Little Miss Brainy 聪明小姐(下) | 原版英语童话故事

Little Miss Brainy 聪明小姐(下) | 原版英语童话故事


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...we call them chips.


In America, they call them fries. And they're actually from France, they're called French fries. But in Britain, we call them chips. In America, chips are potato crispswhich is what we call them.


So we have a different name. So chips in America are crisps, little potato, a snack but we call those crisps. And in England, chips are what the Americans and from most of the world call fries, French fries.


So she's having bangers and mashand in some peas which are a vegetable. Andit's one of my favorite meals. But you wouldn't want to be eating it today because it's too hot.


「Little Miss Brainy also knew lots of very clever things.」


So they've told us the simple things which were very simple, let's see if she can find out what her complicated or clever things are.


She knew that it was quite impossible for centipedesto find matching coloured shoes for all their feet.」


Do you think they're joking here? I think they are.


Acentipede.So there's a story about the centipede having 100 feetand that they would not be able to find shoes which are all the same colour matching. Centipedes don't wear shoes, they are insects. I think the writer of this story is being a bit silly.


Now, Little Miss Brainy knew so much that people got to hear about it.


They came from far and wide to ask her questions.


So here are some of the Mr Menand the Little Misses as well. Can you recognize Mr Happy right at the back? And I can recognize Mr Strong. I think the one at the front is Mr Small. I wonder if you know the names of the other Mr Men?


Mr Messy...」


Aha, we like Mr Messy!


...came to see her.」


"What can I do to keep myself messy?" he asked.」


"I know!" cried Little Miss Brainy. "Don't wash!"」


Mr Messy was delighted.」


I think that's quite a simple answer. I think you might have been able to say that. I think I might have been able to say that.


I thought Miss Brainy was very brainy. I'm not quite so sure. Let's see if she has a good answer to another question.


As Mr Messy was leaving, Mr Dizzy arrived.」


"Is there anything heavier than hippopotamus?" asked Mr Dizzy.」


"I know!" said Little Miss Brainy. "Two hippopotamuses!"」


"Is that so?" said Mr Dizzy. "I'll go and check."」


Again, that's a bit of a silly answer, isn't it? Is there anything heavier than an elephant? Yes, two elephants! It's a bit of a silly answer, isn't it? We sometimes call this "stating the obvious" meaning it's not really the answer that you want to hear.


Mr Clever arrived.」


"What color is my green hat?" he asked.」


"I know!" sighed Little Miss Brainy, nodding her head. "It's green, of course!"」


"Oh, you know so many clever things!" exclaimed Mr Clever.」


I'm not sure about this. What color is my green hat? Let me think, maybe green? It's a bit of a silly question and it's a bit of an obvious answer.


Mr Clever left, and so did Little Miss Brainy.


She had had enough of listening to such simple questions.


So, she travelled to a place called Cleverland, where she hoped that everybody would ask her some difficult questions for a change.」


So, Cleverland. Do you think everyone's clever in Cleverland?


When she got there she stopped in front of a tree.」


So here's the tree, you're in front of the tree. Oh dear. Can you see what's happened?


There was the pig sitting on one of its branches.」


"However am I going to get down from here?" wailed the pig.」


"I know!" said Little Miss Brainy. "You can jump down!"」


"Good idea," said the pigand being a Cleverland pig, he jumped...right on top of Little Miss Brainy.」


"Oh, you're not as soft as a pillow," he complained. And he trotted off.」


Oh dear. Little Miss Brainy probably didn't give the best answer then. "I know, you can jump!" It's a bit obvious. "obvious" means where it's the first answer that you think of.


Further down the road Little Miss Brainy met an elephant.」


Well, I sometimes go for a walk with my dogs, but I didn't see an elephant this morning.」


He had a knot tied in his trunk.」


So can you see the picture of the elephant? He's got a knot, like we have with a shoelace, a knot.


It's a funny word, cause look, it's got a silent "k" at the beginning.We don't say [knɒt], we say [nɒt]. It's a bit like your "knee", we don't say [kniː].


Or a "knight", a soldier, we don't say "a [knaɪt]", we just say "a [naɪt]". It's a silent letter, a silent "k".


"Please 'elp be. How cad I ud-do dis dot id by trunk?" he asked, in a funny sort of way.」


"I know," said Little Miss Brainy. "I'll undo it for you." And she did.」


"Phew!" gasped the elephant.」


So when he's speaking because he can't speak properly, rather than saying, "Please help me. How can I undo this knot in my trunk?" He says, "Please 'elp be. How cad I ud-do dis dot id by trunk?". So he doesn't speak properly becausehe's got a knot in his trunk.


And for you clever children out there, I have to tell you a secret - elephants can't really talk. Let's see what happens next.


Oh, and blew Little Miss Brainy high into the air!」


"Oh, I feel much better now," said the elephant.」


Oh dear, poor Little Miss Brainy. She's flying through the air blown by the elephant.


"I don't!" moaned Little Miss Brainy, and rubbed her head.


The elephant had blown her some distance away and she landed in front of a...」


Dot dot dot. Oh, now this is what we call ellipsis. What a very long word, isn't it? It means we're waiting to find out. Dot, dot, dot. Sometimes we say "to be continued" and she landed in front of a...


So those dot dot dot mean it's a long sound, because we're waiting's like that. Rather than just saying landing in front of a, well, can you guess what it is? Is it a bear? No.Is it a giraffe? No. Might it be a lion? I think it might be.




"I'm starving!" growled the lion."What can I eat?"」


Little Miss Brainy looked around but she could see nothing, and said quickly...」


Dot, dot, dot.


"I don't know!" And she ran home before the lion realized that she was the only thing to eat for miles around!」


So Little Miss Brainy always says the obvious answer. But in the end, she's realized that being really brainy and saying, "Well, me!" isn't going to be a good answer.


It's a Little Miss Brainyuses her IQ, her brain all the time. But right at the end of the story, she's been brainy in a different way.


She thought, "If I say 'Me!', I'm gonna be eaten up." So she's thought about it so she's used her EQ, her emotional intelligence, she's thought about itrather than just being really really brainy.


So that is the story of Little Miss Brainy. She is a clever but really her answers were very very simple.


And sometimes, like the pig, was a bit of a silly thing to say, "Well, just jump down." And then what happened, the pig jumped on her. Oh dear.


