clever idea to go outin the sun when it's really strong because you end up burning, it's very dangerous. In fact it can kill you, you have to drink lots and lots of water. It's not a very clever thing to do to go out in the midday sun.


So that's a bit of a clue as to our story today about being clever.


We are often clever in that we can be really good at things like maths. In Britain, we call it "maths", in America they call it "math" but we call it "maths". You can be really good at English. I wonder what your good at.


Now, some people are good at things where they don't really really have to use their brain all the time. When we're doing maths, we've got to work things out. When we're writing a story or doing history, we've got to really think and use our brains.


Some of us are good at other things like playing a musical instrument or drawing. But we all need to be quite good at things like English and maths.


And being clever, sometimes it's called being brainy, it means you can know lots and lots about different things. And it's a funny thing because we call this our intelligence or our IQ. Our IQ.


So we can find things really easy. Sometimes people find maths really easy, they're not like me that has to go use my fingers - that I don’t, but - I sometimes find maths a little bit tricky when I was at school. So that's called being brainy.


But what I want to say to you is that you can be brainy in other ways as well. You can be clever in other ways. Sometimes we find maths or science or history or geography or English really difficult, and it doesn't mean that we're that we're not brainy, it's just really hard.


But you can also be brainy in what you're like as a person. What we do with our brain is our IQ but we also have EQ and it's called our emotional intelligence which sounds very grand. But what it means is having tothink about how people feel, how their feeling. Not to upset people.


Sometimes we say to stand in someone else's shoes. So if you see a child in your class all alone, and looking sad and lonely, you go up and be a good friend to them. Because you understand how they might be feeling. And that's our EQ.


So being brainy is often our IQ but we can be brainy in a different way. We can be clever by helping other people or understanding how other people feel.


And sometimes being brainy is a bit of bore, it's actually sometimes it's not much fun. At school sometimes, if you're really good at something, the teacher just gives you more or more work to do. That's not so much fun.


But what I say is that we need a bit of a balance. We need to be good at some things and we work hard at it, but we also need our other skills as well. Being a good friend, being kind, understanding how other people feel, that's really important.


And we're gonna look at this story, Little Miss Brainy, we'll see whether she has emotional intelligenceor brainy intelligence, meaning that she understands how people think or whether she just knows a great deal. Should we find out.


It's quite a good picture of her. Have a little look here. Here she is. Little Miss Brainy.


So we've had lots of Misters and now we've got Little Miss, Little Miss Brainy.


Let's see what she's like. Whether we're gonna see her home? I think, last week we didn't really have a very good picture of Mr Strong's home. We only saw it when he broke the door off the hinges. Let's see if we find out about Little Miss Brainy. Okay, here we go.


Ah, well, we can see the inside of a bedroom. Would you like to have a bedroom like this? I wonder whether your bedroom looks like this. Look at the flowers on the wall, that's called wallpaper. And she's got a bedand a rug on the floor.


And what color is she? She's blue. Bit like Mr Bump. With yellow hair. And what has she got in her hair? A red ribbon, that's rather pretty, doesn't it?



「Little Miss Brainy was very brainy.


She knew an awful lot of things.」


She knew simple things such as if you want a good night's sleep, you have to go to bed.」


I think everybody knows that, don't they? If you want to have a good night's sleep, well you've got to go to bed, unless you fall asleep on the floor or on the sofa. I wonder whether you've ever done that.


Come on, Miss Brainy, that is a very simple thing.


And if you want to get up, first, you have to wake up.」


I never knew that. I'm joking. Of course I knew that if you want to get up, then first you have to wake up.


We don't normally walk around asleep. Although some people do, we call this sleep walking. It's when you're not really awake, you wake and you're walking around in the middle of the night. Sometimes it happens when you're a little bit poorly if you've got a fever.


I think I know that that if you want to get up then first you have to wake up. And I think you probably know that as well.


She knew that if you don't want to be hungry you have to eat.」


Yeah, I think that's another silly one, isn't it? If you don't want to be hungry, you have to eat.


And what is she eating? She is eating something that is very very popular in England. She is eating what we call bangers and mash.


Bangers is a name we give to sausages which are little bits of meat in a tube shape, and then we have a skin around it. And we cook them on the barbecue, or in the oven, or in a frying pan. They called sausages. I like sausages.


And mash is the potatoes and in Britain we eat a lot of potatoes. When I go to countries such as China, I eat lots of noodles and I eat lots of rice. In Britain, we cook potatoes nearly every single day. We eat a lot of potatoes. They're called our staple food, it's a food that most people will have with a meal.


And you can cook potatoes in different ways. This one has been mashed. It's been cooked, and then they broken it all upand it's made into almost like a paste. It's called mashed potato. We also have roast potatoes that we cook in the oven. We have jacket potatoes which are potatoes with their skins cooked in the oven.

而且你可以用不同的方式烹饪土豆。土豆泥就是其中一种做法人们把土豆煮熟后,再把它全部打碎,做成几乎像糊状的东西。这就是所谓的土豆泥。我们也有在烤箱中烹制的烤马铃薯我们还有叫“jacket potato”的做法将带皮的马铃薯放入烤箱烹制

And then my favorite one of all - I wonder if you can guess what it is?



